The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 201 Inspection Results

The young gentleman looked at his female boss suspiciously. This tall and beautiful female knight was actually quite worried about her emotional intelligence.

If you say she did it on purpose, her emotional intelligence really exalts her.

If Lin En were a little dirty and black-hearted, he could have coaxed Yevni to bed and made her willingly become his plaything.

You said she didn't care, but sometimes her intuition is very sharp.

Evonne obviously has a good relationship with her eldest brother, because it is said that since the Campbell family settled in the [Steam City], their heirs have been very few. No matter how hard each generation of family heads try, they are unable to spread their branches and leaves in large numbers. However, the family property has gradually grown. Even if it gets bigger, it will still be the same few heirs. It is this strange reason that makes the Campbell family less fierce infighting than other families, and the brothers and sisters are more united.

In fact, Lin En is quite curious about what their family education is like.

Linn asked accidentally once before.

Ye Fenni's heroic face showed a rare expression of pain. It seemed that her scalp was numb due to all kinds of family business since she was a child. With just those few family members, the core industry cannot manage them.

So the young gentleman made malicious speculations.

My female boss ran away with a bucket, probably because she was severely oppressed by the family business. This is like some children who were poor when they were young and whose pocket money was strictly controlled by their parents. When they grow up, they can easily fall into the misunderstanding of retaliatory consumption. If they are not properly guided, they will embark on the road of no return through online loans.

In short, Linn didn't see anything wrong from Yevni's face.

Maybe he was overthinking it.

He took the two letters and left the office, and after Linn left, Eveni quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She was annoyed by letters from her home almost every day, so she happened to take this opportunity to let the young gentleman meet his eldest brother.

Ingram has a good temper, and with Atali helping him, there will be no problem.

Eveni held her face in her hands and kicked her beautiful legs with boots. At this time, she was like a student whose parents were checking her grades. She was worried about the gains and losses and didn't want to hand in the test paper. She would put it off if she could.

In short, there is no problem in letting Lin meet with England first.

The female knight quickly found a reasonable excuse for her little action, and quickly shook off the anxiety in her heart. The most important thing for her now was the work at hand. The girlish attitude of Yevni who thought like this quickly subsided, replaced by her former capable and serious attitude.

In the lively 404, Lin En saw many people saying hello along the way.

Those who have been assigned tasks have left, while many others are staying in 404 to borrow the vacated offices, preparing to cooperate in a tough battle. Such a lively scene is probably extremely rare. After all, if it weren't for the orders from the headquarters and the shared hatred, it wouldn't be like this.

"Where are the people from [Clock Tower]?"

After asking a clerk casually, he pointed out an office to Linn.

The young gentleman took a look in the distance and found no trace of the crazy driver. He only saw Quinn who looked like a middle-aged man with a plump belly. This made him feel relieved. If Leticia were here, I'm afraid 404 would have spent most of his time in dirty jokes.

For Eveni, this was like a vein on her forehead.

A lolita who drives a car is likely to be chased by a female knight and cut into six pieces.

When there were so many people, it became difficult to find someone. Lin En inquired all the way and finally found Clark on the first floor. He was explaining some of the regulations for the use of the archives with the clerks from other departments. There were also restrictions on the information shared between departments.

"Hey, everyone, sorry to bother you, I'll borrow Mr. Clark first..."

Lin En took advantage of an opening to come in, grabbing his clerical tutor and taking two steps.

"Mr. Clark, where are the autopsies and scene reports of those people yesterday? Is [Night Owl] responsible for handling it? Or [Clock Tower]? I heard Leticia say, the one I brought The gun was also taken away. "It's still early, so before night comes, I plan to take the time to go through this first, so I feel confident.

After all, in addition to the political contest, he also had to investigate the gun incident at the peace conference later.

If it's not resolved early, I'm afraid things will pile up.

"Autopsy? Oh, you're talking about autopsy analysis. We did this when we came back yesterday. Their interpretation of spiritual residues is of no use. The contents are all trivial matters of ordinary people, and they don't look like an extraordinary person at all."

Clark looked a little confused, and he didn't seem to understand how those extraordinary people who jumped out of nowhere could look so weird. If Linn hadn't killed both of them, they really would have learned nothing about these dangerous guys.

[Spring] and [Decay].

The fact that these two sexual signs come together is quite bizarre in itself.

"The gun is also with us, but you may be disappointed. The barrel number has been rubbed off, and it is a popular type like Wolf 16. It is basically impossible to find where it came from. Some dark places I also disassembled and checked the possible markings, but they didn’t come from us.”

Clark pushed up his glasses out of habit. This reliable old clerk still did a lot of work.

"The only useful thing is that they have all undergone prefrontal lobe surgery. Those two extraordinary people should control these quiet people through special abilities. No wonder these people are so fearless in besieging you and Bill."

Lin En was stunned when he heard this. He probably hadn't told them the news about having his frontal lobe removed yet.

However, the little gentleman quickly eliminated this doubt. Being able to discover it by himself does not mean that others cannot discover it. Besides, Mr. Clark is also his clerical guide, and he has two brushes.

"I have some suspicion that [Painless Apostle] is related to prefrontal lobotomy surgery. What do you think?"

For the first time, Mr. Xiao mentioned this somewhat taboo question clearly.

Sure enough, Clark's brows moved and he understood the hint in Linn's question.

"It is our job to eliminate cultists." This is also the scope currently defined by the headquarters. Clark's words mean to take your time and don't offend too many people at once.

Lin En did not continue to ask further. After knowing the scope of the [Suppression Bureau]'s rights, he knew how powerful the energy could be to make the five-member committee make compromises. What they were going to do next would be an exaggeration to say they were walking on a blade, but it would be more appropriate to say they were moving carefully on a single-plank bridge.

Clark showed no flinch or reluctance throughout the whole process. He chose to help without hesitation and got himself involved in the storm.

The young gentleman couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"thank you teacher."

Hearing Linn's thanks, Clark suddenly looked at him in a daze, and then he avoided his grateful gaze and spoke calmly without any fluctuations.

"You are already very good, work harder."

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