I wanted to call out Elodin Bird but I heard a sigh. Judging from this sigh, Elodin Bird must have something on his mind.

"Bird of Elodin! I'm Luan! I'm here to see you!"

After saying hello, Lu An nodded to Nangong Yan and Yihua, and then took the lead to start walking in.


As soon as they saw the bird of Elodin, Nangong Yan and the others discovered that this colorful and beautiful bird was wiping the tears from the corners of its eyes with its wings.

Obviously Nangong Yan and the others came in quickly, which led to this scene being given to them. See, otherwise the Bird of Elodin might not reveal the previous scene to outsiders.

"why did you come……"

Before it could finish asking, a sudden voice froze it.


Looking at the"little" bird that came out from behind Luan, the bird of Elodin instantly looked ecstatic!


"Mother!!!! I miss you so much!!!"

"Where have you been during this time? I don't know how worried I am about you!"

"It's Luan who has been taking care of me!"

Hearing the little bird mention Luan's name, Elodin's bird remembered that Luan was here now.

"Luan! Thank you! Thank you for finding my baby and taking such good care of it!"

Lu An said with a complicated face:"It turns out that the little bird is really your child.……"

Although the truth was indeed what she had expected, Lu An still felt a little subtle when thinking of the bird's terrifying scream.

"Looks very different, right? But as long as this child works hard to eat and grows up quickly, he will soon have such feathers"

"Thank you so much, Luann, if it weren't for you……"

Luan shook his head:"As a member of the forest, this is what I should do."

"Speaking of which, from what you said before, you are completely unaware of our relationship?"Elodin Bird was a little confused,"Then why did you come to me with your child? Lu

An couldn't help but sigh:"Not only did I not know at first, I didn't even dare to think about it!""

Bird of Elodin:"????"

Why don't you dare to think about it?

"If these two friends of mine hadn't come up with a sudden idea and made a guess that I couldn't refute, your reunion might have taken an unknown amount of time."

Hearing Luan's words, Elodin's bird finally set its sights on the two outsiders.

"Was it because of your help? Thank you, I really appreciate you! Nangong

Yan shook his head:"We are just here to complete Lu An's commission. If you want to thank you, just thank Lu An. She has suffered a lot during this time.""

"Suffer?"Elodin's bird was a little confused. Why is it so difficult to take care of its own children?

It couldn't help but look at Luan, but Luan didn't want to explain anything because he was really tired!

So Luan changed his approach.

"In fact, I was just worried about why you haven't sang for a long time at first. Now that the reason has been found, I believe you can continue singing, right?"

Elodin Bird nodded:"I really didn't have the heart to sing before the child was lost, but now that the child is back with me, I can continue singing."

"but……"Elodin Bird said a little embarrassedly,"My throat is a little itchy now. I need to moisturize it before singing. Can you please help me collect some clean spring water nearby?"

Nangong Yan touched his chin:" It's not impossible, but do we have to collect it from nearby? I have ready-made water here." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After saying that, Nangong Yan took out a bottle of mineral water and another bottle Desert dew.

Both types of water are local products and can be regarded as high-quality pure water. Nangong Yan doesn't think they can compare with the clean spring water from the mouth of Elodin Bird.

Mineral water is also spring water, and the source of this mineral water is not ordinary, so that the water itself has the effect of replenishing magic power.

Desert dew also has the effect of replenishing magic power. Although the effect is not as good as mineral water, it should be stronger than the clean spring water in the mouth of Elodin's bird.

"Of course you can, thank you for the water."The Bird of Elodin also knows the goods. Although it has never seen desert dew, it knows the bottles of mineral water!

Just like this, the Bird of Elodin drank the bottle of water, and its throat was no longer itchy at all.

"Ahem! That’s no problem!"Just as he was about to sing at the top of his lungs for the first time in a long time, he thought of his children again.

"My child, you are old enough to sing, and then you can learn to sing from your mother!"

Lu An smiled vaguely. She wanted to see what Elodin's bird thought of the bird's singing.

"Very good! Xiaoniao also laughed happily,"Lu An always said that my singing is ugly. I think Lu An doesn't know how to teach. This kind of thing needs to be taught by my mother, a professional!""[]

Luan couldn't help gritting her teeth. She almost couldn't control her desire to go up and punch it on the head!

Elodin Bird also thought to himself: How could his own child sing poorly?

And Luan is not the kind of guy who doesn't understand singing or appreciation at all...

Maybe the child's voice is too immature?

In short, it is a mother's responsibility to teach her children to sing. She is going to give a demonstration first, and then let her children try to sing!

As Elodin's bird opened its voice, an extremely pleasant and soothing sound began to spread throughout Elodin.

Without this level of ability, the Bird of Elodin wouldn't be able to maintain the stability of the entire Elodin on its own, right?

After singing a little, the bird of Elodin stopped singing and looked at the little bird

"Come on, kid, try singing."

As soon as he finished speaking, (good) Nangong Yan, Yihua and Lu An blocked their ears.

Elodin Bird:"? ? ? young?"

What are you doing?

Then before it could react, the magic sound released from the bird's mouth poured into its ears!

Bird of Elodin:"*%*~"

It was completely unprepared for this burst of magic sound, and it felt as if its entire brain had turned into a ball of mush in an instant!

When it regained consciousness, its first reaction was……

"Hey! What kind of monster is causing trouble here?!"

Ahem, of course the original words were definitely not this sentence, but the meaning was the same.

Luan almost couldn't hold it back, but even if she didn't laugh out loud, she still suppressed her face to turn red, which also made the bird of Elodin who had been looking at her I realized something.

The strange sound that echoed through Elodin before was actually made by my own child?!.

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