The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 118 Instant Kill

The next night, Midtown, Alex Cemetery.

In this world of extraordinary manifestations, in addition to natural places where nature is abundant, similar areas can also be created artificially. The so-called science is like this, cognition, induction, summary and then realization, it can reproduce random phenomena with both hands. In the long-term development, extraordinary and science are not mortal enemies, but intertwined twins.

Man-made buildings have different functions, and due to the unconscious spiritual influence of human beings when using them, they can easily form a place where certain sexual characteristics are concentrated.

The [Books] scattered in the library, the [Tower] cast high in the court.

The roaring factory is a boiling [furnace].

It is obvious that places like Alex Cemetery have been decaying for a long time. The rich sexual phase field often affects the surrounding environment. If you want to go into it in depth, I am afraid it is a detailed knowledge. It is not important for people who are wandering in this influencing environment today.

It’s cold, eerie, and the fog is as thick as a spider’s web.

This is Lynn's most intuitive feeling about the night at Alex's Cemetery. This place is incompatible with him, and his body's spirituality shows repulsion in this cold field.

Why come to the cemetery in the middle of the night with a lantern and an incense burner hanging around your waist?

I have nothing to do, so I plan to make a guest appearance as a Necromancer and open a cemetery blind box by the way?

Of course Linn was not so bored. The reason why he came to this haunted place in the middle of the night was to lure out the demon spirit that was always thinking about his intestines.

Minister Achille took matters into his own hands.

Use specially prepared spices, combined with personal spirituality, to amplify your own information in the spiritual world. Lin En is like bait thrown into the spiritual sea, sending a signal to the demon spirit to come and eat me quickly. If I don't eat, I will have no chance.

In addition, in an environment like the cemetery, which is a favorite place for demon spirits, it is basically impossible to catch one at a time.

at the same time.

On a high slope nearly 500 meters away from Lin En, under the stars, Aqil had unfolded a large bow that was extremely advanced in appearance. It is driven by gears and wheel discs, the bow arms are made of tough metal sheets that are sharp and flamboyant, and the winding strings have a cold metallic sheen.

After each Forge believer is promoted to Extraordinary, he will create a weapon unique to himself based on his own preferences.

And this compound bow with distinct layers is the weapon Aqil built and upgraded from Sequence 9. Although it is a cold weapon, the minister of [Lamp Holder] relies on his special ability to make a fuss about arrows, and his exquisite archery skills are comparable to those of elves in epics, making him extremely effective in combat in a well-arranged urban environment.

Aqil who is fully prepared can directly snipe a Sequence 6 head-on. This is not a theory but a record.

Lin En actually asked why the Minister was so ferocious in combat. His exclusive arrows were very similar to a very vicious cold weapon before time travel, the high-pressure gas cylinder dagger.

This thing pierces the human body and instantly sprays out high-speed airflow. The destructive power is simply more terrifying than the AK47. Even the Cup Cultist who is famous for his flesh and blood perversion can't stand it with one arrow.

Of course, as a Sequence 7, Aqil's ability is definitely more than this.

As the oriole watching from a commanding height in the distance, Lin En, the cicada, jumped happily, with a rather wild and playful attitude. After the Minister's archery skills of piercing the Yang with a hundred steps were demonstrated in front of him once, Lin En felt full of security after the shock.

With the fragrant bait, they quickly caught the mantis they wanted.

'coming! ’

Lin En's spirit was shaken. The Black Holy Grail's spiritual perception was extremely terrifying. When he concentrated his attention, he quickly captured a cold and corrupt existence that was seeping from the star realm.

He immediately raised his hand and clenched his fist towards Aqil in the distance.

With such a long distance, the minister's perception will definitely not be able to catch the cunning demon spirit in time. Lin En's talent for keen perception is not a secret in the [Lamp Holder]. He will sense it on the spot and then deliver the message. This is a reasonable division of labor.

The fish took the bait.

The big wind lamp next to Aqil flashed three times rapidly, and at the same time he revealed a pair of hand-armed weapons that were more exquisite than Yevni's brass exoskeleton. The weapons were like gauntlets that directly covered the roots of the wrists.

Dodge three times, which means there is no problem. Ask Linn to make dodge movements.

Linn didn't have much mental preparation. When the coldness he had experienced once again exploded from behind, and the feeling of terror rushed directly from the soles of his feet to his forehead, the little gentleman did not hesitate to pounce in front of him while trotting. . At the same time, his spirit body also activated the blessing runes of the kind lady.

This is a life-and-death bet.

Lin En will not learn from the Qing Dynasty in the Sino-Japanese War, and the fierceness in his bones is aroused. The chips are overwhelming, and the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road!

Almost at the moment Linn fell down, the rotten thing that had just emerged from the star world showed its razor-like claws. It could not wait to feast on this delicious mass of human beings on the ground.


There was nothing more. Lin En, who was lying on the ground, had just activated the cross symbol, and the next moment he heard a thunderous explosion behind him. The belated feeling of friction and rolling of the air flow traveled along the spine and reached the brain.

The cross character collapsed instantly, and the target it captured had been killed instantly.

The reduced state made it too late for the demon spirit, which was transforming for the first time, to react to the arrow. It was pierced into the chest by the arrow, and the high-speed jet of hot air trembled like a knife and was instantly dismembered.

Lin quickly stood up and turned around, holding up the small wind lantern.

The ground was broken into seven or eight pieces of rotten corpses, too dead to be dead, and an arrow shining with the color of cold steel landed right in front of him, and the sound of hissing air flow came from the arrow.

"This is a sniper attack on infantry..."

For the first time, Linn intuitively felt the strength displayed by a Sequence 7 who specialized in killing and destroying people.

When Yevney and Bill, who were responsible for cleaning up the idlers, and Minister Aqil, who had finished packing and deployed weapons, arrived at the scene, Linn had already completed the preliminary sorting of the demon corpses. The materials on such astral creatures are often of extraordinary value, and they are the trophies of your Excellency the Minister.

"It looks like you'll have a good night's sleep tonight."

Aqil took back the arrow that Lin En handed him with a smile. The Minister's attitude towards Lin En was very gentle. This was not only an instruction from the headquarters, but everything Lin En had done before also won Aqil's favor.

"Team leader, and your Excellency the Minister, I have decided to use the opportunity of the bureau to exchange magic potion formulas with Count Amiste."


No one was too surprised. They would be surprised if Lin En went to wash off her appearance.

"It seems that my archery skills have scared you." Aqil's tone was humorous, which made everyone else smile.

"[Lamp Holder] has no shortage of strong combatants. I want to choose a auxiliary profession." Lin En expressed his desire to survive and develop with high emotional intelligence. This kind of thinking takes the overall situation into consideration. , and naturally received double praise from superiors and colleagues.

Thanks for holding the pearl of wisdom, super opportunity, GreatOcean, defending my country, no regrets, Nayako’s highest monthly ticket. Thank you Miss Fan, Nayako for the highest reward, thank you all for your encouragement and support!

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