“Really!!” Solon’s expression froze suddenly.

Although he couldn’t see anything, he believed what Reka said.

“What’s wrong?” Usopp was already trembling in his legs just by looking at Klick, and he couldn’t hear what Reka was saying.

“Gradually approaching, what an amazing and terrifying aura!” Reika smiled slightly.

The fighting spirit was high, but he was the only one in the audience who felt it!

Now everyone in the field was attracted by Luffy, who suddenly stepped forward.

“Miscellaneous, you retreat, you are not his opponent!” Paddy said worriedly.

The other chefs also showed their worries, at this time, a miscellaneous person in the restaurant turned out to be so brave and fearless.

Courage is commendable, but there is no need to rush to death!

Sanji also showed surprise, isn’t this straw hat kid afraid of death?

During this period of acquaintance, he really didn’t show any skills except Geng Zhi, and the whole person was as thin as a monkey, so he should have no combat power.

“Only this cannot be retreated!” Luffy said with a confident smile.

Facing Klick, everyone could not see the slightest fear on his face!

“Did you say something little ghost, if you apologize now, I can assume that I didn’t hear.” Klick’s face was gloomy, as he looked ahead to his grand visions for the future.

A little devil who appeared out of nowhere also dared to interrupt him casually and say something that he wanted to become One Piece.

Who does he think he is and wants to be compared with himself!

“Don’t assume I didn’t hear it, I’m just telling the truth.” Luffy looked directly at Klick, and at this point, no matter who the enemy in front of him was, Luffy would not back down.

Only in this way is he worthy to be the captain of Solon.

If they didn’t have this bit of courage, they wouldn’t have to go to the Great Voyage.

“This is not a place where you have played.” Chief Klick’s face immediately became gloomy.

“I know that the great route will be conquered by me!” Luffy said firmly.

“Look down on people, even if it is because there is no intelligence, but it is the Demon Sea where even a fleet of 5,000 people will be destroyed in just seven days, who do you think you are!” Klick said furiously.

This kind of imp who is not heavenly and thick is angry when he looks at it, as if mocking how incompetent he is as a loser.

He simply did not know the horrors of the Great Route!

“Seven or seven days?! Deceptive!! Hearing Chief Klick personally admit, everyone present was stunned by this number of days!

The overlord of the East China Sea, the army is strong and strong, in that demon sea, he only stayed for seven days before returning to the East China Sea!

“I hate people making such boring jokes, and if you have to insist on saying this, I will only kill you!” Klick’s killing intent is violent!

Turning on the weapons in his body again, the large-caliber hand cannons in various places such as shoulders and abdomen were aimed at Luffy.

Luffy didn’t hesitate at all, clenching his fists and preparing for the battle: “If you can do it!” ”

“Luffy, do you want to fight?” Until he actually meets Hawkeye, Solon doesn’t mind a warm-up battle.

“I’ll protect you at critical moments!” Usopp said with shaking legs.

“No, I’ll do it myself!”

“Good.” Solon took back the words that he had pulled out!

“Is that your partner? It looks a bit thin! Klick had seen Solon Usopp and they were immediately a little contemptuous.

But then I saw a handsome man carrying an axe and eyes full of arrogance and contempt!

Even if he looked over, the other party still looked at him with a haughty and contemptuous attitude.

This made Klick immediately unhappy, but he vaguely felt some danger.

He wanted to laugh out loud, but he took control.

“I still have two partners!”

“Hey, you count me in too!” Yamaji reacted immediately, except for Nami’s absence, where else is there?

It can only be yourself!

Luffy is already a little eager to try, and anyone who competes with him for the throne of One Piece is an opponent!

But when the war was about to start, Chief Klick frowned slightly and glanced at Tetsuo!

Although this old man wasted one foot, his combat power has definitely decreased, but it is not that there is no combat power at all, and it is difficult to say now!

Even now, his face is still calm, which makes Klick a little uneasy!

It is safest to feed the subordinates first and let the subordinates and cadres go together.

Thinking of this, Klick closed the weapon on his body again and found himself a step down: “Wait a minute and fight you again, I will go to eat for my subordinates first, give you one last chance, guys who don’t want to die, hurry up and get out now!” My purpose is only for the logbook and this ship. ”

With that, Klick picked up the packed food and turned to walk outside.

“I’m sorry Yamaji-san, let’s go!” Akin looked at Klick’s back and said with ease.

“I don’t need you to apologize, the chefs in our shop are just doing things of their own volition.” Tetsuo said calmly.

“Boss, why are even you partial to Yamaji.” Paddy said he didn’t understand.

“yes, he almost ruined your shop now!” Many chefs expressed their disunderstanding.

“Shut up, idiots! Have any of you ever felt like you were about to starve to death? How horrible it is to have no food on this sea, you know? Tetsuo scolded the cooks.

“Boss, what do you mean by that?” Paddy and the others were blindfolded.

“I’m asking what is the difference between you and Sanji! He knows what he’s doing, forget it, there is time to complain, you might as well hurry up and leave through the back door…” said Tetsuo waving his hand.

“I’m going to stay and fight!” Pai Di clenched the weapon in his hand, and although he still had doubts about Sanji’s approach, he was the first to say that he would stay and fight alongside Tetsuo’s boss!

“Me too, I’m going to stay too, there’s nowhere else to go anyway!”

“Fight with them and let them know that sea chefs are not easy to mess with!” ……

Not a single chef left!

“Are you crazy? I saw the strength of the leader just now! Seeing this, Akin was completely incomprehensible, abandoning a ship or living, which is more important, can’t they see?

“Akin, first make it clear to you, it is my justice as a chef to feed hungry people, but then our opponent is a well-fed marauder, even if it is you, as long as you dare to plunder this shop, I will kill you mercilessly!” Got it? Sanji said with a sullen look.

That strong killing intent made Akin, who had always thought that Sanji was an old and good man, couldn’t help but feel terrified, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead!

This guy!! Absolutely serious!

“Those who save themselves will be killed in the end, they really obey you!” Padi said speechlessly, he still couldn’t understand Sanji!

“Look, I told you this cook is very good!” Luffy said proudly to Solon and Usopp.

“I don’t care if it’s okay or not, let’s get out of here quickly, Luffy.” Usopp worried.

That guy was hit by a rocket and left unscathed, which is also terrifying!

“Akin, you said before that you didn’t know anything about the Great Passage, didn’t you have been there?” Luffy asked puzzled.

“I have been there, but I say I don’t know, it is also a fact, what happened after entering the seventh day of the great voyage, whether it is a dream or a reality, until now it is not clear to distinguish, or rather, no one dares to admit it!” Ajin’s face was full of fear, and he kept swallowing saliva.

Remembering what happened on the seventh day, he wondered if they were cursed with the entire fleet!

“What the hell is going on?”

“What happened on the seventh day is so unbelievable, just one man actually crushed our fleet of 50 pirate ships!!”

“Nani!?” As soon as these words came out, even Luffy Solon and the others were stunned at this moment!

Alone, defeat a fleet of 50 pirate ships! That’s 5,000 people!

What kind of monster can this do!

Even Reka-san probably can’t do it!

The chefs feel that this is a fantasy myth!!

“At that time, with the appearance of that man, our ships were sunk one after another, and if it were not fortunate enough to encounter a storm, our main ship would not have been able to escape at all, and we would not dare to look back to see how many companions’ ships still exist, nor did we dare to admit that it was the reality we encountered, and we really did not want to remember what happened at that time!” Akin covered his face in fear.

His strength is not weak, but he is still scared like this!

The fear of the Great Route deepened by everyone present.

“It was a monster that felt that it could kill people just by looking at it, and that look was as sharp as an eagle, and just seeing that kind of look made many of us lose our fighting intent!” Akin continued.

The more I say it, the more terrifying it makes the chef feel like listening to a horror story!

In this world, there is such a powerful monster!

“A man as sharp as an eagle, is it him! Did you disturb his sleep? Tetsuo asked!

“What kind of joke, how could our pirate group be completely wiped out for such outrageous reasons!”

“Luffy, let’s not go to the Great Voyage!” The not very daring Usop was frightened!

“It’s really exciting!” Luffy clenched his fists in excitement.

“It’s over, this guy is not saved!” Usopp feels that the road ahead is gray!

“This is the goal I have been pursuing all my life!” Solon was also excited.

“I think you must be the first to die, and it’s too stupid to seek your own death!” Sanji couldn’t help but say when he saw Solon and Luffy like this.

“This is the path we decided by ourselves, and from the moment we decided, we have already gambled our lives!” But Solon said disapprovingly.

“The man is already here!!” At this time, Reka stood up and said!

One sentence shocked everyone present: “What did you say?!” ”

Akin almost went into cardiac arrest, is it coming?!

Instead of answering the others’ questions, Reka looked at Solon and Luffy, “I don’t have much time!” ”

“Luffy, that guy named Klick you can’t see after all, they are not opponents, in the end they still want you to shoot, I believe you can win!” However, since you have accepted some of my teachings, I should not ask too much of you! Reka’s calm words made Yamaji, Tetsuo, Akin, Padi and others look surprised!

They all looked at this handsome and abnormally handsome man with a look of disbelief!

What is this guy talking about?! What do you say that they can’t beat Klick, but a miscellaneous one to shoot? He also swore that he would win!

This person looks so handsome, it won’t be crazy!

“Not excessively, what requirements?”

“Win in five minutes!”

“Nani?!” Akin, Yamaji, Tetsuo and others subconsciously exclaimed!

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