The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 104 Summary

Yoho~~ Hello readers, here are the dolls.

This is the end of the first volume of my slow-burning book, and it should feel a bit ceremonial hhhh. Anyway, I don’t know how many readers will read this. Well, there should still be many readers who are reading books (self-comfort is not a rush). Ahem, the reason for writing this summary at the end of the volume is that it looks pretty cool hhh. When I was reading novels outside Dian Niang, I found that some great masters did this, so I thought I would try it myself if I had the chance. I will put one of the dolls here first, okay. .jpg

The first is the Q\u0026A session.

Q: "Will the protagonist follow the IQ stream in the future? I see a lot of descriptions of officialdom-like battles of wits, and the protagonist is not good at firearms, and his talent is similar to auxiliary. It should not be launched yet. I hope the protagonist can improve it later. Combat ability." (This question comes from the romantic banished immortal.)

A: There is no doubt that Lin En will take a path of coexistence of force and wisdom. The battle of wits similar to officialdom is actually a puppet technique. I want to tell everyone that even extraordinary people do not act recklessly within the operating social system. , need to abide by the rules of the political game. In fact, many of them are not battles of wits, but simple human connections and exchanges of interests. I write this just to increase the sense of reality. After all, the finance aspect has already been based on the Lord of Mysteries, so you have to have something of your own, right? The world will further expand later, and Lin En will slowly discover more uses of the [Evil] Appearance and the Black Holy Grail.

Q: "The author's writing is very good, but there are too few. Are the previous books also of this type?" (This question comes from the romantic banished immortal.)

A: Thank you for the compliment. The recognition from readers is the greatest encouragement to the author~~ The reason for the small number is actually because I am saving manuscripts. There should be more than 40 chapters in the archives at present. As for the previous books, they are not of this type. After all, this book was carefully prepared for later enlightenment, and the benchmark is some slow-burning masterpieces.

Q: "I just want to ask if there is an outline." (This question comes from reader SimpleRing)

A: There is an outline and a detailed outline, but it has not been completed yet and is in progress.

Q: "Harem?" (Many readers have asked, but I can't remember who it is.)

A: The harem will probably dissuade some readers, but I still want to say that I want all of this book after stock trading. Of course, the relationship between Lin En and his confidante is not without any foreshadowing, but there will be quite a lot of twists and turns. After all, A relationship that's too easy to get doesn't feel real, right? Please also be assured that the two female protagonists will not be killed by being fed shit or getting sick.

Q: "The author likes to drive big cars, right?" (This question came from the reader that autumn)

A: Who doesn’t like driving big cars? But Lynn is not just surrounded by big cars, right? There is also Mr. Squinty Eyes (sad). Of course, Lynn’s sexual orientation in this article is still very normal, so don’t worry.

Q\u0026A session, followed by summary and future outlook.

The story line of the first volume is actually very obvious. After traveling through time, young Lin En was involved in extraordinary events and relied on his own wisdom to resolve the crisis. In the battle of wits, due to the unsatisfactory head of the puppet (he lowered his head in a humble manner), it may be a bit forced and deliberate. Some of Linn's analysis and support are based on details based on what he has seen and heard. Others may think of it, but without the support of those details, there is no way to talk about it. In short, don't be too picky~~ Just be more tolerant, relax and read the story. In addition, the dolls like to bury details and Easter eggs in various dialogues or descriptions. For example, the first volume has a lot of foreshadowing. Although the dolls do not have as terrible story control arrangements as the squid, this does not prevent us from studying hard. , I will slowly reveal it later~~

Then there is the future, like the Victorian era, where mystery and science coexist. If you throw in a variable (Lynn) downstream of history, and give this variable the ability to expand, and add a little transformation, what will happen to this lifeless world? What about the impact? Whether the variables sink, the variables maintain, or the variables break through is something worth looking forward to. Of course, this is from a macro perspective. From Linn's personal perspective, it is a story of a wanderer's struggle to return home. Influenced by the two masters of kayaking and squid, the style of this book should have their shadow. Of course, it is more of the doll's own style that has been trained by writing books for so many years.

In the end, this article is really a slow read, and there won’t be many fighting scenes in the early stage. As a new author, Tou Tie, writing the ending like this is of course a disappointment. After all, not many readers will believe that a new author’s slow start will not lead to collapse or collapse. In fact, I don’t have much confidence in the puppet, but I have some writing in my mind, so I have to work hard to write it out and share it with others to see if it is popular. Hhhh, so the puppets will move forward and work hard to write outlines and arrange the plot to make the story more exciting without being too messy.

That’s all I have to say about the first volume. I still have some words that I want to save for the post. If you have anything you want to chat with the doll, you can also join the group. In short, readers who like Lin En’s stories are welcome to continue reading and see if you can Gain something.

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