The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 10 Holy Grail

To be honest, Lin En was quite curious about how he survived.

Although I have already had a few ideas in my mind because of the online articles before time travel, this kind of thing must be judged by professionals after all, and by the way, I can give a final conclusion to myself, a person who is lucky enough to survive, right? There happened to be a professional in the extraordinary field in front of him, and Linn naturally showed his deep confusion. He looked at Bill with a pair of innocent and watery eyes, and answered the questions he asked in a smooth manner. go back.

Lin En didn't notice that when he looked at Mr. Bill attentively, his whole face became radiant, and his originally fair skin even had a light, water-colored sheen shimmering.

Bill's breathing slowed down a lot, admiring the beautiful young man under the dim and intoxicating light.

At the same time, a surprised syllable seemed to come out of the open red lips of the deserted lady.

"Stop, don't look at me like that!"

Suddenly, the squinty-eyed man raised his hand! Before Linn could react, Bill had already sprung up from the chair so nimbly that he covered his seductively beautiful eyes with a probing hand! Lin En only had time to catch a glimpse of some incoherent movements at the speed of this jungle wolf, and then his vision fell into semi-darkness!

Linn heard Bill's breathing from a closer distance. It was as if he had just completed a one-thousand-meter run. The hands covering his eyes were very hot even through his gloves, and they were stuck around his eye sockets like the outer walls of a steam engine.

What's going on here?

Did I do something? I did feel a strange feeling when I stared at Mr. Bill just now, but I couldn't describe what it was...

"Lynn, control yourself, imagine that you are a ball of molten... ah hell! No! Stop thinking about it first! Vice-captain Yevni, I don't know much about the basic situation of [Spring]. They accommodate the meditation of sexual aspects. Do you know what the basis is?" Bill covered Lynn's steamy blue eyes and spoke quickly, but soon he realized that he had thought wrong and quickly turned to ask the lonely lady.

Lynn didn't know what happened, but his intuition told him that he might have just done something to Bill unconsciously.

Does this count as an attack on a public official?

Except for this, his reaction would not have been so violent.

Linn was frightened by Bill's sudden action and was thinking wildly. Beheadings, gallows, burning racks, and shooting ranges all popped up. When he was uneasy in the darkness with his eyes covered, a pair of slender, silky and Jun said that hands with the warmth of the hearth pressed against his neck without warning.

Linn's original uneasiness and tension dissolved and dissipated in a warm ocean that rushed to his brain.

"Keep calm, breathe normally, and then follow my guidance to let yourself go... Yes, just relax like this, imagine a flower or a cup, and integrate all the unfitting lines around it."

A cold female voice came from behind. In a strange state of comfort and confusion, Lin En followed the guidance and imagined a cup. The appearance of this cup directly referenced the source of all evil in a certain TV series before the time travel: the Holy Grail. It may be Lin En's subconscious mind. I think it's weird for a man to think about a flower, but thinking about a cup is not bad, as long as it's not a flying [beep] cup.

An illusory outline gradually became clear in Linn's consciousness. There was a circle of overflowing light around it, which was what Yevni said.

After being caressed gently on the neck, covering her eyes to eliminate distracting thoughts, Linn concentrated on tightening her lines. The things that Lin En had ignored and could not correctly recognize were being mobilized. It began to gather and converge, as if the pulp was full of juice and full of possibilities, and the sweet and gorgeous milk was wrapped and bound like silk.

The outline gradually became clearer, and the concept of "spring" became clearer in Lin En's mind, as if something was about to take shape and erupt. When it was about to take shape, Lin En suddenly touched something deeper, more primitive, and more instinctive. It slid across the skin like a tight black thread, whispering to Lin En its name, and also told him that they were The fact of oneness.

‘Wait a minute, [Evil]? ’

boom! !

The chaotic lines were integrated, and the illusory Holy Grail in Linn's consciousness took shape in a sudden explosion of consciousness. The black gauze shawl was like thick fog, and the charming and sweet chuckle like silver bells echoed in his brain.


Why is this Holy Grail different from what I imagined?

Linn was stunned. He was clearly dreaming about the golden and luxurious Holy Grail. But now in my mind, this person is dressed like a wedding dress and mourning clothes, the style is very bold and frivolous, the look on her face reveals provocative affection, the silver hair is red, the appearance is very similar to a certain lady... Wait a minute, this seems to be the Holy Grail, but it should be called Black Holy Grail. Damn it, this thing is much more powerful than the flying [beep] cup!

Is it [Evil]’s fault?

Just as he had this thought, the next moment light rushed in and tore apart the darkness. Linn, who was sitting on the chair, was like a drowning man through the water. He leaned forward and saw the mahogany lacquered floor that was rapidly enlarging in front of him. He was breathing heavily. Ruo Qi almost fell off the chair in embarrassment.

"Hoo! Hoo ho!!"

"Relax, you're fine now. It was your first time to meditate. It was mainly about controlling the sexual aspects emanating from your body. When you become more proficient, it will be easier to control. In short, it will be good for you." Let go. Bill held his hand and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It was also the first time for him to guide others.

Fortunately, Vice Captain Yevni was also there, otherwise there would have been problems.

"Thank you...I just, what happened?"

After Lin En finished breathing, he felt that [Spring] and [Evil] were gathering and dispersing in his body, but they had no intention of leaving the body and stayed peacefully under the skin.

"You were just looking for death." Ye Fenni's voice was sonorous and cold, with a reprimanding tone.

"In the extraordinary realm, sex is the foundation and the key to becoming an extraordinary person. Just now you instinctively activated the sex phase [Spring] and wanted to perform basic pleasure. Everyone will have a good impression of a vigorous life. But the problem is that you don't understand Control will have some bad consequences.”

When Bill talked about the not-so-good consequences, his mouth seemed to mean horror, but looking at the innocent Lynn, he changed his words to take care of his emotions.

Mr. Narrow Eyes then said excitedly.

"In addition, I roughly know why you were able to survive the attack of the [demon spirit]. You activated the secret ritual and attracted the demon spirit hiding in the star world. After it attacked you, it went after the other four A poor guy who was contaminated by the secret atmosphere. You should have died due to excessive blood loss and loss of spirituality, but the power activated by the secret ritual repaired your body, and you were already unconscious during the time of the attack. In the past, that’s why there are no relevant memories, everything can be explained.”

Linn's eyes were a little dazed. He wanted to tell Bill, who was reasoning behind the famous detective, that the situation might be somewhat different, and that his survival might be related to the nature of [evil]. But judging from the strange state of [Evil]'s adsorption and erosion of [Spring], Lin En rationally closed her mouth under Yevni's nod of approval.

Mr. Bill's explanation must be more correct and appropriate.

"And this also makes you half a Sequence 9."

Second update, asking for daily support~

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