The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 120 The road is rough

The day after he solved the demon spirit, Lin En took a day off.

To be honest, it was a day, actually half a day, because Lin En spent the whole morning talking about shipping company stocks. The young gentleman who did not have much money in his pocket initially grabbed Clark and persuaded him to be willing to spend his money to invest by analyzing the breakthroughs in ship-going technology and post-war economic recovery in the newspapers.

Lynn's eloquence is there for all to see.

Under his methodical lobbying of interests, Mr. Clark, who was still absent-minded at first, quickly became interested.

Then other clerks in the clerk's office overheard a few words while walking around. They were all slowly attracted and came to the little gentleman to listen to him talk about the economic transportation of the Far South Continent after the war and the loss of interests of the Hopes Federation. , everyone seemed to see a golden mountain in their eyes.

It’s just that this golden mountain requires capital to be leveraged.

In fact, at this time, Lin En only needs to shout loudly, the more people he recruits, the more rewards he will get, and he will definitely make a lot of money. However, considering the uncertain risks of finance and the danger of raising funds, he still did not rush towards the risky road of financial crime.

In the end, even Bill, who was passing by, got involved out of curiosity.

The scene where everyone gathered around Lin En and listened intently to his analysis of factors affecting the postwar stock prices of shipping companies was very similar to the scene in the movie "Cat and Mouse" where the protagonist was talking and being watched by a large group of people.

It was so similar that Linn couldn't bear the expression management.

This strange sense of déjà vu always made him feel as if he was tricking his colleagues into throwing gold pounds into the bottomless pit of the stock market. And Lynn also gave up her plan to borrow money from Clark and Bill to speculate in stocks.

With a neat ending that may lead to investment losses in the long run, Lin En finally ended his unlicensed financial lecture in the clerk's office, and everyone dispersed with some excitement.

"...Actually, I think what you just said about the division of the plank road sea and the efficiency of the Far South Continent Channel is very reasonable. Let's discuss it again."

Well, Bill was convinced.

There are two most difficult things in the world, one is to take money from other people's pockets, and the other is to put your own ideas into other people's heads. Congratulations to the little Mr. Mr. He has achieved one of them.

"If you are interested, you might as well go to the Ocean Exchange. They are much more professional than me."

Lynn declined Bill politely and changed the subject.

"Is Miss Atali still venting her resentment to the captain?"

Because of his love for Tully, the approval of Lynn's leave application was delayed for a long time.

This erudite lady in a wheelchair, a powerful extraordinary person with heterochromatic eyes, often visits the [Lamp Holder], mainly to complain to Yevni that her academic insights are not recognized, and those aristocratic old men can't wait to look at people with their noses. Every time she came over, Lynn and Bill would stay far away to avoid being affected.

When a series of terminology comes at you in the form of long and difficult sentences, you can easily have serious doubts about your knowledge and IQ.

"Yes, they can chat until afternoon tea." Bill shrugged helplessly.

"It was the captain who could shut up and hear the afternoon tea."

Linn knew that his team leader and Atali were best friends and playmates, just like he and Sophia. This was a way for the two of them to get along.

In fact, many times Yevni doesn't think about what Miss Atali is saying at all.

As for Aitali, it didn't matter. She just came to Yevni for a one-sided chat. It didn't matter whether she listened or not.

"So how many shipping companies did you just list?" Bill tried to get more information from Lynn's head.

"Oh! It's getting late! I still have an appointment with Lord Amiste. I'm very sorry Bill..."

Lin En happened to take out his pocket watch with a look of regret on his face. He had already thought of how to raise investment safely and would not do such dangerous things as raising funds from his colleagues.

"Can't wait."

Clark leisurely gave a sharp comment on the side.

Basically, all the well-informed clerks in the [Suppression Bureau] knew that Stim's most beautiful rose was extremely fond of the young gentleman who fired the gun at the peace meeting. Lin En's beauty was naturally envied, jealous, and hated by many people.

Not that the rumors were any more unpleasant.

After all, Lin En is not just a freeloader, but relies on his own abilities to obtain corresponding fruits of labor, and has established a certain prestige when coordinating the clerical department. But this does not hinder Mr. Clark's humor as his clerical tutor.

"Not a bad thing."

Bill looked at Linn's back, tilted his head and said with a smile.

"Maybe they will have a good ending. After all, they are a good match, right?"

"Oh my God, Clark, this is the first time you have said such a thing! However, I hold a different view. If the young gentleman really wants to consider his marriage, he has a wider space to be developed." Bill was almost surprised. Opening his eyes, it was the first time he saw Clark say such things.

Obviously, if Linn continues to climb up, he will soon become a hot potato.

They do not doubt the young gentleman's ability and ambition to climb up.

Lin En, who was being discussed by the two people, sneezed hard on the carriage. His salary had just been paid two days ago. The young gentleman, who didn't want to wrong him, rented a carriage and headed to the countess' private estate. Considering the rapidly deteriorating road conditions outside the city and the failure rate of steam taxis, Lin En gave up enjoying the convenience of technology and chose animal power.

Looking at the noisy street scene and the gray sky polluted by industrialization, Lin leaned against the car window and let the cool autumn wind blow the hair on her forehead.

Suddenly, the emerald green eyes trembled.

Stop, please.

The docile horses slowly stopped in obedience to the driver's whip, and the noisy dispute not far away attracted the attention of the young gentleman.

It can be seen that a lady with honey-colored hair in white clothes is being surrounded by a group of people excitedly and blocked on the street. Of course, what attracts Linn is not the sexy and plump figure of the lady with honey-colored hair, but her identity.

Dr. Ziegler.

The woman who submitted peace proposals to parliament, the royal family and the cabinet and led the outburst of voices longing for peace across the continent seems to be in some kind of trouble and is suffering abuse and criticism.

Lin En's sharp eyes caught the expressions of two people that were no longer just angry. Their lowered eyelids and tense muscles under their eyes showed that violence was brewing.

‘Do you want to mind the business of this goddess of peace? ’

After hesitating for a moment, Linn felt a little excited. From Ziegler's actions and slogans, she seems to be a glamorous person. If Linn hadn't observed her during the [Lamp Holder]'s questioning, he would have felt the same way. After the last incident, Lin En was still not satisfied. He was excited because if he wanted to go down to help, he would definitely peel off the noble coat of this honey-colored lady.

Take a good look to see if she is as beautiful on the inside as she looks on the outside.

Thanks to Ar1iex, Lazy God 2333, Tokiwadai Ka Yoshiko's monthly ticket, thanks to book friend 20200723221414435, I want your notebook, Lazy Yinglong, and reward me with wisdom.

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