The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 205 Don’t worry about you

England noticed the sudden change in Linn's expression.

He immediately stopped and expressed concern.

"Would you like to take a rest? I'll find you a room. To be honest, you don't look very good."

Based on the unclear relationship between Lin En and Yevni, England will not embarrass Lin En or simply beat him up. Not to mention that he thinks highly of Lin En, even if he doesn't like Lin En, he will not do such a thing. The price drop thing. Sometimes, what these wealthy families like to do is to make people retreat in spite of difficulties or get invisible inducements while still leaving a good reputation.

Of course, even if they don't do some dirty things, some people who want to curry favor are willing to do it.

"No, you take me to the lounge now, I'm afraid Campbell will be smeared in the newspapers the next day."

Linn shook his head and gritted his teeth.

The scandal between a handsome boy and an aristocratic girl is not a big deal, and tabloids like Canary will not care about it. If it were a scandal between a handsome boy and an aristocratic young master, it would only be worth reporting. If it was a handsome boy who was hooking up with a young lady and a young master from a noble family at the same time, then the news would be a big hit.

Smear is a tactic that will never go out of style.

Sir Humphrey once said: If he is single, accuse him of being gay; if he is married, accuse him of cheating.

As long as you create bad public opinion about someone, the credibility of whatever that person says will be greatly reduced. There are so many scandals in this world. In fact, many of them are caused by you picking on me and me picking on you.

"Would you like a glass of wine?"

England's careful evaluation of Linn increased to another level. He held the strong fire wine imported from the Roman Kingdom and gestured to him. This strong drink was a must-have for every banquet in the Roman court, and the most wonderful thing about it was that it could be ignited directly with a match, and the enchanting dance of the enchanting flames on the colorless liquid became a kind of show.

Alcohol can numb nerves and also reduce pain.

Now that was all England could do to Mr. Little.

"why not?"

Linn wasn't afraid of drinking, he just didn't like the embarrassment of being drunk and like a monkey. When flirting, getting drunk after a few glasses of wine is the best way to set the mood right.

The hot liquid flowed down the throat, reached the esophagus, and was poured into the stomach. Although the cup was not big and its function was almost to show off, for Linn, so much liquid, which was almost the same as vodka, was poured into his stomach. He could only drink it. I felt like my body was burning instantly, as if there was a fire in my stomach.

An unnatural blush appeared on Lin En's originally pale face. He was already handsome and looked even more enchanting, possessing strong lethality regardless of gender. England's eyes were still clear. He just looked at the noble young gentleman and muttered in his heart that it was no wonder that his sister could move. She was smart and beautiful. The key was that she had an extremely keen sense of politics. She could become a leader no matter where she went. A dazzling new star.

The only thing he was worried about was that Efeni obviously couldn't control Lin En, and he didn't know what his sister's brain was like.

After thinking about this, England made a decision in his mind.

"I have other friends who need to be entertained. If necessary, you can call the Campbell family's servants. In addition, this is a symbol of friendship between you and the Campbell family. Keep it."

England handed a brooch to Lynn.

Made of platinum, dotted with fine gold wires, the whole thing is an irregular hollow gear that can even rotate gently. England originally wanted this item to be handed over to Lin En by Evenie, but after contacting it, he thought it would be better to hand it over to him for comparison. In this case, the relationship between the two people can be purer.

Purity is good, everything is precious only when it is pure.

Rather than controlling, it is better to bind each other. The love pulled by [The Girl of Cups] cannot be escaped even by angels.

"It's so valuable and you can give it to me directly?"

Lin fiddled with it and felt that his generosity was a bit frightening. Think about how Jing Ke was bribed, and you will know that the more someone gives you, the more you will have to pay in return. If you can't repay it, you can only pay it back with your life.

"The right things should be given to the right people, just like the right gears should be placed in the right position, so that they can bring out their maximum value." Ingram muttered a lesson, and then patted Lynn's face encouragingly. Shoulder. "The Campbell family has always been generous and never envied talents. Forge and Sage are our role models."

His patting action caused Lin En's face to twist slightly.

It must be intentional, right?

Linn looked at him expressionlessly, while England smiled happily and turned to socialize with the others. The treaty was signed, the war ended, and the new international system framework was being re-established. Of course, the Campbell family would not give up such a good opportunity.

A banquet like this one at the Rhine Hotel was just the tip of a knife and fork being waved in a gluttonous feast.

If it were normal, Lynn, who could catch up with the Campbell family, would definitely be contacted by other guests after being alone. The beautiful social butterflies would definitely be instructed to come over and flirt with Lynn, and maybe even Just roll the sheets. One more friend, one more road, this saying can be used everywhere.

But what's more embarrassing is.

Today is not a good day. When Lin En entered the venue, he was scorned and ridiculed by some people. If he was not sure of his temper, rashly striking up a conversation at this time might have the opposite effect. However, Lin En's iconic face is remembered by people, and he will never be looked down upon again when he appears at a banquet in the future.

As for continuing to slap Lin in the face, saying how can you, a pretty boy, get the friendship of the Campbell family, trying to step on Lynn.

There is only one possibility for this situation.

That was what Campbell, who was convening the banquet, ordered to do. Otherwise, if he stepped on Linn with his brain, he would be slapping the convener in the face, and Campbell would definitely come back with revenge.

Otherwise, the prestige will be ruined.

"It looks like you guys had a good conversation." After the introduction, Aitali slipped into a corner and said without looking back. She was obviously not interested in the banquet and was either observing or in a daze.

Indeed, the pope of books and the courtesan of banquets cannot coexist.

She was probably waiting for Linn on purpose.

"You always seem to think that I will have some unpleasant things happen to others." Lin En glanced at her green-like jade fingers, and the [line] that had not faded completely showed that Atali might have been peeping just now.

"I just don't trust you."

Aitali answered casually, but soon she realized that there was ambiguity in her words, and her fair face suddenly turned pink. She looked up and saw Lin En's downcast and handsome face, studying the bottle in his hand. She seemed to have not heard what she just said, and she breathed a sigh of relief. This was just something her best friend asked her to do. To comfort herself like this, the girl in the wheelchair felt unhappy. Feeling a little lost.

"Now that you've finished your work, I won't stay at the banquet any longer. I haven't finished what Yevni asked me to do."

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