The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 140 New Use of the Black Holy Grail

At close range, the powerful strike range is ten meters, and the ultimate attack range can be extended to twenty meters. Its lethality is comparable to assassination firearms, and it is not affected by traditional bullet trajectories. It is flexible and can bypass various obstacles to strike. Only a world with extraordinary technology could create such a strange and fierce cold weapon.

Of course, shortcomings also exist objectively.

Although it is a strong deterrent, the explosive lethality at close range is obviously insufficient, severely restricted by the terrain, and Linn has not yet fully mastered the cane. Xingxiang's control and power skills will always offset part of the strength. force.

In an encounter situation, Linn had to control the spatial scale.

Besides, the little gentleman also has secondary weapons.

He has always been smart and can definitely educate others on what it means to shoot fast from ten meters away and to be accurate and fast within ten meters. What? Cane, you say? Consider the complex environment. After all, a gentleman cannot always wield a civilized stick to beat those who offend him.

"...Remember to maintain it every week. If the structure becomes loose or parts fall off, go to the bureau for repairs in time. I have also given you a draft of the weapon. You should know how to clean and maintain it."

Eveni warned her seriously.

And equipped with his own beautiful cane, Linn, who looked like a handsome young man from Albion, was holding the top hat on his head to say goodbye. To be honest, this stick is a bit unsuitable for Linn, who has obviously grown a bit, but considering that he is growing like a wheat seedling, it will be fine in less than half a year.

"Well, I understand."

"And don't forget our mission, arrange your own affairs as soon as possible, and move out of that street full of bedbugs and rats." Bill, who clearly had a dislike for the downtown area, also expressed his concern. After getting to know each other, his eyes gradually began to hide his ferocious face towards the lower-level gangs.

Lin En understands this very well, and Sophia doesn't do that anymore anyway. So please be sure to step up your efforts to deal with the gangsters.


Lin En smiled, and the beautiful boy waved his hand. His abrupt figure, which was out of place in the factory area, quickly disappeared into the complicated factory corridor.

After the little gentleman walked away, Bill said in a babble.

"The little gentleman's thinking is really amazing, and it would be even more amazing if his thinking is confirmed." This is obviously a reflection of Lin En's brain. Not only is he extremely flexible and sharp in social circles, but he can also be successful in other fields. It's obvious that the radiation is like a wild horse.

An inexhaustible treasure chest is Lynn's brain.

"You've almost prepared your magic potion, and you'll be ready to be promoted soon." Yevni nodded in agreement, and then turned to Bill with her tall figure, her whole body full of heroic spirit.

Well, at this point it is not difficult to see that even though Eveni thinks she is disguising herself well.

But the difference in treatment is still obvious.


The smile on Bill's expression couldn't help but diminish a lot, and was replaced by solemnity. [Forger] The profession promoted to Sequence 8 is [Manufacturer]. In addition to improving on the original basis, it also increases the dexterity and stability of both hands. In addition to improving shooting accuracy, it also enhances manufacturing accuracy. , the size error is basically an order of magnitude reduction.

The magic potion he took before has been almost digested, so there will be no problems with this promotion.

"I hope you can succeed..."

Yevni sighed worriedly and had no more words.

The captain of the third team is not worried about Mr. Bill's promotion this time, but his future path. When it comes to digesting magic potion, Bill adopts the method of accepting all, rather than the traditional neutralization. This method is quick to achieve results and accepts all kinds of inner selves, but it is easy to cause disadvantages.

What is more significant is the unconscious change in personality. In the eyes of some conservative extraordinary scholars, the digestion of this model is simply breaking up the madness and eating it bit by bit.

It's just not that obvious that it's crazy.

Bill chose this path because he thought it suited his character. Even though this gentleman always looks kind and smiling, the darkness and cruelty under his smiling face is stronger than that of many people.

Sometimes extraordinary people think.

Is it that they are choosing the potion, or is the potion transforming them into a suitable appearance? This is really an intriguing philosophical question.

But for Linn, who has just become a [Flower Maker], he may be able to answer this question.

It should be said that it is an interaction.

Ever since he swallowed the professional potion, Linn has been able to feel some very obscure and messy messages coming from his half-body Black Holy Grail from time to time. This information disturbed spirituality and tried to influence Linn, but was suppressed by the Black Holy Grail.

The Black Holy Grail's own information is like steel versus cotton. The two are not on the same level at all, and they can be crushed easily.

Linn's potion digestion was a progress bar that was visible to the naked eye.

Based on the extraordinary knowledge he currently possesses, it is speculated that the Black Holy Grail can exhibit such a function, and it is likely to involve something deeper. These things include personality, spiritual essence, nature, and sequence system. After all, the Black Holy Grail overwriting in the astral realm is considered by other extraordinary people to be equivalent to angels. It can be boldly speculated that before the potion taken exceeds the limit of the Black Holy Grail, Lin Well, you can drink the magic potion as water!

To be honest, this made Linn's inner worries disappear.

After learning that the potion can make people crazy, Linn bravely stepped into the extraordinary field in order to return home and protect himself. But it would be a lie to say that he was not worried at all about the possibility of turning into a crazy piece of meat. Human words.

Desire is the driving force for progress and the source that drives people to seek death.

After unexpectedly discovering a new use of the Black Holy Grail, Linn began to wonder if he could be a little more creative, such as boldly changing the arrangement of his own spiritual souls through overwriting, and no longer fearing various possible contaminations. Or, you can directly pour all your spirituality into the Black Holy Grail and use her to exert your own abilities to achieve incredible effects.

Cuibi's eyes flickered and turned completely into bright red.

Lin En, who was walking on the noisy street, lowered his head slightly, and the brim of his hat blocked his sight at the moment. As he rubbed the diamond on the top of his cane, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously. An extremely magical and seductive aura radiated from the white and greasy skin with a watery luster. There seemed to be a charming chuckle that itched his ears in the air around him. .

"Digestion? Return to position? What on earth are you?"

Lin En raised her head, and in her field of vision, she leaned over to reveal a large expanse of fair skin, with a deep V black gauze that extended to the black chalice under her sexy navel. She innocently and seductively held up Lin En's face and touched each other intimately.

She is him, half of him.

This seemed to be the answer of the Black Holy Grail. They touched each other and understood each other better than anyone in the world. In this mesmerizing intertwining of silver hair, the smile at the corner of Linn's mouth gradually overlapped with the Black Holy Grail.

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