The role of the mind has been demonstrated.

Both Bill and Eveney gave Lin En's full trust in his wisdom and gave him all the information collected before the investigation to analyze. It is not difficult for [Lamp Holder] to collect information. What is difficult is how to filter out the information that is useful to him from a large amount of information.

Some are more obvious, while others are more obscure.

For example.

The report that Linn currently has in hand is a headquarters survey carried out in cooperation with the health decree a week ago. This survey report lists the health conditions of most areas in Xiacheng District. It’s not a big deal when viewed alone, but when combined with other documents in Linn’s hands: Xiacheng District census, Xiacheng District church ceremony, Xiacheng District workers’ living conditions, Xiacheng District unknown belief report, etc., it becomes very interesting.

It is worth mentioning that most of these files are customary backups in the archives, and some do not come from the bureau. The [Suppression Bureau] and other departments and organizations have done a good job in sharing information.

After synthesizing these documents.

It's terrible!

Linn didn't pay much attention at first and just integrated it casually. But suddenly, he was so blessed that he saw that the strange and secretly spread belief of "Painless Apostle" appeared openly in the mouth of a certain government official, and praised its important role in appeasing the people of Xiacheng District.

Lin En suddenly lost his composure.

He first dispersed one-tenth of the analysis lists in the memory palace to briefly understand, and then came to the conclusion that there was a large range of unknown beliefs in the Lower City. And if you want to track down the murderer, Xiacheng District, [Painless Apostle], and [Mainland Medical Association] cannot be avoided. They are connected with each other.

As a result, Lin En increased the importance of this calculation in the virtual projection in his head and directly allocated half of his energy to it.

Then Linn came to the conclusion that the belief in the [Painless Apostle] in the lower city may have reached more than 50%. Lin En felt a little numb now and put all his energy into it. The result of this calculation was very fast, so fast that he felt a little weird. It should be like it was always under your nose but you just ignored it. Confused.

"What the hell is going on?"

The young gentleman couldn't help but stand up behind his desk. He clenched his fists subconsciously, his green pupils dilated rapidly, and he murmured in disbelief.

"Sixty percent coverage, the sudden relaxation of 60% of the churches in Xiacheng District, coupled with an unknown belief, policy cover, and extremely bad living conditions in Xiacheng District, what is this going to do?"

The evil hotbed! ?

Lin En's heart felt like lightning for a moment. He vaguely picked out all the abnormal phenomena at the peace meeting and the deep hidden thread from the extremely complicated environment. But at this moment, he didn't feel the slightest sense of accomplishment. Instead, he felt that he had inadvertently turned his head and discovered that a huge abyss suddenly appeared beside him.

And this abyss is still expanding, ready to eat more people.

No, it’s not a hotbed of evil spirits.

There are no evil gods in this world. Anyone who can be called a god is a righteous god. However, the righteous gods do not distinguish between good and evil, or in other words, they do not care whether their followers are limited to good and evil within human law and morality. It is this indifferent attitude that is particularly terrifying to humans.

Underneath the peace conference is the true purpose of some people.

At that time, Linn missed the [Painless Apostle] line, so he was unable to piece together the overall picture of the incident, which also led to the final result that was supposed to be a great victory being ruined. [Painless Apostle] is most likely an act within the Medical Association. The letter from the intern Arthur also hints at the church's monitoring and condoning of the [Painless Apostle] belief, as well as the turbulent undercurrents within it.

The somewhat frightened young gentleman picked up the cup and drank some water.

Soon a new doubt arose in his mind.

Since there is no true evil god in this world, why do some people engage in this pseudo-belief? Their final result will definitely be failure. This is neither logical nor in the interest. Even if they take advantage of the poor living standards in Xiacheng District, the ultimate goal of starting a cult is to gain something. However, according to Lin En's current speculation, even if they cause trouble, they will be attacked by various extraordinary organizations. The suppression of the middle sequence, not to mention the church and the saint sitting in Stim.


The long gasping sound was the helplessness of Lin En leaning on the soft chair. The chair purchased by [Lamp Holder] was very comfortable for sitting lazily on, and it could relieve stress.

"So, how many pairs of eyes are secretly watching here?"

Linn tapped his nails on the table, and he looked very stressed with his hands on the desk.

After a moment, Lin En suddenly showed an angry sneer.

Wow! ! ! !

He threw away the accumulated documents as if venting his anger. The red maple sleeve pins hit the stapler, pen holder, ink tank, and pen. The various ringing sounds conveyed the anger in the perpetrator's heart at this moment. The veins on his arms were After getting up and cleaning the table randomly, Lin gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

"Fuck you, you gentlemen don't treat other people as human beings, do you? You can do whatever you want, even if a large number of untouchables die, it's just a pain for economic recovery, right?"

Lin En was really angry to death, so he acted in such a rude manner.

It was obvious that someone was at work and was being intentionally condoned.

And this is simply contempt for human life.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to terrorists hoarding highly toxic chemicals in residential areas, and possible insiders indulge in this behavior just because they can get something from it. If Linn were caught doing this kind of thing, and he still had the right, he would definitely be shot in a rage, and he should be thrown into prison and tortured.

After the anger, he felt helpless. The young gentleman covered his forehead and thought.

‘I can only look after myself. ’

This was the first thought that appeared in Linn's mind, but the next moment, the faces of Sophia, Evene, Amiste, and other colleagues from the Suppression Bureau flashed across his mind.

‘I can’t just keep to myself. ’

"What should I do... Let's investigate first, and then make a decision after the investigation results are obtained." Lin En bowed and began to collect the information and documents that he had swept away. If he reported only based on the current speculative information, it would most likely be rejected. .

Besides, God knows if anyone above the [Suppression Bureau] was involved.

Although according to Linn's guess, since the follow-up investigation has been approved, the possibility of participating is very small, but does he dare to bet on this possibility?

"We need to modify the original investigation method."

This day was a bad day for Lynn Moriarty. His work efficiency was reduced a lot because of worry. On the same day, due to various factors, Linn's inner alarm bell sounded, and at the same time, a seed was planted in his heart.

The Black Holy Grail that quietly emerged behind him was hidden in the shadows, with silver hair surging like a demon. His bloody eyes stared intently, and his temperament was completely different from the usual gentle and doting one.

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