Just knowing his true identity already shocked the dragon!

If it is an acquaintance, or a world-famous top powerhouse.

There is enough intelligence ability, and if he discovers this, the dragon will not be too shocked.

But a person who is unknown in the world and sees himself for the first time knows that this is a secret thing in the world.

What Long didn’t expect was that in the East China Sea, he also met the old man, and the old man invited him to become a vice admiral.

Although the dragon came for the affairs of the branch this time through the East China Sea, if the time was ripe, he would consider overthrowing the rule of the Goya Kingdom.

If Karp is also in the East China Sea, when passing by, he plans to visit him.

If you can, persuade that old stubborn to join their revolutionary army.

But I didn’t expect that the man in front of him met the old man earlier than him, and the old man undoubtedly valued him very much when he prescribed such conditions!

You know, under normal circumstances, the old man would not open such a back door to any navy.

Even when he was young, when he was just mixed in the navy, the old man did not give him special treatment.

Although it is necessary to avoid suspicion, if it is good enough, there is no need to avoid these, after all, the strong are respected!

During this period, the old man occasionally opened the door to some promising young people.

But that’s because there is a need, like this time directly open the door of the vice admiral.

It was the first time the dragon had heard of it, but from the feeling after the current contact, it didn’t seem to be excessive.

This young man named Reika is indeed very good, looking at the whole world, it is also an extremely rare talent.

Pay some price to get him, absolutely blood, not to mention, he is still extremely young, the future can be expected!

But I never expected that the talent that the two of them were eager to get turned out to be the crew who had just gone to sea and Luffy!

Grandpa can’t do it, dad can’t, son and grandson, but get this world-class talent!

“Are you… Sun Tyrant?! Pirates who recently offered a reward of 100 million Bailey!? The dragon’s heart was turbulent, and after sorting out the situation, he also had a complicated expression.

Now it’s not very easy to recruit, after all, digging your own son’s corner does not seem to be kind.

Over the years, for the sake of the revolutionary army, Dragon has worked hard and has no time to accompany Luffy.

Or don’t dare, all this time, you can only watch from afar.

Uninformed people thought that his status as the leader of the revolutionary army would protect Luffy and protect his relatives.

But in fact, if he has too much contact, he will be discovered by the world government to have a relationship between them, even if there is a relationship between Karp.

It would also be difficult for Luffy to escape the fate of being used against him.

This is one of the reasons why Karp did not really force Luffy to become a navy.

Once Luffy becomes a navy, he will one day be controlled by the world government in addition to cannibalism!

The dragon owes Luffy a lot.

If such an excellent partner is by his side.

Maybe it’s good for Luffy.

Hearing Reka’s words, the dragon really didn’t have time to pay attention to the recent news.

But along the way, on some islands, I have also heard other people’s comments.

I suddenly remembered that Reka was a solar tyrant, and the information was right.

“Fate is a wonderful thing.” Long sighed slightly, their family of three had all encountered this man one after another.

They are all optimistic about him, and this fate really touches the dragon a lot.

“Since you are Luffy’s partner, it is really not appropriate to let you join the revolutionary army, but even if you are pirates in the future, we may not have the opportunity to cooperate.” The dragon smiled slightly.

One moment, he was thirsty for talent, but now he is calm.

If this is replaced by someone else’s partner, or even an old man’s disciple!

He dares to dig into corners, and there are many cadres from the navy in his revolutionary army!

But only Luffy, he felt indebted.

“Have pity on the parents of the world.” Reika smiled slightly, he could not have served the revolutionary army.

He endorsed their ideas because he came from a country that is dominated by the people!

But following them is too risky and tiring.

He doesn’t have much sense of belonging to the world, and selfishly speaking, it’s good that he can live his life.

As for changing the world or something, I never thought about it.

“But in my dream, I have seen a country dominated by people, if you are interested, I can tell you about it.”

“Then trouble you to refill an extra drink!” Long felt that this was more like a friend of his own age.

And not a young junior.

With his hands raised, he showed enough maturity, especially in thought.

“In that world, the old have something to rely on, the young have something to support, away from war, and safety is guaranteed!”

“All people are created equal, who cannot be absolutely fair, but there are enough fair channels for people to become excellent!”

“Everyone has no worries about food and clothing, they have a good education, and the crime rate has dropped dramatically!” ……

Listening to Reika depicting the so-called dream world, at first the dragon only intended to listen to it as a story.

But the more he listened, the more intense the surprise on his face, and Reika spoke too carefully.

In this world, it is as if such a fantasy kingdom really existed.

Even when Dragon heard Reka mention one of these points, he couldn’t help but ask the bottom line.

For example, how to make everyone read.

You must know that in this sea-dominated world, there are many pirates, and they seem to be relatively mentally retarded, and a big reason is that most people have not received formal education.

Even if Luffy had Da Dan and Marcino teaching, there were still many words that would be used incorrectly.

Ace learned a little better, but didn’t really have a literary background.

Only on some large islands can you see the school, but it is mostly where the children of the nobility go to school.

Reika tells the dragon how to achieve the process, first of all, to implement free, and secondly, to make the people of the world realize that reading can change their destiny.

Even if not everyone can leap through the dragon gate and soar into the sky, at least as long as they are willing to learn.

There is a high probability that you will find a suitable job in your future life.

On this basis, all walks of life must also develop, so that people can live and work in peace and contentment, and can have a sense of expectation for the future!

So that it will not become pirates as the only way out…

“Amazing! Now I really doubt that such a country is real! You tell me, this is not true! “The dragon seems to see the bright future of the revolutionary army!

They had dreamed that a world with true justice, human life, could be called fate, not a victim of Draco’s arbitrary decision!

It is not their plaything, let alone let hundreds of millions of civilians live in the flames of war because of their selfish desires.

That’s not right! They crave peace!

I just didn’t think that after the fantasy of peace, can the world dominated by people live so well?

Everyone can eat, everyone can read, everyone can live with dignity…

“As I said, it’s just a country you saw in your dreams, do you think it is possible for such a country to exist now under the world government? They want a kingdom that is subservient to them, not a kingdom with its own mind! ”

“In other words, all this is what Your Excellency Reika thinks, Your Excellency Reika, our revolutionary army really needs talents like you!” The dragon could no longer maintain Fang Cai’s calm and calm.

Get up and excitedly hold Reka’s hands.

He just asked Reika how he did it, in fact, he asked to know how Reika did what he said.

As a result, many of the answers Reka gave were unimaginable, but he had great wisdom.

If you think about it, you can see that maybe it’s really achievable!

He has the perfect answer to the law of the people and what policies to implement!

A person who has such an anachronistic, abundant, and feasible solution.

Even some of the programs and laws mentioned can to a certain extent complement or even play a leading role in the current revolutionary army.

Long had a moment of suspicion that Reika should actually be the founder of the revolutionary army.

On this path, he saw farther than he did, and it was more realistic, and if he led the revolutionary army to a certain extent, they could go further.

“Didn’t you give up just now, besides, I said, it’s just a dream!” Reika didn’t quite understand the dragon’s thoughts.

Reika hasn’t realized that some of the knowledge he has can change the world.

Ideas will always be the most powerful weapon!

Reika said this only in the hope that to a certain extent, he would give a little help and a little hope and yearning to those who dare to resist corruption.

Let them know what the world might look like if they succeed!

Reka will not be this kind of person, but admire this kind of person, within the scope of his ability, raise his hand, can help.

“That was just now! Your Excellency’s talent is far beyond my imagination! Luffy can do it himself! Our revolutionary army needs a beacon like you to guide more compatriots, as long as you are willing to agree, I can give you the maximum command in the revolutionary army! The dragon was still excited.

“Maximum command!!” Reika was also a little shocked, but he didn’t expect the dragon to be so optimistic about him, and even overturned the decision he had just made again.

Is it so valuable yourself?

Reika was a little confused for a while.

Luffy’s future may be magnificent and extraordinary, but in Dragon’s opinion, the world needs new light!

“Sorry.” Despite Dragon’s sincerity, Reika refused.

“Also, many of His Excellency’s methods can only be implemented after the chaos is over, and at present, our revolutionary army has not yet demonstrated enough strength and ability to subvert the world!” That’s why His Excellency Reika refused to agree! ”

“Please rest assured that we will definitely end the chaos of this world, and when the time comes, please wait for me to rule the world!” The dragon’s voice was all filled with respect.

Reika didn’t know why the dragon was so excited, but this topic should not be discussed in depth, lest the dragon get more excited and tie himself to the revolutionary army.

So Reka just nodded lightly.

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