It was a pair of eyes that contained many complex emotions.

Affectionate, touched and guilty, with heartfelt attachment and final satisfaction that is enough to shake people’s hearts!

This is for Yamaji, who vows to protect any lady! Definitely the pinnacle of man he has ever seen!

He had aspired to be such a man who could make every lady feel safe!

He also saw that the two were in the moment of separation, but the relationship that existed was existence.

This man is simply his idol, and he is so envious that he does not even have the slightest trace of jealousy.

A man who can make a woman let go of her reservedness and take the initiative to kiss must be the peak of a gentleman! He wanted to learn this!

It’s just that Yamaji also looks at the wrong time.

And the next second, he saw Nami hugging Reka’s waist, and then pushed Reka, who was in a state of confusion, into the sea.

Sanji was dumbfounded, what is the situation?! That kind of tender eyes can never be fake!

How willing to push him into the sea!

With a pop, the cool sea water flooded Reka’s face in an instant, and Reika woke up like a dream, but did not act in the next moment!

Instead, he let himself be immersed in the sea, looking at the clear sky, and the sunlight was slightly dazzling.

The heart is also confused!

What is the situation?! I treat you as a partner, you actually kiss me?!

“Hee-hee, I won this time, but this is my plan, don’t think about it!!” Bye!! Nami’s face turned red, but she was also generous, and took advantage of this opportunity to jerk the canvas and aim it in the direction of the wind and airflow.

With a swoosh, she drove the boat out like a deviant arrow! It quickly disappeared from view.

Nami’s happiness is not fake, since the day she met Reika, if she has any intentions against Reika, she has never taken advantage of anything during the day.

This time was the only one who took advantage of the confrontation, although the price was his first kiss, which was a bit big!

But I don’t regret it, but I feel good in my heart, especially when I see Reka’s stunned appearance just now.

She felt a great sense of satisfaction in her heart, and couldn’t help but playfully tease Reka when she left.

She is cheerful and hopeful, and no matter how difficult the road ahead, life will always go on.

“We will see you again soon, this loss, I will personally get it back.” Reika waited until Nami’s boat left, and the whole person stood up straight from the sea, as if walking on the ground.

The navies on the warship next to them were stunned: “He he he … Standing on the sea!!? ”

“Liar!!” Yamaji was also the first time he saw a person standing on the surface of the sea as if walking on the ground.

That is to say, if he wanted to chase just now, he should be able to catch up with that beautiful girl.

But he didn’t, was it respecting her choice? What a gentleman’s elegance to the extreme!

My generation is a role model!! The word popped up again in Yamaji’s mind.

“Stupid woman, if you open your mouth and are willing to rely on us, what is a dragon! I respect your choice, although it is useless, but I can’t force you only, it will make everyone who hurt you regret it. Reka knew to catch up, and Nami, who was still holding hope for the dragon.

I’m afraid I’ll still drive myself back! She didn’t want them to get involved in her business!

And she didn’t want anyone to risk it, but she forgot that not everyone will keep their promises!

Even if the evil dragon has always pretended to keep his promise, in the face of a person with such excellent navigation ability and excellent talent for the currents of the sea, which pirate group is willing to let go easily.

Although Reika decided to wait a little longer, she was still worried and a little impetuous.

“Chief Cao, what do you want to do?!” The navy gathered around the string on this side, although Captain Finbudi had previously given the order to sink the pirate ship.

But now entering the Bharati dock, the chef had just warned anyone that if another shell was fired, all the participants’ orders would be cancelled and expelled from the city.

That’s why Fang calmed down, but this pirate seems to be very unusual.

If you don’t solve it, will it cause them trouble in the future?

And did not carry out the order of Captain Finbudi, and they were also very difficult to explain afterwards!

“Take advantage of his daze and kill him!” After thinking about it again, Cao Chang gritted his teeth and said that the cannon movement and steering were too obvious.

Not suitable for any further use, he secretly called the musket team and prepared to fire a volley.

“Ants! I’m in mixed mood right now, don’t disturb my thoughts! Reika sensed the malice, raised his eyelids contemptuously, and then pointed the axe at the medium-sized warship, swinging straight and gently!

A hot dark red line of fire burst out, almost invisible to the naked eye!

With a snort, the entire naval warship was split in two vertically from the bow position.

Thundered!! The entire warship was separated, and all the navies were instantly stunned! They have absolutely no idea what’s going on!

The ship was split in two, and countless cargoes and navies swayed on board, falling into the sea like dumplings!

“Hair, hair… What is the matter, the ship is cracked, how is this possible ?! Obviously do the inspection work before sailing!! Cao Chang looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The musket team around them had not yet fired, and the sudden change made their bodies shake, and many people were shaken into the sea!

“Chief Cao, the ship has neat cuts and marks burned by high temperature, we seem to have been attacked by unknown weapons!!” A navy standing at the bow of the ship, clinging to the ship’s edge, said in horror.

“Don’t talk nonsense, how can there be such a weapon in this world!!” Cao Chang couldn’t believe it! But in a short time, they all fought in the sea.

“He did it!! What kind of monster is this?! “Others may not see anything because of their strength!

But Sanji is different, his strength is much stronger than that of many naval officers!

Take Captain Finbudi of the Navy Headquarters, for example, he could not take his second kick.

He clearly saw Reika draw the axe and attack! In this world, there are such human beings?

Or rather, is it really human!? Yamaji saw such a person for the first time in the Tokai!

Not only can it conquer a woman’s heart, but also such a wonderful and handsome appearance, as well as powerful and unparalleled power!

What a wonderful and perfect man! If you are a woman, such a man will also be the most ideal dream lover!

Reika ignored it, expressionless, stepped on the sea, and walked towards the restaurant step by step.

The sun transpires magically, and soaked clothes are dried instantly!

For him, this is just doing a trivial thing.

Like seeing a crawling ant on the side of the road, whether he steps on it or not, it only depends on his thoughts.

“Sanji, you are really lazy here again, what a busy store is! Don’t come and help yet! The irascible chef came out of the room and said.

When Yamaji heard this, he looked at the back and woke up like a dream: “Here it is!” ”

Reka walked into the store, and the originally clean store was much bustling and lively, obviously sensing the commotion outside.

At this time, Reika suddenly found that his arrogance value was reminded by a new message.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it: “Nami is devoted to you!” Offering your first kiss! The play value is increased to 13%, and the arrogance value is +500!! ”

“This…” Reika was immediately a little unsure, and this breath directly earned 500 arrogant values!

But what makes Reka even more uncalm is that.

“Does she really like me?” Reika originally thought that Nami might be acting sensually, and at the same time to get rid of his pursuit, so he also followed the trend just now.

Unexpectedly, Nami really had a deeper meaning for herself.

Although this is a shortcut to get arrogance points, Reika will not use this as the main way to get arrogance points!

Because what he himself hates is to take advantage of other people’s feelings! This can only be regarded as a bonus!

Now that the arrogance value that Reka has reached 3150, he can afford the high-grade Six Style!

But Reika didn’t rush to buy it right away! After Hawkeye comes, let’s see if the situation changes!

If it doesn’t change as expected, there is no need to be arrogant in case of unexpected situations.

“What’s going on outside?” Solon and the others turned their heads just now to find that Reika was gone, and now there was a commotion outside.

If what happened outside had nothing to do with Reka, Solon himself did not believe it.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that a ship sank.” Reka sat down and said calmly.

“What about Nami?” Solon also noticed Nami’s abnormality to some extent, after all, they had been getting along for some time.

But some things are not something that can be forced in the first place.



“Big sister head is gone?!” Johnny Joseph was shocked, and Usopp was also at a loss!

“It’s okay, we’ll find her, I know where she is.”

“That’s good, that’s good!” Receiving this news, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, on this ship, Nami’s ability is all-round and perfect.

Without her, they would probably have to encounter more hardships along the way, such as scurvy not long ago, and they would not know what was going on.

“Then let’s eat first, we have ordered.” Solon was calm.

Lobster, seafood fried rice, wine, bone-in meat, you name it.

“What about Luffy? Haven’t worked it out yet? As soon as Reka’s words fell, he heard what seemed to be the sound of a fight from above.

It is estimated that Luffy and Tetsuo “talked very happily”, so I can’t get it for the time being.

At this time, Sanji came to Reka with a bottle of expensive red wine on a plate, bowed a knightly salute, and said to Reka sincerely: “Dear sir, I am the sous chef of our restaurant, Yamaji, this is the drink I personally gave you, I wonder if I have the honor to know your honorific name!” ”

Looking at the fiery look in Sanji’s eyes, Solon raised his eyebrows slightly, what’s going on with this guy?

Did you know Reka before?

Usop Johnny They also looked puzzled, the service of this store is so good?

Just now, they didn’t seem to have a very good attitude towards the chefs!

“??” Reika was stunned for a moment, and her arrogant eyes swept over with a hint of puzzlement.

Yamaji, Yamaji! Isn’t there something wrong with the way you open this way!

With your personality, shouldn’t the beauty next to Finbudi be the object of your conversation?

Lao Tzu is a man! Or is there something else?

But anyway, reaching out not to hit the smiling person, Reika reported himself in a slightly cold and arrogant tone: “Reka! ”

“It turned out to be Lord Reka! No, no, Rekasan, sorry, some gaffe, this is my treasured good wine, it’s nice to meet you, I opened it for you! Sanji looked excited at first.

But after noticing Solon and the others’ strange expressions, he quickly changed his words.

“Waiter, don’t let anyone in, our dishes should be served.” Finbudi, who was not far away, looked at the enthusiastic Sanji and said coldly.

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