The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 122 Poor hospitality

Accompanied by beautiful women, the carriage occasionally bumps and shakes, allowing you to see rare and alluring scenery. Under Lin En's deliberate catering, the two of them chatted happily.

Ziegler told Lynn about the brutality of the Northern Front battlefield.

She had seen that because the position that had been bombarded by shrapnel was too soft, when the second wave of people stepped on it, it was like stepping on a cake, and then the oozing blood came out with a loud sound. . It turned out that the blood of the soldiers had stained the position, and when it gathered into the crater, there were mottled and ferocious patches of red on the ground.

War is never kind.

War in the industrialized era is a direct torture of human nature. Soldiers are not emotionless machines. Facing the terrifying hell made of steel that can easily destroy the body, they will also begin to reflect on why they are fighting?

Through the opening and closing of Ziegler's red lips, Linn had a very intuitive understanding of the group of soldiers.

Soldiers were recruited cheaply when they first entered the battlefield.

Don't expect this group of people to have any ideological consciousness at first. If the war goes smoothly, they, as violent machines, will rudely ravage the civilians on the battlefield. For example, but not limited to: finding girls to vent your animal desires, picking up dead people with bayonets to practice courage, and using people who have fled to practice marksmanship.

People are generally like this. Unless suffering happens to them, they won't reflect on it.

Lynn wasn't surprised at all.

The battlefield that Ziegler saw was one where the pain was shared by both sides, so the officers had insufficient control over the low-handed soldiers.

"Perhaps, you can write a book about what you saw on the battlefield. I think other than the soldiers, no one will know what the battlefield is like better than you."

After listening to Dr. Ziegler's narration, Linn felt that if this painful history is not to be forgotten or exploited, someone must write a book with an unbiased perspective for people to read.

For example, books like "All Quiet on the Western Front" before time travel.

"That's what I meant."

Ziegler obviously had an idea for a long time. Her beautiful eyes lit up immediately after Linn's suggestion, but soon there was a trace of embarrassment on her face.

"But I'm afraid the information collected by myself is not comprehensive enough, and recently I am cooperating with the city government to change the city's health situation. I don't know Linn..."

"If you have time, I would like to help you complete this book."

Lin En solemnly responded that if such a book appeared, it would definitely be passed down in history, and he was honored to be a part of it. When survival becomes life, people always have to pursue something, so there are two directions: vulgarity and idealization. Linn does not want to be vulgar, or not completely vulgar.

As if waiting for Linn's words, Ziegler smiled happily after he responded.

"Oh, happy times are fleeting, we're almost there."

Lin En had already caught a glimpse of the Countess's private manor from the corner of her eye, and she couldn't help but sigh slightly in her heart that she had to deal with Her Excellency Amiste again. She hoped that after such a long time, her anger had dissipated.


When he thought that this shrewd woman was still angry with him, Lin En became very worried about the next potion transaction. He would definitely be made things difficult for her.



The person who received Linn and Ziegler was still the same steward as last time, with oily hair and pink face, and every hair on his body had to be carefully taken care of. He was obviously much more satisfied when he saw Lin En this time.

Coat, hat, lining, waistcoat, boots and cuff pins.

This time, the young gentleman finally did not have to torture this gentleman who was particularly obsessed with clothes, because Lin En had already notified him in advance before his visit, so he did not need to wait like the last time. Ziegler himself also had an invitation letter from the countess, and he also followed Linn.

The destination Mr. Steward led this time was not the study. But...


Of course not in the bath. The two had to wait for a while in the large rest room of the large indoor bath. The steward said that the count was still enjoying her favorite hot spring bath. The two of them would wait a moment and the count would come out soon.

Regarding Amiste's behavior of building a luxurious large bath room specifically for a natural hot spring, Linn could only sigh in her heart that she was really rich. The long-term accumulation of wealth by the aristocracy has completed the transfer of capital from land to factories. The new accumulation after the liberation of productive forces is astonishing.

The threshold of despair is still rising, and in the future there will be a magical reality where a dog can become a capitalist.

Lin En and the others were not kept waiting. Within a few minutes, the countess, who was still slightly steaming, swayed her waist and raised her hips, and came to the spacious and bright lounge in a charming manner.

She was simply wearing a thick robe, but it could not hide her plump and round body that had just emerged from the bath. And the hair that is naturally spread to the waist makes her wifely charm reach the extreme.

"My dear little gentleman, and my dear goddess of peace, your visit together shows that I am not fully prepared and poorly entertained~~"

Amiste came in and waved to the maids who were busy serving tea, and they bowed their heads and respectfully left. Then she motioned for the two of them to sit down with a charming smile. No need to be polite, the elegant lady crossed her legs, revealing her jade lotus-like crystal calves from under her robe, and the water color on them had not completely faded. Dry.

She had obviously just come out of the bath. She simply put on a heavy robe and came over to meet the two of them.

In this case, wouldn’t the following be...

"Your Excellency Amiste, do you need me to give in for a moment?" Ziegler, who was holding a cup of tea, looked around between Linn and the Countess, and asked implicitly.

"Lynn, what do you think?"

Countess kicked the ball to Lynn.

"I feel that as a gentleman, I cannot make these two ladies unhappy. If Dr. Ziegler has something important, I can give in for a while." The magic potion formula is in the hands of the Countess. I have a whole day today. It's a day, so Linn doesn't mind Ziegler chatting with Amiste first.

Of course, he was a little curious as to why Dr. Ziegler came here to find the Countess.

"Since I'm not on the battlefield, it's been a long time since I enjoyed the gentlemanly qualities of Your Excellency the Earl's dear young gentleman."

The beautiful eyes of the two cars showed satisfaction and love for Lin En's appropriate answer, and for a moment there seemed to be a little more pink atmosphere in the lounge. After Linn left the lounge, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The charm released by these two ladies sitting together was really amazing.

One is as enchanting as a red rose, the other is restrained and conservative as a water lotus.

It can be said that they complement each other.

Under the guidance of the maid, Lin En guessed the topic of the exchange between the two people and walked towards another lounge. Soon, Lin En saw the dazzling array of refreshments and the enthusiastic surroundings of the maids, and saw how modest Amiste was in her poor hospitality.

Thank you to the second grade patient for his joy and Feng Chuixue 401’s monthly ticket.

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