The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 142 Becoming Confident

"Uh huh huh~~"

When he went to work the next day, Mr. Lin couldn't help but hum a tune from his hometown, as if he was still recalling the strong wind last night.


Originally, Linn wanted to take the entire day off to take care of Sophia, who had limited mobility. But the red-faced eldest sister waved her fist and drove him out of the bedroom. Although she kept breathing in the air-conditioning, Sophia was still very proud to say that the knife she had suffered on the street was more painful than this, and Lin En would treat her well. Go to work and work.

Linn missed Sophia's farewell kiss before going out.

I even have the thought of turning around and going home now.

Gentle Township, Tomb of Heroes.

No wonder so many heroic figures throughout the ages have fallen into the arms of beauties in the end. This is a comprehensive desire of human instinct, and it definitely requires extraordinary willpower to overcome it. However, Lin En always had a long-term goal of returning home in fine clothes, so he didn't think it would be good to just stay like this.

Of course, if we find a way to return home in the future, we must take Sophia with us.

In addition, the Black Holy Grail seemed to be particularly lazy today. To Linn's surprise, he did not run out on various occasions. It was a bit like eating, drinking and sleeping.

"Good day, Lynn."

A sonorous and powerful voice suddenly came from one side, and the heroic female knight who was bathed in the early morning sunshine happened to meet her. Her tall and plump figure was hidden under the cloak. Today, Yevni came to work on foot. I have to say that in some aspects, Evonne is still upright and naive in a cute way.

"Good day, Yevney."

"..." Eveni suddenly stared at Linn strangely, as if she was meeting him for the first time.

"What's wrong?" Linn blinked and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just haven't seen you for a day and you seem to have changed. You are more confident than before."

Eveni frowned slightly and used an inappropriate description. What she actually wanted to say was that Lin En's boyish shyness seemed to have disappeared, and the eyes he looked at her were much calmer and more reserved than before. The female knight felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by the young gentleman's warm and reserved gaze, and her slender legs on the stone floor subconsciously tightened up a lot.

If Amiste, a beautiful mature woman, were here, she should be able to see some clues from Linn's sudden change and the lack of time to fully adjust.

But it is a pity that although the female knight is proficient in combat skills, this combat skill is not that combat skill~~

Confidence is a good thing.

Yevni, whose intuition was somewhat alarming, quickly shook off the subtle unhappiness in her heart, and walked toward No. 404 while chatting and laughing with Lin En. Naturally, the young gentleman would not let the two of them stay silent. None of them noticed that at the other end of the busy street in the early morning, Clark was looking at the two figures in pairs with strange eyes.

He adjusted his glasses subconsciously, and there was a happy smile in his eyes at first.

What emerged instead was irrepressible confusion.

Finally, it turned into an unfathomable abyss of tranquility, pulling the surrounding light into it.



After signing the follow-up contract and becoming Sequence 9, Linn, as a decent person, of course had his own private office. It can't be said to be very grand, but all the necessary office equipment is available. Because of this, the three teams once again fell into a situation where there were more official members than clerks.

The gilt lettering on the office door is extremely beautiful, Lynn Moriarty.

This is a status symbol.

I have to say that Lynn's experience over the past month could be written into a novel and submitted to the newspaper. It is exciting and exciting. From almost falling into the abyss to being favored by a beauty, he has gained both fame and fortune. For Albion in this era, Definitely a hit story.

Clark went to work as usual today, and he couldn't adapt to the familiar emptiness beside him.

Seems a little distracted.

After Lin En moved out of the clerk's office, everyone else seemed to be inexplicably shy and did not take the initiative to talk to Clark. The conversation volume in the morning was much lower, and a low pressure hung over everyone's heads.

Just when Clark was lost in thought while holding a [Fern'e Language] dictionary, a figure suddenly appeared next to the desk.

"Mr. Clark?"

He subconsciously adjusted his glasses, his face full of surprise.

"Lynn? You're not..."

"Oh, that's it. I still have some clerical questions to ask you. I think you don't mind my interruption, right?" Linn, holding a pile of documents, showed a humble and gentle smile to Clark. The investment in Smile has clearly made a difference.

"Of course I don't mind."

Clark couldn't help but raise his eyes to glance at Linn, and he caught the complex expression that flashed across his face.

In an instant, Lin En became surprised and alert.

Calmly, while carefully recalling the complicated micro-expressions in his mind, he asked Clark about the business. It turns out that the joint operation between departments of the [Suppression Bureau] requires some paperwork. But early today, two people came to the headquarters to talk to Minister Aqil. Linn just walked around to find out more.

Of course, it depends on the situation to take care of the mood of Mr. Clark, who is a mentor.

I left in a bit of a hurry, but at least I told him with my actions that I still respected him. Besides, the relationship between people in front of others and behind others must at least be maintained well.

Just the micro-expression captured by Linn for a moment gave him an unexpected gain. It seemed that Mr. Clark was a little weird about him? And it made Linn instinctively feel a kind of threat. This faint sense of threat was a bit similar to the feeling he felt when he faced the pervert at the peace meeting, and goosebumps arose.

Mr. Clark's doubts and vigilance were ignored.

Lynn learned about the level and charter of this joint operation from Clark. This was the first joint operation of multiple departments of the [Suppression Bureau] in the past five years. Although it did not include members of the church and other extraordinary organizations, the level was That's pretty high. The last joint operation was a terrorist attack against the [Gem Society] five years ago.

This is enough to show that the Bureau attaches great importance to the inexplicable troubles caused by some wild Extraordinary people in Xiacheng District.

Clark also took the opportunity to chat with Linn about the "Gem Club" and the bright gems of this troublesome organization. [Zishuibi], Lin En heard this beautiful and frightening title from other people for the first time.

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