The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 172 Good Luck

63 King's Avenue.

After receiving the information, Lynn and Bill borrowed the Elba Field office to make a preliminary summary of the information. The main issue they discussed was the various situations they and others would face if the fog of war did not lift.

As the name suggests, the fog of war is the fog on the battlefield. This fog is often dispersed by the presence of scouts and occupiers, and can transmit information to the center. For the two gentlemen in Xiacheng District at this time, it was a bit close to not knowing each other's movements, and they could only judge based on some outdated information.

Fortunately, Bill was there to help Mr. Xiao with analysis and organization.

Otherwise, his head would probably be burned off today.

The main reason is that the branch of the illegal belief [Painless Apostle] is too problematic, and the population flow in Xiacheng District is an unpredictable subject. Because this poor gathering place is filled with too many surprises and uncertainties, these factors directly lead to the completely unpredictable flow of the population.

And these bewitched people, as well as people who have had inhumane surgeries, are hidden in this group of people.

"Damn it, it would be great if there was a committee in our jurisdiction. Nominal control and actual control are completely different things."

Bill's brain was aching just from the auxiliary processing, and he couldn't help but complain.

There is no harm without contrast.

He finally understood the value of Lin En's idea for Yevni. Law enforcers had always had a headache that they could not effectively control the jurisdiction. They tried many methods but failed, and finally just maintained the status quo. Well, in the words of the little gentleman, they just ignored the basic buildings and failed to mobilize the power that could be mobilized.

in addition……

The committee described by Lynn can indeed enhance dominance, but it also allows the people below to gradually gain some consciousness and maintain organization. If there are some ideas to add to it, the nobles will receive a big surprise. .

"Stop complaining, I found their activity track." Lin En said without raising his head.

"How did you do it?" Narrow eyes couldn't help but be surprised. Lin En could always accomplish his goals when ordinary people thought they couldn't. He really didn't know what was going on in his head.

If it weren't for Lynn's innocent background, Bill would have doubted whether he was an Adventer.

"It's very simple. I learned about one of their strongholds in advance. I used this stronghold to compare the movements of these people, and then combined them with time. Through the most basic summary, I was able to draw their movement patterns on the map. The patterns of these mice are quite interesting. Have you ever studied mathematics? They are a bit like a complex function in mathematics. It is hard to imagine that this group of numb people can actually walk..."

"Okay, okay, little sir, Yevney and Leticia are not here. You don't need to show off your extraordinary wisdom. I already have enough respect for you."

Bill quickly raised his hand to interrupt Linn. If he really wanted to continue speaking, he might have to waste dozens of minutes analyzing and explaining.

What is it that is ticking away? It's time.

"Are you adjusting again... Forget it, in short, from the shabby little church on Squirrel Street, using the function line I drew as the action path, I will definitely be able to find the corresponding stronghold from each petal. Arthur, they should definitely be arrested In one of these strongholds, he is Ziegler’s student after all.”

When Lin En was thinking, his whole body entered a state of slight fever and excitement. His hand-drawing skills were not bad, and he had been taught this aspect in his family education before.

A pencil drawing of petals springs to life.

The chapel falls exactly on the corner of the petals.

"Tell me, why do these idiots use such regular actions, are they afraid that we can't find them?" Bill looked at the regular and fair petals and couldn't help but sneer.

"Because it's simple." Lin Enyi said simply. "Only if it's simple enough, the group of people can keep up. It's the same as shouting 'one two one' in the army. The recruited soldiers have no education. If you want them to become combat effective, they must first learn obedience and discipline. Military law can Keep the farmers fighting, that’s it.”

Bill shrugged, mentally admitting that what Lynn said made sense.

"Hey, I can't go around without the damn Medical Association..."

With a sigh, Bill glanced at the time. It's already close to 3:30 in the afternoon. If you want to take action, you have to hurry up. Otherwise, after 5 o'clock, the radiance of [Burning Sun] in that damn place in Xiacheng District will be significantly weakened, whether it is visibility or other things. dropped significantly.

In [Steam City], the roaring factories send all kinds of industrial waste gases into the sky day and night, and over time, they have formed a barrier above the city.

Neither [Burning Yang] nor [Weaving Moth] can completely spread their glory.

"I estimate that you will complete your goal first. You can take this document back to the captain or the minister and leave it for insurance." Lynn handed a document to Bill.

This is what he gained about the spread of the [Painless Apostle] belief in Xiacheng District, combined with a new popular science medical method. There is a lot of trouble in this. Bill glanced at the mark on the document bag and nodded, no problem.

"Mr. Douglas is probably almost ready."

He had been thinking intensively since noon, and the [Flower Maker] would use a booster activity on himself every once in a while. After Lin En relaxed, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

He felt like he was being pricked by needles on both sides of his temples, and there was a swelling and stinging pain. The pain almost made Linn scream out. But correspondingly, there is a sense of satisfaction after spending all the time. The map on the desk with the time and place marked is his masterpiece.

At this time, Linn also took out the brass pocket watch and took a look.

"That's it. If there is any need, use Tongque to contact us."

"Split up?" Bill was a little surprised. He still regarded Linn as a powerless clerk.

"Someone has to deal with someone who is unwilling to deal with, but who can quickly get information about downtown, don't you think? Mr. Bill?"

"I never said that I don't like dealing with gang members. On the contrary, I have fun every time I play games with them. Even though it's a torture game, hahaha."

"That's why I can't let you pass." The young gentleman couldn't help but sigh.

It is definitely not a good thing for Bill and Sophia to meet. Linn is well aware of some of Bill's hatred. He wants to rip off all the gang members in the downtown area! For his own sake, Nian Mianyan would not do any violence to the eldest sister, but if we can't get along with each other if we can't get along with each other, let's not get along.

Linn straightened the top hat on his head, picked up his cane and dusted it off.

"Good luck, Lynn."

"The same to you."

I still owe Chapter 97, Vomiting Souls.

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