“My sister is amazing! Nami, you must be happy. Noki looked at the distant ship, stunned, but sincerely wished her to find her happiness.

“By the way, this one is for you.” The doctor suddenly took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ah Jian.

“How? Give me paper, do you think I’m crying, it’s just sand in my eyes. “Ah Jian didn’t want to take it, but he saw that it was cardboard, not paper.

Or half-believing and took it: “What is the pattern here?” ”

“It’s Nami’s new tattoo, saying that it is a windmill and an orange, and there is a center circling symbol similar to [P], which she didn’t say what it was, but judging from the expression at the time, it must be very important to her, so she put it in the center, and now it seems that she can let go of the past, which is a good thing.” The doctor said with emotion.

“It’s like a little axe? …… By the way, So, Ah Jian, what about the windmill on your head? Nuo Qigao suddenly noticed that the windmill above Ah Jian’s head had disappeared.

“Now, it’s no longer needed.” Ah Jian smiled slightly, Nami was no longer a child.

In the past, Nami was still young, and Ah Jian was also fierce-looking, and every time he approached Nami, he scared the baby’s Nami and screamed.

After he put on the windmill, little Nami smiled, and over the years, he has always worn it, like a great father, guarding her side.

But now she has grown up and has a true and reliable partner by her side.

So you must live happily.

Nami is the group pet of their entire village, and everyone hopes that she will do well.

After all, she has had a hard time all these years.

Since the Evil Dragon Pirates came, today was the first time they had seen Nami smile so happily!

In the future, I will laugh like this forever!


Sailing without years and fine weather again.

Two days have passed since the village of Cocoa Yasi went to sea.

In two days, they encountered two or three pirate ships that were also on the route, sank them, and collected their treasure.

Everyone was given some treasure, not much, but once they landed on the island, it was enough for each of them to splurge it well.

For a long time after that, no one was encountered, and occasionally a ship, seeing them from a distance, was frightened and fled.

So on the Golden Melly, everyone was quite idle, except for the life-threatening training time.

In addition to Solon and Luffy, Yamaji also took the initiative to invite Ying to join the masochistic training.

Usopp saw that his scalp was numb, these guys, can’t be evaluated as normal humans at all!

And even if it is three people, when facing Reka, they are still in a state of “military training”.

But influenced by this cultivation atmosphere, Usopp also used the cannon and special slingshot in the ship every day to hone his shooting skills.

Everyone’s training time is relaxed, and the total training time in a day is not much.

The rest of the time is their own free time.

A silly news bird with a satchel and an “N” hat written on it, flew over the Golden Melly and quacked a few times.

Then it saw a guest waving on the boat, and it flew down with a bang, and then just when it thought it could sell a newspaper.

It doubted that the girl in front of it, the human being, was trying to bargain with it, a news bird that could not speak human language!

“Has the price increased again? Isn’t this newspaper a little expensive? Count me cheaper! Nami tapped the newspaper in her hand and watched the newsbird bargain.

A newspaper costs 100 Bailey, even if it is because they are at sea, it is inconvenient to buy.

But their news birds have no cost, whether they are sold on the island or on the sea, they don’t have to stop.

It is even better to say that it took the opportunity to do more business in the process of rushing.

When the news bird heard that he was haggling for a newspaper, he quickly shook his head.

“Forget it this time, I won’t buy it next time the price increases.” Nami finished counting before throwing a 100 Bailey coin into the small satchel hanging around her neck.

Even pirates, there are some rules that must be followed, such as this news bird, who wants to hunt.

No newspaper will sell them any newspaper anywhere.

No one will hunt news birds for this little money, really want to hunt wantonly, the big man known as the news bird king Morguns, will not let them go easily.

The news bird stretched out its wings and stroked his head, it is a part-time worker, there is a lot of work, no commission, people take vacations and it works overtime, so far there is not even a mother bird, this newspaper price matter, is it he can decide…

Forget it, it’s good that this newspaper was sold, and the news bird that received the money flew away without much thought.

Go back and tell the other birds to pay attention to the fact that there is a woman in the East China Sea who loves to bargain.

“One or two newspapers, why bother.” Usopp said disapprovingly, sewing up the damaged things on the deck.

“If you buy it every day, it’s amazing!”

“Don’t you already need to save money to buy back the village from the dragon? How can you still be so concerned about money! Usopp pressed another projectile and processed it super spicy.

“What a stupid thing to say, it is precisely because of that matter that it is solved that I have to make money for myself this time!” I don’t want to be a poor pirate! Nami said, pointing at Usopp.

“Okay, okay, I’m working on the latest special move, Pepper Star, be attentive, you stay away.” Usopp said.

But suddenly he felt a crackling sound above, it was the orange tree that Nami had carried onto the boat the night she took care of Reka.

Luffy was sneaking over to eat the vigorous orange, but was stopped by Sanji.

Luffy was found “stealing” the orange, startled, fell from above, smashed it on the deck, and shook Usopp’s specially prepared chili oil into the air, splashing directly into Usopp’s eyes.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Usopp spewed fire with his eyes and ran around the boat hotly!

“What’s the matter, I’ll eat one!” Yamaji is really stingy. Luffy complained.

Solon finished his cultivation and lay asleep in the shade of the ship.

Reka sits next to the orange grove and enjoys a leisurely afternoon tea time.

There are dozens of drinks to choose from such as coffee, milk, juice, etc.

There are also a variety of desserts, which will make Luffy salivate!

Exquisite life, will be the upper class two characters vividly!

After kicking his captain, Yamaji returned to his rather gentlemanly waiter appearance: “Rekasan, do you need something?” ”

“No need, whether it’s the cooking at noon or the dessert in the afternoon, it’s really a masterpiece!” Reika finally realized that there was a cook on board, and that was what made people live.

Eat, but life events, will be the days to live and the days to be lived!

His happiness index is completely different, and Yamaji’s cooking skills are indeed good.

Even just making drinks and desserts amazes Reka!

During the day, he couldn’t help but admire.

“Rekasan’s praise is the honor of my generation.” Yamaji said in a crepe.

“Sanji, you are also too partial, I also want to drink drinks and eat snacks.”

“It’s in the kitchen, take it yourself.”

“Eccentricity, it’s better for Rekasan, it’s better for women than for women, Luffy, have you noticed that Sanji is very positive for other women, but very bland for Nami, why is that?” Unless Nami calls him, he won’t step forward in person, which is also too strange! Usopp asked as he came to Luffy with tears in his eyes.

“I see, are you saying that Nami is not a woman!!! Eh!! After saying this, Luffy himself looked incredulous, as if he had suddenly discovered a new continent.

“Are you an idiot…” Usopp looked at his captain with disgust, what about his mind? Isn’t there none?

“Stupid captain, huh, don’t talk to yourself there!” Nami threw an orange and hit Luffy directly and accurately in the face.

Then Luffy opened his mouth and swallowed the orange with the skin, it was delicious!

“Hmph, you mortals, how can you understand what true love is, true love is the last thing a gentleman can interfere with, moreover, I want to live a few more years…” Sanji smoked a cigarette and looked at the sky, his thoughts racing.

“Okay, everyone, come quickly, from the map, it seems that the Great Passage can only be accessed from this Upside Down Mountain…” Nami took out the navigation chart she had stolen from Bucky the Clown earlier.

They were already approaching in this direction, and as a navigator, she needed to tell everyone about it.

Nami pointed to a location on the map and said, it was the location of the Upside Down Mountain, and after that, it was the Great Route.

“It’s so troublesome, can’t you go directly from the sea?” Solon woke up and heard Nami say this, and asked directly.

“No, the old man told me that the only way to go to the Great Voyage is to pass through there!”

“Why?” Usopp was puzzled.

“Because it’s dangerous!”

“Why is it dangerous.”

“I don’t know, the old man only said that it is dangerous!”

“I know this…” Nami, as a navigator, knew all this.

“Let’s go from the front! Sounds interesting! Luffy wanted to go straight from the front, he didn’t know what a windless belt full of giant sea kings was!

“I said, are you listening to people, saying that it is dangerous there.” Nami listened to Luffy and felt a headache.

Fortunately, the next moment Luffy shifted his target: “Let’s go and replenish some meat before heading to the Great Route!” Delicious meat, meat!! ”

With Luffy around, the food on the ship is never enough.

“Then go here…” Nami pointed to an island near the Upside Down Mountain.

“There is a very famous town on this island, Rogue Town!”

“What? Is it a famous place for meat? Luffy was puzzled.

“Alias, the town that begins and ends, I remember hearing about it.” Solon looked into the distance and answered the question pensively.

“Yes, this is the town where One Piece Goldoro was born, and it is also the place where One Piece died, go?” Nami asked.

“Go! I want to see the men who get the great secret treasure, the men who get everything in this world, the towns that are born and die! Luffy looked longing…

At this time, Rogue Town, wind and rain, a cloaked figure bathed in the storm, he stood on the high roof, looked at the execution table on the square, and calmly said to himself: “Roger, tracing your footprints and seeing the truth in a corner of the world makes me more convinced that the direction taken by the revolutionary army is correct, but this road is not easy… But thank you for the confrontation with you in the first place! It made me see the world clearly. ”

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