The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 16 The Theory of Sexual Phrases

Linn was very wise and did not interfere in the conversation between the two. Whether it was the Extraordinary Evene or the Countess Amiste, it was obvious that he could not interfere. Women's thinking is more emotional, and Lin En herself can't yet grasp it very firmly. She can be tactful and at the same time alleviate the awkward atmosphere and please them.

To put it simply, investment and return are not directly proportional, and there are uncertain risks and huge opportunity costs.

I am not suitable to speak at this time.

However, Lin En was not suitable to speak and pretended to look around at the scenery, but there was someone suitable to change the off-topic topic for her when Yevni was at a loss for words.

"Your Majesty the Countess, we have important matters to attend to, so we can't talk for a long time." Bill interrupted the countess's interest and reminded the mature and plump beauty not to continue to pester her. Yevni also nodded, no longer entangled in the countess's strange and ambiguous words just now.

Facing Bill's smiling and polite reminder, Amiste shook her fan a little faster, and her eyes turned to the innocent Linn with her arms around the fruit.

"In that case, I won't disturb the [Lamp Holder]'s official duties."

Although she didn't say another word to Lin En, anyone with a discerning eye could sense the intense interest in the Countess's eyes. It seemed that the young Lin En had hit her target accurately in some aspect. This is also an indisputable fact. Lin En's appearance and temperament that have been baptized by spring can easily inspire a woman's loving and maternal nature.

With a gust of fragrance, Amiste turned around and left the [Lamp Holder] branch with graceful steps.

On the way to leading Linn to the carriage parking, Yevni spoke hesitantly.

"Just now, don't let it affect you. Your Excellency the Countess has such a character."

"I know."

Linn nodded obediently. He didn't need Evene to remind him how stupid it would be to really take that as a word of love, not to mention the popularity of Countess Amiste's name in the [Steam City] tabloids. , just because of the various dark consequences after a noble fell in love with a commoner, Lin En decided to forget about what happened just now and pretend it never happened.

However, the curiosity about this beautiful mature woman remained in Lin En's heart, and the young Mu Ai could understand.

The clatter of horses' hooves and the squeak of rolling wheels sounded again.

The exclusive carriage of the [Suppression Bureau] with black and gold patterns was heading towards the fish market in the middle city. For some reason, Yevni did not sit in the carriage, but went to the top of the carriage. Bill and Lynn sat in the carriage as before. Mr. Narrow Eyes put the wooden box in his hand upright and put one hand on the box buckle to ensure that he could untie it at any time.

Although they haven't reached the place yet, the two extraordinary people invisibly revealed the aura of entering the state, which also made Linn feel that his breathing was a little suppressed and rapid.

"Is that Countess just now also an Extraordinary?"

In order to relieve the tense atmosphere on the way, Linn asked Bill casually.

"Your Excellency Amiste? She is not an Extraordinary, but she has hired some Extraordinaries to protect her earldom estate. In recent years, Your Excellency the Countess is considered a typical upstart among the nobility. She will use the land she inherited to Most of them are leased to factories, and I have also invested in many factories and companies. In the [Steam City], if you talk about the count's industry, it is very likely that you are referring to the countess. "

Lin En understood clearly that after entering the steam age, the past methods of production and wealth control by the aristocracy gradually failed to keep up with the liberated productivity. According to the transformation of industry, the old aristocracy and the new aristocracy were gradually distinguished. The life of the old aristocracy is obviously not as good as it used to be. In recent years, there has been a trend of lowering oneself to break class barriers and marrying wealthy businessmen. Needless to say, there is no need to mention the new aristocrats. Various reasons allow them to take advantage of the changes of the times to consolidate their wealth and even advance to the next level.

Her Excellency the Countess is not only beautiful, she is also a very wealthy woman.

Linn thought about it for a while and not only burst out laughing. It seemed that what the Countess had just come to the [Lamp Holder] was really doing, which was to transfer some benefits. In this mysterious and extraordinary world that has never left the world, it is inevitable that the [Suppression Bureau] will be related to rich people.

"In addition, because of the damn war, Her Excellency the Countess's unfortunate husband left to serve the gods early and did not even have time to have children with her. I think you might have a chance. She actually has quite a few suitors. , If you can get the favor of a beauty, tsk tsk.”

Bill changed the subject and his tone was half teasing and half seductive, pointing out to Lynn a path that did not require struggle.

It’s hard, the fist is hard!

Lin En didn't think she had that ability. The countess must have extraordinary skills to maintain her wealth and marriage. Anyone who tries to possess her and gain both money and sex may end up with his body appearing in the smelly ditch of [Steam City] one day, and the cause of death is drowning due to drunkenness.

Lynn responded casually to Bill's teasing.

"Compared to that, I would rather rely on my own efforts to live a life where I can eat 20p lunch every day."

"This is not an easy task."

There was a hint of authenticity in Bill's usual smile, and he tapped the wooden box twice with his gloved hands. The lively and noisy street sounds outside the carriage filled the carriage for a while. Mr. Bill's "I know but I just don't tell" look made Linn couldn't help but feel a bit itchy.

"Do you think I still have a chance?"

Lin En looked calm and calm, but her green eyes still asked seriously.

"You are now half of Sequence 9, so there are opportunities. All extraordinary professions are based on bisexuality and guided by potion materials. I think if it is based on your ability, this time Afterwards, maybe if you just jump a little harder, you can pick the first fruits of the branches.”

Bill thought for a moment and answered Lynn's question in a more serious manner, while also revealing the extraordinary person's career information.

Linn's eyelids twitched, Bill's words were actually very clear. Don't think about whether you have something or not if you have committed a crime and made meritorious service. Four people died because of you. Even if they were under control at the time, you still have to take responsibility. No matter what, those were four lives. Before traveling through time, Linn wouldn't have dared to think that if he was saddled with such a murder case, he would still have a chance to clear himself.

"Can you tell me what your sexual form is?"

"Since you have this intention, you will understand it sooner or later. It doesn't matter if I tell you in advance." After Linn revealed his intention to get involved in the extraordinary field, Bill was also willing to show him more of the world.

"The so-called nature is an extraordinary basic concept defined by the righteous gods. There are 9 types in total. The [Spring] in your body is one of them, and there are also [Thread], [Decay], [Blade], and [Blade]. [Chi], [Desire], [Ji], [Fu], [Tower]. You can start with the meaning, and then go on to understand the abstract concept of [Spring].”

"As for the sequence, magic potions, and sexual characteristics of extraordinary professions, to be more specific, wait until you have actually reached that step before looking up the relevant information."

Bill closed his mouth after saying this, obviously having said enough.

Lin digested the information and turned to look out the car window at the lively and spacious streets. A doubt quietly arose and soon occupied Linn's mind.

‘There is no [evil] in sex? ’

Second update, asking for daily support~

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