“But women are still different from women, a little girl, it is incredible to get so much money, but unfortunately, it is all ours!” Hahaha! Colonel Rat took a sip of wine, and his mood grew more and more happy.

He himself has no strength, and his current status is bought with money.

The supreme commander of the 17th Branch is a rear admiral and a fellow traveler who loves money.

In order to climb to the position of colonel, he spent a lot of money, but after reaching the colonel.

All the money spent not only came back, but also made a lot of money.

The deal with the evil dragon over the years is enough to cover the expenses on his side.

But he is not only in the business of evil dragons, within the jurisdiction, several pirate groups have to give him “offerings”.

In addition, lending money within the branch to obtain high profits, as well as selling the official position in his hand at a clear price.

As for what will become of law and order at sea, he doesn’t care at all, anyway, the pirates won’t be stupid enough to trouble him!

Everyone works together to win-win and get rich! You don’t have to fight and kill, you can still walk smoothly and prosperously.

“Power is such a good thing, you’re right, Miss Emily!” Colonel Mouse, thinking that he would be able to gain more power with money in the future.

With more power, the easier it is to get your hands on money, and the more you think about it, the more intoxicated you are!

“Report, Lord Colonel, great news, extra big news!!” Suddenly, a navy suddenly pushed open the door and reported excitedly.

“Messing around with things, don’t you see I’m busy? Say something quickly! Seeing this, Colonel Rat immediately said angrily, a guy who has no eyesight at all.

If he is not usually obedient, he does not have to give too much money, and he can play a role in protecting his safety.

This kind of panicked fool has long been kicked away.

But in the next second, after listening to the report, he could not calm down, and he was even more excited than this navy.

“Lord Colonel, Naval Hero, Monchi D-Karp’s ship, for some reason, changed course, and sent a report not long ago that it has arrived in this sea area, and it will not be long before it will reach the 17th branch, and it is necessary to replenish the sailing materials!”

“What?! Naval hero Karp is really coming?! Colonel Mouse stood up excitedly!

Just now, he fantasized about this, didn’t he expect that his dream would come true so soon!

“Tell everyone, immediately start preparing for the work, all the materials are the best for me, this is Lao Tzu’s opportunity to soar and climb the high branches, if anyone wants to make a mistake, don’t blame my subordinates for being ruthless!” Colonel Rat decided to bleed heavily.

After all, the naval hero Karp, for him, is the real core of power.

And influence is not just about staying in the vice admiral.

As long as his words of praise and recognition, coupled with his future money opening the way operation, it is possible to become a rear admiral, or even a vice admiral.


“By the way, when Karp’s ship arrives, you should all know what to say and what not to say!” Colonel Rat suddenly narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

“Yes… Be! The navy immediately replied, superficially, they didn’t know how many times they had done it.

At this moment, in the sea not far from the 17th branch, Karp’s ship was sailing.

“Lieutenant General Karp, if we still can’t find that kid, let’s finish the task first, don’t you have to go back to the windmill village!” The adjutant suggested looking at Karp, who was standing at the bow of the ship thinking about life.

Although they have used as many means and abilities as possible.

But aerial tracking, the difficulty is indeed a little greater, and together with the storm, many traces that could have existed will also be erased!

They had bad luck and encountered a storm.

Although the scale is incomparable to that of the Great Route, it also lost the trace of Reka.

“If that stinky boy really wants to go to sea as a pirate, what’s the point of going back to Windmill Village, I don’t know where they are, stinky boy, don’t let me catch you!” But then again, you guys are really lucky! Karp looked at the ship’s group of chicken-like navies.

“Lieutenant General Kakakapu! Thank you so much! What a disgrace to the Navy! Unexpectedly, we were almost wiped out by a group of pirates! If it weren’t for Lord Seagod, I am afraid that I would not have met the rescue of Lieutenant General Karp! Brigadier General Brimprinn said excitedly.

Vice Admiral Karp, that is the idol of countless people in the entire East China Sea, no, to be precise, it is an idol and legend all over the world.

Unexpectedly, after his group released wolf smoke for help on the desert island, they recruited naval heroes.

If this matter is said, it can be used as a lifelong talk in the future, after all, not everyone is qualified to be saved by Lieutenant General Karp!

Today’s encounter is a dream for Brigadier General Brimprin.

First of all, I saw the Fishman Pirates, living and working peacefully on the island and building their own houses.

Then, after the war with the fishmen, they were swallowed by the deep-sea vortex that they artificially created!

But did not die, but was saved by Lord Poseidon and finally met the naval hero Karp.

It was truly a legendary experience!

“What do you mean by Lord Seagod?” The adjutant wondered if there really was a god in this world.

Brigadier General Brimpriner quickly told the story of salvation!

“In the deep sea whirlpool, rescue each of you with precision?! How is this possible, if it is a capable person, in the sea, the ability should not be able to exert itself, not the capable person, it is too difficult to fight against this natural greatness! Even if it’s artificial! The adjutant frowned and analyzed.

“By the way, Lord Seagod, he looks very handsome!!” A naval soldier adored added.

“Very handsome?!” Karp and the adjutant looked at each other in unison.

“Isn’t it the imp we’re looking for? That guy does feel a little different, is he still very young? The adjutant asked with a deep groan.

“Yes, yes, does the Major General also know about Lord Seagod!?” Brynblin quickly nodded.

“Do you know where he went?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t even have time to say a word at that time, I originally wanted to thank you in person!” Brimbrin said regretfully.

“Where did you meet them?”

“Coco Yasi Village!”

“Not necessarily there, maybe he is just passing by, can’t find it, forget it, with Luffy’s character, really want to go to sea as a pirate, I’m afraid it won’t be long before it will cause trouble to the headquarters, hey, the guy from the Warring States is estimated to be nagging again, what a headache… But you just said that there are pirates on that island, right? Karp first said with a distressed look.

But when it comes to the second half of the sentence, he is very serious.

Whether it is the Great Voyage or the East China Sea, there are as many pirates as the stars.

Not to mention that he has one Karp, even ten Karp cannot stop this world chaos.

But since you have encountered it, you must take care of it.

“Yes, the evil dragon gang, the fish-man pirate group that escaped from the Great Voyage! They are so rampant that they live on the island! Brynblin said indignantly.

“Acting so rampantly? But back to the East China Sea so many times, this is the first time I heard that there is a group of fish-man pirates in the East China Sea, so I will send you back to the nearest naval base, and then we will also stop by. Karp said lightly.

A little puzzled, but didn’t care too much, after passing, just destroy them and catch them!

“Great!” Colonel Brimprin, excitedly, with Lieutenant General Karp’s shot, why worry about the pirates.

At this time, the coastline near the village of Cocoa West.

Little Eight holds an octopus jar filled with Bailey, who was distributed by Colonel Mouse to give to the dragon’s big brother.

But as soon as Xiao Ba arrived at the entrance of the Evil Dragon Park pool, he saw that the entire Evil Dragon Park was being destroyed by the excited crowd!

And the corpses of Croobi, Big Brother Dragon and others were hanging on the shore.

Xiao Ba was immediately stupid: “What happened here?!” How is everyone dead! What the hell is going on here!! ”

“There is also a fishman, on the surface of the sea, beat him to death!!!” But then someone on the shore spotted him!

Xiao Ba was immediately so frightened that he didn’t even want the octopus jar, and a fierce son plunged into the deep sea, tears raining down!

Although I didn’t know it happened, it was clear that the situation was not good!

At the same time, a certain route directly in front of the village of Coco Yasi.

Luffy Sanji Solon and the others were originally sailing to the village of Cocosia, but they didn’t know that a sea cow appeared from it!

After they beat him fat, they used him as a coolie, and the speed and brush increased many times.

“At this rate, it won’t be long before we reach Kocosia Village!” Sanji knew a little about navigation.

“Nami, Reka, wait for us!!” Luffy rubbed his fists and couldn’t help but make a big fight.

Navigators who dare to bully them! He didn’t promise!

“This is the 17th branch of the Navy, even if it is the weakest sea, after all, it is also a military base directly under the jurisdiction of the Navy Headquarters, which is heavily guarded and has many troops!! But so what! “Reka stood at a height not far from the 17th branch!

An entire island here has been built into a strong fortress, and large-caliber artillery can be seen in many places!

Buildings painted with naval flags stand like dense forests, and a huge iron gate stands at the port.

It was the entrance to the 17th branch, and to the left and right of the iron gate was a converted defensive wall, and there were many patrolling navies.

Although Colonel Rat did not personally participate in various village slaughter operations!

But he provides the most convenient protection for these evils, in a way!

This is even more evil than the direct perpetrator!

If the pirates’ crimes are not covered up with their help, the people of other naval divisions will launch a crusade once they learn the news.

Even if they fail once or twice, but the number of times is too much, the navy will increase its efforts to fight, and the evil dragons will not be able to stay in one place.

You can only hide around like a lost wild dog!

Reika was already holding the Divine Axe Rita in her hand again, and without the slightest hesitation, aimed at the big iron gate!

“Release!!” Leika swept out, the atmosphere stirred, and a fan-shaped energy shockwave suddenly burst out!

Boom!! The entire big iron gate with this section of the fortress was directly pierced by Leika!

At the same time, his voice resounded throughout the naval base: “You have been surrounded, if you don’t want to destroy it all, hand over Colonel Mouse!” ”

“Woooo The entire naval base sounded a shrill and short siren in an instant.

Rear Admiral William, who was in the office of the main building, heard this angry shout, and was shocked: “We are surrounded!? How many ships came from the other side!! ”

“Report Major General… At the moment it’s just…”

“Just what?!”

“Only one person is seen!”


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