The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 191 Awakening from ignorance

Lying on the hospital bed, Linn's weakness was not fake.

He soon fell into sleep again.

When people are at their most powerless and weak, it is easy to become homesick. The first thing Lin En dreamed about was the hometown that haunted her. It was far away and vague, but the familiar feeling made this wanderer in another world feel sad that he wanted to cry but couldn't. His hometown was always My own roots, my ability to not sink into the roots of this era.

Then Linn's dream changed again. This time he came to another home, where Sophia's soup and fried rice were waiting for him. When the eldest sister saw her brother coming back, she immediately complained about why he worked overtime so late again, and the two sat at the dining table.

The next moment, Lin En was shocked to see the Black Holy Grail sitting at the other end of the dining table.

The bloody candlelight was swaying slightly.

I don't know when the surroundings changed from the familiar living room to a lightless plain. The wind and sand were howling in this plain, and bones were everywhere. In addition to the white bones, there were more skeletons of various alien creatures that Linn had never seen before.

At the same time, a towering pyramid burst into Linn's field of vision!

The pyramid stood on the horizon like a mountain range, exuding a vague and strange aura toward the dim sky. Just the moment he saw the golden tower, Lin En's mind let out a sour whine that was unbearable. He screamed in pain, holding his head on the dining table.

You could see drops of blood dripping down his face and onto the white tablecloth.

【Juling】! !

[Ju Ling] is alive, dead, and in an unstable state...

There is something sleeping in His body that may not be death. Even the immortal existence will wither. As I see it, when the mystery of [Juling] appears before my eyes, even the flowers in spring and the flames in summer are hopeless poison in my eyes.

The Black Holy Grail held up Linn's head from behind.

The eternal pyramid is silent and majestic, as if it is the corpse of a Titan lying on the horizon. Lin En couldn't suppress the conflict in his mind at the next moment and pressed the Black Holy Grail on the dining table.

The voluptuous and flawless beauty showed a satisfied evil smile.

The thin black gauze on her body disintegrated inch by inch, and the black lace was tightly wrapped and outlined, as if there were no strands on it. Her white hair was spread beneath her like a luxurious carpet. The snow-white lotus-rooted arms of the Black Holy Grail were hooked around half of her neck. Her bright red lips were inviting, telling her what the Black Lotus, born from the filthy sludge, wanted and what she wanted to tell him.

In the dream, when Lin En faces herself, she always doesn't need to cover up or suppress.

In the midst of harmony, Lin En understood what the Black Holy Grail wanted to express. There was something she wanted, so much that Linn needed to get it for herself. He is already under the umbrella. They are both evil and must seize the opportunity.

[Juling] is just a tip of the information brought by that thing.

Lin En looked at those enchanting red eyes again in a trance. The crystal clear eyes were full of love and tolerance, allowing him to take whatever he wanted.



In a daze, the little gentleman, who had slept particularly soundly, smacked his lips, and unconsciously clasped his hands together, rubbing them with the technique he learned from torturing Sophia. But soon, Lin En, who was half asleep, frowned. He felt that something was wrong with his hand.

Is the plump and mature Black Holy Grail so skinny and tight?

Lin En suddenly realized something and was so frightened that he quickly opened his eyes.

"Oh My God!"

Leticia smiled and held her hands on herself. The driving loli was straddling Linn in an extremely indecent posture, and Linn's hands somehow ended up in strange places. To this old Siji, this little dish was nothing. She was looking at Lin En's confused and seductive expression with interest.

She swore that she had never seen a man with such a strong attraction. She just came out of the shower and she smelled so good that she couldn't help but move towards Lin En.

If he hadn't been injured, he might have been happy now.

"Sweetheart, are you having that kind of dream?" Leticia asked curiously, and the doll's delicate face pressed directly up against her.

"Stop and get off me! Now! Now!"

The embarrassed Linn didn't dare to move, so he could only turn away and yell in confusion. At this moment, he felt a bit like an aristocratic lady who had her skirt lifted. Leticia pouted a little aggrievedly, and jumped off Linn's body deftly. Her movements were smooth, like a circus acrobat.

"My dear, why are you so excited? Our first intimate experience must have been too bad." Leticia got out of bed and dragged a chair over, complaining constantly.

What she said didn't seem to be a problem, but it also seemed like it was a big problem.

"Do you always climb into bed like this?" Lin En laughed angrily at her and didn't notice any abnormalities in her body.

"It's just you. After I met you, I lost contact with all the previous guests. After all, if you want to pursue love~~ The one who takes the initiative will sacrifice something, right~~" Leticia, holding her face, twisted With her body naked, she looked like a little girl in love.

That innocent and exquisite face can easily make men feel possessive.

Dolls should be displayed at home to be admired and played with.

Linn froze a little. He was surprised and at a loss by what Leticia said. In addition, she stayed by his side all night and even saved his life. All these combined could not make him pretend to be an emotionless person. Cold-blooded guy.

At this time, Linn finally realized that the pain, numbness and itching caused by the wound healing that should have been on his body had not appeared. The only explanation was that Leticia had been using her ability to help Linn relieve the pain. , otherwise Linn would definitely be so sore when she woke up that she couldn't breathe.

Driving Loli saw Linn's twinkling expression.

"Don't take it too seriously. After all, I'm just a doll. Your appearance has slowly made me learn some things that I had never thought about before. It's very beautiful, very intoxicating, and very wonderful. Between you and other women, Especially Sofia at the bar, I was very surprised to find out that there are so many wonderful things besides sex.”

This was the first time Leticia said such profound words. She looked at Linn with a beautiful smile.

"I'm still learning. I don't know what love is, but I believe I will learn it one day. After that, sweetheart, you can't refuse me~~"

"This is so weird."

Lynn thought of what Mr. Quinn had said about Leticia's childhood. She grew up in a completely different environment than normal, and therefore had no concept of sex and love that normal people should have. And she, who has always been among the aristocratic class, has never seen a truly beautiful and sincere love.

Until that day, she met Lin En in the bar and saw the relationship between Lin En and Sophia.

The doll is starting to wake up.

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