“What happened!” In front of the doctor’s house, people from the village of Coco Yasi were crowded.

“Who did it! Good thing it’s just a scrape! “Someone saw a gunshot wound on Nochgao’s body.


“Navy?” The villagers were stunned, if this was the evil dragon gang, they would not be surprised by it.

I didn’t expect it to be the Navy, what is the matter.

“The evil dragon is secretly colluding with the navy!” Ah Jian said in a deep voice, the doctor had begun to treat the wound.

“Nani?!” All the villagers present were shocked!

“The evil dragon planned to cheat Nami from the beginning, and he didn’t plan to keep the agreement at all!”

“How so, wouldn’t that be…”

“That bastard, dare to do this to our little Nami!!” Some are angry, others are hopeless.

But more is to feel sorry for Nami, Nami’s efforts and pain over the years, they all see it in their eyes!

But all they can do is try not to hold Nami back!

“Dragon!! Dragon!! Dragon!! Nami put Nokiko down, handed her over to the doctor, and ran towards the dragon park alone, chanting the dragon’s name in her mouth!

Peng!! The gate of the Evil Dragon Park was pushed open by Nami

“What’s wrong, our excellent surveyor, why are you so angry.” The evil dragon asked lightly.

Nami grabbed the dragon’s collar with a look of mad anger and roared, “The navy that colluded with you secretly came to rob me of my money, about the agreement on money, didn’t you say that you would not break the contract if you died!?” Why!! ”

“When did I break the contract?” The evil dragon said nonchalantly.

“Don’t play the fool, you collude with the navy …”

Before Nami finished speaking, he was directly covered by the evil dragon’s palm with one hand, and his eyes became full of madness and killing intent: “When did I break the contract, you should talk about it, scared hahaha!” In this way, it turns out that your money has been robbed, which is really unlucky! ”

“But your anger can’t be sent to me for no reason, an agreement is an agreement, if you can’t prepare 100 million Bailey to put in front of me, I can’t return the village to you!”

“Beast!!” Nami wrenched open the dragon’s palm and said viciously.

However, the evil dragon did not care at all, and laughed arbitrarily: “Scared hahaha, isn’t it 100 million Bailey, isn’t it good to save it again, or do you want to escape from here?” If you dare to escape, I will kill everyone in Kokoasi village!” ”

Hearing this, Nami suddenly quieted down, but tears of sadness and helplessness couldn’t help but slide.

She didn’t dare to escape!! Even if she knew that the evil dragon had broken the agreement, she did not dare to escape, and she could not escape!

Nami snapped, opened the palm of the dragon’s approaching hand, turned and fled!

“Frightened hahaha, finally want to escape!” The evil dragon laughed, the anger and despair of the lower race, what a delight!

“Don’t you have to chase her?” Ah Chi asked.

“Chase? Why? How could that woman escape, but she couldn’t see the villagers who couldn’t save the woman, just wait for her to return! “The evil dragon has long mastered Nami’s weaknesses.

“But then again, Brother Evil Dragon, you are really cruel!” Croobi said with a smile.

“How can I let such a good surveyor escape, even so, I am not the devil, when she has measured the sea of the world, I will return her to freedom!”

“Hahaha!! I can’t finish painting in those hundred years! When many fish people heard this, they all laughed loudly.

Nami, who ran out of the Evil Dragon Park, listened to the laughter coming from behind, and in an instant, everything was ashen!

Helplessness, despair, pain, regret, madness, anger and all kinds of negative emotions rush to my heart!

She ran desperately, ran wildly, and she suddenly thought about what impact this incident would have on the villagers!

“No, absolutely not! Ah Jiansang, everyone, please, don’t be impulsive, then everything will be over! “Only by living can there be hope! Can’t die!!


“Everyone, this is the end of it, take up arms and fight!” Everyone in the entire village of Cocoasi, men, women and children, was mobilized.

Listen to Ah Jian’s signal to start a war! Everyone roared in unison!!

“We have sworn before that we will not sacrifice our lives easily, no matter how painful and humiliating their rule is, as long as Nami can get by, we will continue to fight this patient battle!” However, this is their answer!! Ah Jian pointed at the bandaged Nokigao and roared angrily, the anger that he had endured for all these years had been completely ignited!

“The breakthrough to liberate this village has been closed! We are already hopeless! What’s more, they dare to play with Nami’s kindness, and we must not forgive that group of fish people!! Any objections!! ”

“No, how can there be an opinion!! Let’s go!! Fight with this group of monsters!! ”

“All villagers are ready for battle!!”

“We can’t be ruled by them anymore!”

“Kill them!!” Everyone’s anger was released in a wild cry, this time, even if it is death!!

“Wait, everyone!” Nami had already run over, her face, all emotions hidden, only a smile.

“Wait a little longer, wait for me again, I will continue to refuel, will save money again, this time it will definitely be much simpler, I am used to it, it doesn’t matter, don’t worry, this kind of thing, compared to that time, is nothing at all!” In Nami’s mind, memories of when the dragon shot Melbel came to mind!

She is so afraid that everyone will become like this!

This fear overshadowed all the helplessness and despair in her heart at the moment.

“Nami, that’s enough…” Ah Jian, who was like a father to the Noki Gao Nami sisters, hugged Nami at this moment.

“You also know that it is useless, shouldering the lives of all of us alone, thanks to you fighting so far, for you, joining them, obviously more painful than a thousand cuts, you really worked hard, then leave it to us!” You just leave the village like this, you have paid enough, if you are alone, you will definitely be able to escape! Ah Jian said calmly.

When they all die, Nami won’t have any burden.

“So be it, Nami!” Nokigao also nodded.

“How can it be!” Nami couldn’t accept that reality.

But everyone just looked at her with a smile and had already made up their minds.

“It’s okay Nami.”

“Don’t forget, you still have your own dreams.” Nokigo said with a smile.

“Nokigao! Everyone! Don’t do this, I won’t let you pass, I don’t want to see anyone hurt by them again! You’re going to die! Nami took out her dagger and stopped it directly in front of everyone.

“We know!” Ah Jian held the dagger directly, still flowing from blood.

“It’s useless, we have made up our minds!” An old man said with a scythe on his shoulder.

Nami wept bitterly.

“Nami! Get out of the way!! Everyone!! Even if they can’t win, make them pay! Ah Jian drew his sword and shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately roared, rushed past Nami, and went straight to the Evil Dragon Park!

Only Nami, whose face was like a dead ash, was left with a desperate face, and she was stunned and paralyzed in place!

If everyone dies, there really is nothing!

At this moment, her sky, her world, everything, all collapsed, and boundless darkness struck, swallowing her up.

Like a worm that is drilling through her brain, gnawing at her heart, there is nothing left!

I can’t see anything, the world, why is it like this!

She tilted her head to look at her left shoulder, the symbol representing the evil dragon pirate group was so mocking and ugly!

Unbearable!! Unbearable!!

“Evil Dragon!!”

Poof!! Nami grabbed the dagger and stabbed it ferociously into her arm, all of which went straight to the bone.

One knife, one knife after another!

Flesh and blood tore apart, tore open again, blood splashed, flowed …

I don’t care about the pain at all, I don’t feel that this is my body, like a crazy dragon!!

It was as if at this moment, this arm was the embodiment of the evil dragon!!

Everyone is going to die! And how can she live!!

“Zh!!” But at the fifth stroke, the dagger she stabbed was directly held by a big hand! With a slight force, with a click, the dagger turned into smashes!

Nami subconsciously looked up, and a familiar figure appeared beside her.

“Sorry.” Reka rushed back after sending off the group of navies, looking at Nami who self-harmed, the anger in his heart was ten times, a hundred times stronger than he thought!!

The sun in his heart has long been boiling, but the last trace of reason is controlling himself!

That naughty, cunning and agile girl was forced to this extent!!

The Evil Dragon Pirates must die in the most desperate way!

Even if the Navy returns to the naval base, it cannot be let go!

It’s time to give the world a warning! It’s time for Nami to give a perfect explanation!

“It’s you!! What are you doing here?! By the way, is it to solve me, a traitor? Come on!! You killed me!! Anyway, it’s all pirates, it’s all pirates!! You killed me!! Seeing this, Nami threw herself at Reika with an incomparable collapse, slapping Reka’s chest.

Reika fears that his powerful defense will hurt the hysterical Nami and dissipate all attached magic.

Her fist, still stained with her own blood, hit him, punching after punch, hammering open her own bandaged wound.

It’s just that Reika is still expressionless, still vented by the unaware Nami.

“What should I do!! I can’t do anything!! ”

“Why is this, obviously I have worked very hard! Why can’t I save everyone! Why, why! “She was afraid to fight, crying sadly, and her heart had long been torn apart!

Now Reka would be grateful if she could end her life with an axe.

She can still have hope when the 100 million Bailey is taken.

It is possible to have the last hope when you are deceived.

But now everyone is going to die! She was more desperate and helpless than ever!!

“Why can’t I save everyone, I can’t do anything, all these years, everything I have done is just a joke!!” Nami cried loudly, as if she wanted to vent all the bullying and grievances she had suffered over the years, and then die!!

“Cry, just cry…” Reka put down Rita the Divine Axe and hugged her tightly with open hands!!

Nami trembled and cried even louder!!

After a while, with the last glimmer of hope like a candle in the wind, she choked up and asked for help: “Help me!” ”

“Help me, don’t let everyone die!”


“You are the navigator I have recruited on board! All those who bully you, I will make them pay in blood! No one can be an exception!! Today, just for you! ”

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