This young little fellow’s breath is still climbing, which is too unreasonable!

Through the confrontation, Hawkeye can be sure that it was Reka’s full strength just now.

That kind of unleashing and ferocious fighting state cannot be disguised.

But now the power has increased again.

At the same time, Hawkeye also found that his size had become stronger!

“Could it be that the change in his strength is related to his body size, a special bloodline?”

While Hawkeye was thinking, the two launched a fierce attack again, Hawkeye took the initiative and launched a fierce attack, and the strength increased a lot!

But the more Hawkeye hit, the more frightened he became, and he thought that this wave of enhancement was due to the outbreak of special bloodlines.

But I didn’t expect that it would continue unceasingly, and the magic power stored by the Divine Axe Rita was completely liberated by Reka’s combat power!

Showing true divine power, one by one, the energy beams released pierced the air and hit Hawkeye.

Covering the blow, Hawkeye chops the beam in the front.

Other beams of solar magic energy that blocked the direction rained down on the surface of the sea like raindrops.

The sea in this area whizzes steam, and in the terrible temperature, the sea is burned!

Hawkeye’s face became serious!

He asked himself, at Reka’s age, he would never have such strength, not even half of it!

And the strange thing is that such a high-intensity attack, he can use it continuously, will his physical strength not be exhausted?

“Great, sooner or later there will be a place for you in this world! Provided you survive! “Hawkeye is no longer fighting Reka to pass the time and have a good time.

The eyes are sharp, full of aggression, and the fighting spirit is high, this kind of feeling was only common in the past when it was fought against redheads!

Unexpectedly, in the face of a rising generation today, he also felt this way!

He vaguely felt that in the near future, maybe this man would surpass himself!

Even at this moment, it is enough to be an opponent!

“Black Sword Night…” Hawkeye’s aura changed, becoming like an unsheathed sword, sharp and full of murderous aura!

Wisps of black-red armed domineering energy spread from between his arms to the entire black knife night, and then in the area where he was, the sky darkened, and the sword intent permeated!

As if ushering in a silent and murderous night, the moment he raised his hands to the black knife night, a night demon king faintly wandered in the black curtain.

The black curtain spread rapidly, and Leika’s face sank, but he didn’t expect that Hawkeye’s sword intent was actually a dark night!

Once he let his sword intent spread, it will have an impact on his combat power!

It seems that it cannot be dragged on!

“Redeem the Six Styles of Advanced Physical Arts!”


At this moment, Reka’s playing progress has soared to 17%, a full increase of four percent!

Most of it is provided by a duel with Hawkeye, and such a large progression is the first time since Reka played!

And it’s still on the rise.

At the same time, the sun has almost risen to noon!!

“Since that’s the case, go all out!!” Reka doesn’t want to miss the time to travel to Cocoa West Village!

Now that Hawkeye has been shackled a lot of wool, he has also seen the strength of the world’s top powerhouse!

What Reka said is not false, since he will encounter such enemies in the future.

First contact and understanding, you can probably know how strong you are, how strong your enemies are, and how strong the world is!

Everyone looked at such a battle and was dumbfounded! Look at the silence!

I can’t say a word to describe it for a long time!

“If you are night, I am the sun!!” Reka knows that Hawkeye will not be killed by himself!

But he still wants to know the limit of this world’s top combat power!

At this moment, he himself wants to open up the firepower, and even the six styles that support the body are directly exchanged, so he doesn’t hesitate!

Because now the arrogance value has risen a lot!

The sun is still one minute away from noon!!

“Your strength, can you still improve?!” When Hawkeye heard this, he couldn’t help but say a monster in his heart!!

This is the first time he has seen this kind of monster that continuously breaks through the existing limits!

Even if the strength level, there is still a distance to go from him!

But who wouldn’t be horrified when they encounter such a monster that can break through the limits in battle again and again?

He met many people who were stronger than Reka, and none of them could do this!

The limits of people are not so easy to break through!

But in front of this man, this does not exist!

But the stronger the opponent, the more satisfied Hawkeye is!

“Heaven and earth!! Overweening!!! Reika suddenly drank violently, snorted, and all the clothes on his upper body were shattered, and the terrifying sun magic became more and more intense.

As if to melt the whole person, the body size rose again, the whole person was like a glowing sun, and the rich magic formed a ball of energy light, centered on Reika, and quickly spread out towards the surroundings!

Block the sword intent of the night that pervades!

The dazzling sun and the dark night form two completely different realms!

“Transform?! How handsome!! So handsome!! Ah~~~” Luffy saw this, and shouted obsessively!

This is something that fascinates men like robots! No, it should be even more attractive than robots!

Others, completely dumbfounded!!

Reka’s steps, accompanied by the glow of the sun and the flames, are extremely sacred.

At the same time, after entering the “Heaven and the World, Solipsism” mode one minute before noon.

Reika became more and more arrogant and unsightly!

“I am honored that you and I were born in the same era! Hawkeye!! ”

Hawkeye was silent, but he didn’t know how many strange guys he had seen in the New World!

This arrogant nature is nothing!!

Is it just an honor? Not yet! If the future does not fall, he can grow!

Maybe it’s a real honor!

“Sun Saint King! Arrogant explosion!! “Reika launched a swift attack and slashed out with an axe! All the magic power converges on the axe, and as soon as the axe is cut out, the air is burned to scorch!

A dark red sun fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters was released by the divine axe and rushed out, covering straight towards Hawkeye!!

“Black Knife Night. Silence of God!! Hawkeye also roared, he felt excited for a long time!

A knife was slashed out from the bottom up, and there were countless sword intent giants and demon kings, accompanied by extremely profound armed color domineering, soaring into the sky!

Under his knife, the atmosphere clicked, and a wisp of crack emerged, fleetingly, but you can also see how terrifying this knife is!

But the Sun Saint King’s flare-fireball also has the energy to destroy the heavens and the earth!!

Both are rushing towards each other, like a stellar meteorite impact!

Boom with a terrifying bang!! In mid-air, an energy tide exploded!!

Above the sky, an energy explosion wave that exceeded a hundred meters round rose up into the sky, dazzling, in mid-air, spreading to tens of miles away, and still not subsided!

In the rolling tide of energy! Reflect the stunned faces of Tetsuo, Luffy, Solon, and Usopp below!

“Rekasan!!” Seeing that the center of the energy explosion was Reika, Luffy immediately shouted worriedly!

Everyone present knew that this blow, Reika did not have the upper hand!!

The world’s No. 1 swordsman!! The weight of these words is too heavy!

But that doesn’t mean Hawkeye isn’t affected by the shockwave!

His jumping figure was crushed down, and the clothes on his body were on fire!

“For your age, defeating like this is enough of a demon! In time, the world will shake for you!! Hawkeye said loudly as he looked at the center of the energy explosion in the sky.

Then frowned slightly, looked down at his arm, there was a small scratch on it, and blood flowed: “Injured? That axe is so sharp! No less than Black Knife Night!! ”

Black Knife Night is the strongest black knife in the world! I can get this evaluation from Hawkeye! Of all weapons in the world!

I’m afraid that only the Divine Axe Rita has won such praise so far!

Such an evaluation is not a compliment to Rita, but now I am too weak to fully exert its power! It is an artifact, fully revived, even if it is a legendary ancient weapon, it may not be able to match!! “Reka came out of the explosion!

Slightly embarrassed, on the chest, there is a knife wound similar to Solon’s!

The blood was flowing, but the sun flames on Reka’s body covered the past, and after burning, the blood stopped!

“What did you say?” Listening to Reika’s words, Hawkeye was shocked in his heart, although Reika is arrogant, he should not lie about this kind of thing!

It’s just that Hawkeye can’t figure it out, in this world, there is still such a weapon!? Why never heard of it!

But I thought that just now, this divine axe continued to burst out energy beams one after another!

If the power is strong and fast, I am afraid that an island will be turned into ashes by it in an instant!

Therefore, it is not impossible that what Reka said can be compared to the legendary ancient weapons!

“Also, you don’t think you’ll win like this!” Reka carries an axe and looks down at Hawkeye!

“You are indeed very strong, enough to compare with the powerful cadres of several legendary pirate ships, but no matter what means you have now, you should consider whether your body can withstand in the event of a serious injury!” Are you fighting to the death against me, or do you just want to see the combat power of the world! Hawkeye calmly withdrew the black knife.

“If it’s the former, when the war starts, I will do my best to kill you!! If it’s just the latter, your purpose has been achieved! I will be waiting for you in New World!! Then it’s time to put an end to this duel! “Hawkeye knows Reika is dangerous though.

Has extremely terrifying potential and is a complete freak.

But he still couldn’t bear to let such a potential young powerhouse fall!

He longs for the birth of a stronger one, so that he can fight with it so that he can sharpen his sword skills and become stronger.

When Leika heard this, the surging aura gradually dissipated: “It seems that I am a little on top!” You are the target that Solon will surpass! Not mine, as you say, my purpose has been achieved! ”

Reika also has a final move that is useless, making him more powerful than the one minute before noon now!

As long as the heavens and the world that inspire the ultimate mode, I am the only one! He can also fight Hawkeye again!

The gap will close again! Maybe there is a slight chance to gain the upper hand, but it still can’t defeat the world’s number one swordsman at the moment!

And this mode, the price of stimulation is extremely high, at the beginning it is fine, but if you want to be stronger, you can burn life force at the cost! Gain power beyond your limits!

This is the capital of Reika’s self-protection! But Hawkeye is right! I didn’t start this battle to fight him to the death!

Now what Reika wants to achieve, has been achieved! Know how strong you are and how strong the world is!

That’s enough!! He also has to rush to Coco Yasi Village, while the magic is still strong!

“Now it seems that I am still very weak!” Reka looked at his divine axe and said something that stunned everyone, and even Hawkeye showed a very speechless expression!

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