The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 184 A flash of inspiration

What matters in hand-to-hand combat is courage, and whoever gives in will die first.

Both of the two people in close range at this moment lacked courage. The numb Extraordinary would not have his hands and feet trembling because of fear. Alternatively, he would not break through his upper limit due to the stimulation of survival. Facing Linn, who was so powerful that he could be said to have fought his way out of the crowd in a bloody battle, his upper limit could no longer keep up with Linn Moriarty, who was constantly pushing his limits and struggling to the death.

He tried to block it, trying to delay time with the short knife in his hand.

The accomplices who were disabled due to the impact of high-explosive grenades were recovering one after another. As long as it took another thirty seconds, no, even twenty seconds, Linn would definitely not survive.

The upper limit is locked by numbness, and you can only rely on others to chase it.

As an extraordinary person, the most favored one among all living beings, it has to be said that he is extremely pathetic.

Twenty seconds?

The answer given by Linn is not even five seconds!

The first second he got close, Lin En, who was faster and stronger, caught his hand-raising flaw, and took advantage of this uncomfortable point to attack the enemy late. The enemy in front of him was directly cut open by Lin En with a bayonet from his left shoulder to the waist and kidney area. This opening was basically equivalent to the knife in the stomach when killing fish, and it was a direct sentence of death.

Not yet dead, he stabbed Lin En in the neck with his short knife, hoping to take Lin En away before he died.

Then it took two seconds.

Linn took control, and then the bayonet circle cut off the flexor and extensor muscles of his knife-wielding hand, neatly disarming him. At the same time, blood and organs began to flow out from the incision, and the man was almost dead.

In the fourth second, Linn made the final kick neatly.

The fierce and sharp bayonet was like a bolt of lightning and penetrated directly into the man's left ear hole. Lin, who was worried, even twisted his hand half a circle. This extremely cruel blow completely ended this man's life. His body shook wildly like a cramp for a while, and his eyes quickly dimmed. The numbness did not disappear from his pupils until he died.

When the man in his hand hit the ground like a torn sack, Linn suddenly felt dizzy.

He felt cold.

Then, in Linn's helpless eyes, his blurred and red vision shook, and his whole body collapsed directly on the dark, dirty and smelly ground. The blessing of the [Nourisher] disappeared, and due to excessive exertion, much of the blood provided by the heart was flowing away from the wound at an accelerated rate.

Lin En felt that his eyelids were about to close.

'No, we can't fall here...'

The young gentleman wanted to stand up. He used his only good right hand to support the ground, trying to make it look like he could kill seven more times in and seven out. But sadly, he found that all the strength in his body had been drained away, and even his spirituality was almost drained.

What's terrible is that the person who was knocked down by the grenade has started to get up and is approaching Linn cautiously with a machete or ax or other murderous weapon.

Will he die in the hands of ordinary people in the end?

Lin En was a little unwilling to hold back, but his cold body no longer obeyed, and everything in his dim vision became blurry. His record was brilliant, but he also came to an end. Half leaning on a pile of debris, with her legs straightened and her hands spread out, Linn, who could see all kinds of dazzling injuries, looked up at the sky.

The sunset has almost completely faded.

Dots of stars appeared in the sky at some unknown time. They twinkled in response to each other, and the entire sky showed a magnificent purple beauty. There was a strange night arc, like the hem of [Weaving Moth]'s skirt being dragged. This scene was extremely beautiful to the dying Linn after the fierce battle.

It seems that it’s not a bad idea to take a look at such beautiful scenery before you die?

Little by little, Lin En's green eyes began to spread, and his breathing slowly became undetectable. This extremely fierce Sequence 9, who used everything he had to fight his way out of a desperate situation, was heading for death.

A group of people here had already approached Lin En.

Their eyes were still numb, but their bodies were trembling instinctively. Lin En's burst of spirituality just now was extremely strong, directly infecting this space with the atmosphere of a desperate fight to the death. The determination of the dying struggle can be said to have directly penetrated into the spirituality of these people. After reading their own spiritual contact, they found that Completely unable to face it, naturally there is instinctive fear. So they didn't dare to get close to Lin En.

Even though Linn looked like he was dying and could die at any moment.

If you are a normal person and your spirituality is complete enough, then this fear will be overcome quickly, because people will not be too afraid of a dying guy.

But these people have undergone prefrontal lobe surgery, and their spirituality has been damaged and incomplete. Normal people can completely overcome their instincts. In addition to the amplification of group effects, they procrastinated for a long time, and no one dared to say anything about it. He came out with an ax and chopped off Linn's head.

It's really incredible, these people are actually discussing who should chop off Linn's head.

I thought the young gentleman was a nobleman.

However, this layer of instinctive awe was finally broken. Someone grabbed a stone from the ground and hit Lin En on the head. Seeing that his eyes were narrowed and only a little green showed through, and his body was unresponsive, these people soon became bolder.

A few more stones were thrown at her, and Linn's chest almost didn't rise and fall.

The two people finally walked towards Lin En.

At this time, Lin En, who was leaning on the debris, felt very dark and cold, and he had no energy to react to the people approaching him in his field of vision. He wanted to close his eyes and have a good sleep. But there was always something keeping him awake.

'Stay alive...'

What a familiar voice.

'Please stay alive, please. ’

Who is coming?

'Stay alive, Lynn. ’

Ah, it was my sister's voice, I remembered it.

‘Stay alive! Lynn! ! ’

Originally, the spiritual energy was exhausted, but in the voice of Sophia's prayers, a new spiritual energy miraculously emerged. It was like a clear spring suddenly rising up in the desert, which could save people's lives. Lin En, whose pupils had begun to collapse, suddenly froze, and when he raised his head again, he was as tenacious and unyielding as ever.

Although his body was still exhausted, the light in his eyes at this moment seemed to be able to hurt people.

Linn raised his right hand again.

The promotion activity of [Flower Maker] shines with a faint but firm glow on his hands, as pure as broken pink crystal. The next moment, the crowd gathered around seemed to have seen something extremely frightening. Everyone screamed and ran away, like rabbits hunted by natural enemies. They all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

With difficulty, a victorious laugh came out of his mouth, and Linn carefully pressed the stimulating activity into his chest.

He kept his promise well.

He survived.

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