The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 154 Fascination

"This is what you want, the latest organ of the city government, their mouthpiece, and the newspapers where several courtesans work. These are the executive orders from the headquarters agency after the peace conference. These are the lanes of the private estate of His Excellency the City Hall The information is not guaranteed to be accurate..."

Bill was manipulated by Lynn, and his work efficiency did not decrease. Instead, he showed the attitude that a teammate should have, giving priority to tasks and cooperating wholeheartedly.

This serious attitude rubbed off on Lynn.

The young gentleman sincerely praised this kind of working atmosphere as it was really good and had no negative impact. For example, some of his colleagues before time travel were all rotten fish.

"Put the newspapers on this stack. The headquarters ordered them to be put here..."

She sighed in her heart, but Lin En, who was still a little angry about Mr. Squinted Eyes' previous behavior, did not give him a good look. Instead, she thought seriously with a sullen face and recorded the selection in the book with a round-belly pen. With useful information.

When the brain is running, using paper and pen to assist can effectively reduce the load.

This was a method for alleviating overload that Lin En had summed up while thinking before. Although his brain had been relieved to a certain extent due to his promotion to Sequence 9, he still retained this habit.

"By the way, Lynn, do you have any friends at the headquarters?" Bill asked him intentionally or unintentionally because he didn't know what news he had gotten.

‘Headquarters? friend? ’

Lin En, who was writing with his head down, suddenly stopped writing. He carefully recalled his past interpersonal relationships. Except for a few classmates at Livia University, they were just a few young aristocrats of the same age who did not have close friendships. But these were lost as his family fell apart and he fell into Squirrel Street.

Speaking of the headquarters, I am afraid that the only one I know personally is Mr. Alfred.

This law enforcer once witnessed with his own eyes in the star realm, the brutal process of killing a troublesome Extraordinary person with a slap of simple spiritual storm in the overwriting posture of the Black Holy Grail.

I heard that he is still tracking down the wild angel with silver hair and red eyes.

"Probably not, what's wrong? Do you want someone to help?" Linn quickly replied casually. It was normal for Bill to be a little unstable just after his promotion. It would be great if he could get some guidance from the headquarters.

"No, I'm just asking casually. After all, you were promoted a bit quickly, you know."

Bill laughed and quickly moved away from this time-wasting topic.

"Then you should ask Yevni, not me, the young man you brought out of prison."

Linn glanced at Mr. Bill with a bit of disgust, as if to say, with your IQ, you would ask such a stupid question? This is undoubtedly a waste of his precious time.

Narrowing his eyes, he suddenly smiled awkwardly.

Being despised for his IQ, he quickly gave a random reason, saying that he and Clark would continue to send messages later, and quickly disappeared from Linn's office. This was a rare moment when Bill was embarrassed, mainly because it was so shocking to be despised for his IQ by the young teacher.

The source of interference disappeared, and Lin En was engrossed in the information flow that was as chaotic as flying butterflies. He was like a child chasing butterflies. The butterflies he picked up at his fingertips were often the ones he could use.

The ocean of knowledge can be daunting when it rises and falls.

Unknowingly, Lin En's brain was once again addicted to the wonderful pleasure, squeezing, and stimulating brain operations. The butterflies that were originally like dead objects also began to tremble and squirm, scrambling to land on the asking arm. While Lin En was entranced, the soft and loving chuckle of the Black Holy Grail seemed to reach his ears again.

Only by being fascinated can you find out the truth and reach the peak.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone seemed to come in and put something on the desk. Lin En didn't even pay much attention to it. Cuibi's eyes were full of concentration that was a bit hair-raising.


Vaguely, he heard someone calling him, and inexplicable irritation surged into his heart.


"Shut up! Bill, if you are very leisurely, you can leave my office and strike up a conversation with the clerk in the logistics department." Linn, who was a little disturbed by his thoughts, raised his head and said seriously. With a frown, he wondered what Bill would do if he was bored. If he is wasting his time on this topic, then he must let him see what it means to have a poisonous tongue.

But the person he saw clearly in his field of vision at the next moment made Linn want to take back the words that had just left his mouth.

Standing in front of him was Eveni.



From the perspective of unscrupulous bosses, there are two very interesting phenomena in the world. One is that one's own employees become extremely capable inexplicably under the control of their enemies, and the other is that no matter how much overtime their employees work, they feel that they are not working hard. Regardless of how this phenomenon occurs, Yevni is obviously not the kind of boss who asks you to sacrifice for your own good.

Office Building No. 404 is not a big one, and any disturbance can often spread throughout the building quickly.

Linn's ordering Bill naturally attracted Yevni's attention.

To be honest, after learning the specific situation from Bill, the female knight couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the little gentleman. Because of her, Lin En had to put so much effort into it. He felt a little guilty when looking at it based on his own morality. This was also related to Lin En's scary concentration attitude.

Eveni looked at him outside the door, her expression somehow complicated.


"You are an excellent captain, both in the past and now." Suddenly, a voice with unclear emotions came from the side. Clark, who had come to deliver the documents at some time, was looking at Linn like her.

His gaze was clearer and more intense, as if he was looking at someone through Linn.

"Clark, I want to sue..."

Eveni seemed to have something to say, but Clark raised his hand to her, and he adjusted the glasses on his face to hide the emotion behind it. As a clerk, Clark not only enjoyed a high reputation in the clerk's office, but he also showed no signs of facing his superiors when facing Yevni.

"We abide by the rules and disciplines cannot be violated. Don't forget what you should do as the captain. Also, Lynn is very good. Among you people, he will not sink under the ice so much. You might as well give him more There's room for you to use it," Clark said, handing the document in his hand to Eveni.

Then, with Yevni's complicated look on her face, Clark turned around and left with some relief.

Then the somewhat embarrassing scene happened before.

After seeing clearly that it was Yevni, Linn stood up subconsciously and explained to her that he had just been a little unresponsive. But Eveni was in a daze. She looked down at Lin's desk, which was already covered with documents and marks, and didn't know what she was thinking. Here, Lin En looked at the female knight who was in a daze and introduced subconsciously.

"It's really not easy this time. We can only make rough guesses in many places..."

Yevni's ears trembled, as if she had been reawakened, and she listened to his introduction carefully.

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