The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 113 Respect, Hope

Problems that even Lin En can see can naturally be seen by Shuang En's capitalists, and they can see more because of their in-depth understanding. It can be seen that the combination of punches in the treaty is not just words, but is determined to launch punishment. After all, the Hopes Federation has made a very bad start for the long-standing war on the mainland.

In addition, the post-industrial wars frightened everyone.

Even the soldiers showed signs of collective loss of control.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is the greatness of human nature. Soldiers from different countries automatically put down their weapons to celebrate a day of festivals, but in the eyes of the state machine, this is simply fatal.

Then here we have to mention the mainland military system, which is the so-called modern army.

This army fights for the interests of the upper class. Soldiers driven by interests, coupled with the national or national interests, have achieved considerable efficiency, but it has no program or ideals. Such a modern military system, as long as there is sufficient money and food, can maintain high combat effectiveness. It is simply a dimensionality reduction blow when slaughtering the feudal army with lower efficiency.

But soldiers are people too.

There will be fear and fear, and there will be psychological trauma when facing the cruel battlefield. When the collective effect can no longer heal the psychological trauma, in order to prevent mutiny, the officers will use the promise of capturing XXX without sealing the sword for three days so that the soldiers can vent.

If you don't let me vent, I'll just wait to be shot.

Before Lin En traveled through time, during his family's century-long history of humiliation, the capital was massacred by such a beast-like army.

Are soldiers from Albion and other countries venting their anger now?

Well, at the urging of peace, this is a topic worthy of in-depth discussion by sociologists. The upper echelons of Albion thought that this must not be possible. In order not to plant a time bomb for themselves, they should at least give the army a big honor, so that they can get great psychological satisfaction without causing trouble for themselves.


No matter which way you look at it, the Hopes Federation was dismembered and disappeared directly from the history of the continent. Such an honor for annihilating the country is simply suitable. Of course, there must be a finely crafted medal to send the Qiu Ba people away.

"Will the Hopes Federation agree to such conditions?"

There are still sober people in the bar. This series of harsh treaties is obviously not acceptable to a country that wants to end the war with dignity.

"I will definitely agree. I heard that Hope's soldiers have been disbanded and the supply of frontline supplies has also been stopped."


"Hey, how can you say it's deception? They put down their guns themselves."

“It’s also the military and foreign ministries that have done a good job.”

Colleagues explained the matter clearly to Linn through glances and words. It turned out that while he was busy with paperwork, a tactical deception was unfolding on the front line. Military staff officers and diplomats used a relatively complicated plan to deceive federal frontline officers into evacuating the fortress and laying down their weapons.

They even disbanded and went home.

It is not easy to re-recruit the army after it has been disbanded.

At this time, Lin En already had the urge to drag out the little clever guy who made this genius suggestion and beat him up. You guys have gained strength, but your diplomacy is still at the same level.

No wonder they dare to make such a treaty by pointing a gun at someone who puts down their gun and forcing them to sign. The consequences of this, oh, there are no consequences for dead people. As long as the Hopes Federation is completely destroyed economically after the war, then there will be no consequences.

"Here's to Hopps."

Bill's weirdness made the others laugh, and they also raised their glasses.

"Here's to Hopps! This poor thing!"

Lin En, who was clear in his heart, naturally would not ruin the celebratory atmosphere after the victory. After all, sometimes if you want to get along well, you have to learn to act stupid. Only a master who pretends to be confused can be as good as a fish in water. After everyone dispersed, the young gentleman successfully tore Leticia off his body.

Lolita was also very interesting while driving. She looked towards the bar several times during the drive, her shining eyes as if she had discovered something interesting.

"I hope there won't be a strong man descending from the sky in Hopps." Linn thought of a certain possibility and couldn't help but muttered to himself.

"The man fell from the sky, what is that?"

Leticia's control over emotions was obviously very delicate, and she keenly sensed a kind of sadness in Linn's words. Lin En used a literal translation of the virile man here. In the words of this continent, it would be a close approximation: a god-given hero.

"My dear, have your demands on customers reached such a terrible level?" Bill changed his attention just as he heard this and couldn't help but tease the driving lolita.

"Hey, Bill, my clients are all carefully selected gentlemen! You, you half-goat, are not qualified!"

"What? Am I much worse than Linn?!"

'These two guys...'

Lin En couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth a little, and his eyes met Sophia's. Facing the faint gaze of Sophia's green eyes, the young gentleman immediately lowered his head in embarrassment when he thought about the fact that he had just returned her beautiful woman. It's not that Lin En is guilty, he thinks Leticia is a cute little sister who just likes to talk in pornographic ways.

It would definitely not be natural to be stared at like this by his childhood sweetheart. Lin En felt that he had to find a chance to talk to Sophia.

Just as Linn was thinking about how to have such a passionate exchange of thoughts with Sophia when it came to marriage and family property, another message came from the two people at the table not far away.

"Do you think this treatment method... is not good, Qian Ning, this kind of surgery..."

"Arthur, this is the teacher's expectation."

"But... is this surgery really effective? Qian Ning, have you forgotten your oath? This is not treatment at all, it is destruction, destroying a person. I cannot accept this behavior, even if it is the teacher's expect."

The two rookie doctors were arguing about something, which seemed to be a new surgical treatment method.

Out of curiosity, Linn quietly pricked up her ears.

"Surgeries have always had a success rate. If there are risks, should we, as doctors, give up? Also, when you say destroy, tell me about those who eat opium, drink happy water, and are so addicted that their brains are damaged! Still believe... ...Anyway, they have already destroyed themselves. If they can be called human beings, do they need us to destroy them? Arthur, they are short-sighted! "

Qian Ning knocked on the table excitedly. Seeing that Arthur still lowered his head stubbornly, the big boy stamped his foot angrily and slammed the door and left without even drinking.

Arthur stood up subconsciously to save his friend, but thought of what he just said that he could not refute, he sat down again slumped.

"what should we do?"

The young man's muttering seemed to carry the weight of the lives of the poor people in the lower city.

"It seems like you are troubled?" Suddenly there was a handsome young man at the table. Arthur looked subconsciously and saw the delicate facial features with an friendly smile. Linn said with a gentle smile. "You might as well share it with me."

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