The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 152 Sudden good news

There is a difference between home and house.

A place with family is a home. It is a haven for the soul. It is a place where a person can open his heart to his heart's content and relax without wearing a mask. Strength does not need to be proven by loneliness, and having a place where you can enjoy yourself comfortably does not mean weakness. Whether it is to turn black and self-destruct to show strength, or to move forward steadily with head held high to bring legendary shock, the conclusion has long been drawn from the endless emergence of heroes in human history.

It's early morning again.

[Burning Sun]'s glow dyed crimson purple penetrated into the room from the window.

Sophia, who usually wakes up earlier than Lin En, brushes his metallic platinum hair and admires his exceptionally beautiful sleeping face. Their hair colors are intertwined together, like delicate silk.

Lin En lay on her chest, with his face and body in full contact, and subconsciously waved his hands at someone's teasing early in the morning, as if to ward off flies.

Sophia couldn't help but form a smile on her lips.

She found that when Lin En was sleeping, his brows were not completely open, but there was always a faint hint of sadness, as if there was something troubling that had not been resolved. Moreover, Linn talks in her sleep, although not much, but she occasionally shouts something sadly in the middle of the night, which is a language that Sophia cannot understand.

There must be something very unhappy hidden in my heart.

Using her long white fingers to carefully trace the lines of her brother's eyebrows, the eldest sister frowned. She couldn't help but want to completely straighten Lin En's eyebrows every time, but unfortunately she couldn't.

This little bastard is getting more and more interesting...

"Uh-huh, don't, don't make trouble."

Sophia stood up slowly, picked up her pajamas and sat upright.

After Sophia left the bedroom, Linn, who still looked awake, suddenly opened one eye, with a sly smile in his green eyes.

“It’s a nice day today too~~”

With his hands behind his back, Linn half-closed his eyes as if reminiscing. He found that he liked to stay in bed more and more in the morning. Anyway, it would take a while for Sophia to prepare breakfast. In fact, every morning, the energetic Linn basically wakes up with her sister.

But every time she wakes up, Linn can't help but ask her soul: What is it that covers my eyes?



"The bureau may organize an event tomorrow, so I'll take you to have fun when I get the chance. It seems like it's going to rain these days. Remember to burn the fireplace more often to remove the moisture. Don't worry about buying it if the carbon is gone."


"Besides, it's best not to go to Xiacheng District these days. I always feel that it's inexplicably uncomfortable. Maybe I missed it... Well, this omelette is so delicious. It seems that you have completely mastered the omelette I'm talking about. Pie."

"I'll add some pepper next time, and I can add more chopped green onions. By the way, I'll buy some sugar and try the scrambled eggs with tomatoes you mentioned before. Can I bring these dishes to the bar? These days, the helpers and the proprietress Everyone asked how the lunch was cooked, and I felt like I could try to promote it to the guests. ”

"Are you turning it into a restaurant?"

"It's not impossible, no one asked you to think about the dishes that are so delicious."

At the dining table in the early morning, the siblings sat closely together and chatted while eating fried eggs and wheat bran bread. A cup of hot potato soup was just enough to warm their stomachs.

Since the beginning of living together, Linn has tried to ask Sophia to recreate the simple home-cooked dishes in her memory. It must be said that her cooking talent is indeed good, and the reproduction of Linn's description rarely overturns or turns into dark cuisine. A plate of fried rice and a bite of twice-cooked pork can give Lin En a taste of his hometown.

Of course it's also scary when the car rolls over.

Sophia had heard about the dish of braised prawns before, and when she was thinking about it, she suddenly thought of adding a lot of cheese and cheese. As a result, the finished product almost didn't go directly to the two of them on the same day. In the spirit of not wasting the last They ate it with all their might.

Lin En was growing taller and had a huge appetite, so she easily finished her breakfast.

The recent days have been so comfortable and warm that it’s almost unreal. This has further strengthened Lin En’s determination to climb up. The more he learns about this era and this world, the more he can realize how powerful and powerful he is. important. It is natural to want to change, and to return home, these are indispensable.

"I'm going to work."


Sophia called to Linn, then walked up to him and tidied up his tie that was not carefully tied. Then he compared the heights of the two people with a bit of confusion. Unknowingly, Lin En grew taller from having to raise her head to the point where she could look at her level.

Inexplicably unhappy.

The eldest sister took advantage of Lin En's head not yet putting on the top hat, raised her hand to vent her anger and rubbed Lin En's head, and then rearranged it for him.

"Go ahead and do your best." Sophia patted Linn's shoulder with satisfaction.


"Also, don't forget to take down that rich earl as soon as possible, and work harder~~"

Linn couldn't help but turn around and glare at her. When these words came out of Sophia's mouth, he felt that he had become one of those classic pretty boys who hooked up with a rich woman and sent her to a mental hospital or got her pregnant, and then sinisterly to seize family property. The grievances and grievances between wealthy families in her mind seemed to be in this way, encouraging her brother to seize the opportunity without working hard.

The young gentleman bets that if he had such bad intentions, the sensitive and beautiful mature woman would definitely throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

404 Blue Street.

The day at work started with greeting Bishop, the janitor. On the way, Lynn also met Clark and asked him about cooking spices. Mr. Clark was a little confused, but as his family owned a restaurant, he still tried his best to answer the questions about the young gentleman's interests.

Thinking about what kind of flowers she should grow, Linn opened the office door.

"Lynn, good day."

"Mr. Bill, why are you in my office?" The little gentleman was a little surprised.

"It's not important. We may have a new life, so get ready." Bill seemed to be in a good mood, and the smile in his narrowed eyes was a bit serious.

"New job? Is it with law enforcement from other departments, or is there an order from the headquarters?"

"The team leader took the initiative to go to the minister to take over the follow-up investigation of the murderer who escaped from the peace meeting."


Lin's voice, which was quite leisurely, suddenly rose an octave higher, with an expression of disbelief. [Suppression Bureau] After finally getting rid of that mess, Yevni actually took the initiative to get involved? The little gentleman felt that his blood pressure was rising rapidly. Did she know that as the goddess of peace became famous, someone would definitely be covered in mud?

Eveni's political sense is no longer zero, but a negative number!

"Where is she? Tell me, right away!" Linn's voice was slightly distorted, with a bit of sharpness.

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