After all, they have been playmates for so many years. When Sophia saw Lin En coming over, she quickly guessed what his real purpose was. After taking advantage of her height and ravaging Lin En's head, she straightforwardly asked Lin En to stay and share dinner with her later.

Sophia had wanted to take care of Linn in this way before, but he had always insisted that self-reliance was a good virtue for a gentleman, and it once made things very unpleasant.

Lin En, who came with the intention of making a living, naturally agreed happily.

The integration of soul memories after time travel made Lin En much more sophisticated and sophisticated, and he quickly overcame the embarrassment and shame caused by the young man's pride. In this economically depressed world, the bottom line of the poor can be pushed very low. When even a small resting place has seven or eight people crowded together like broiler chickens in a cage, emphasizing dignity will become a kind of joke.

As far as Lynn knew.

In the lower city area that continues out from Squirrel Street, there have been many women who have fallen from the middle city area or escaped from the countryside in the past two months. Most of them are controlled by gangs, and who knows what kind of business they are doing.

Besides, Sophia didn't mean to look down on or be disgusted with herself.

On the contrary, she, a street-experienced elder sister, worked very hard to take care of the self-esteem of herself, the son of a bankrupt businessman. She never said anything about giving or free, but she only verbally agreed that Lin En would pay her back after he earned the money. . Not even a written receipt was left. If Linn wanted to default on the bill, Sophia would be feeding a white-eyed wolf.


Whether it was Linn before or after time travel, he was not that kind of heartless dog. It is true that people without conscience can live better and earn more, but people without morals are often the first choice for collective operations to quell public anger. During the protracted war, Albion shot many big businessmen who wanted to die for economic crimes.

[Good Luck Bar] has its own kitchen, and the maids can deduct some food expenses and make their own food.

The taste may not be good, but at least it is cheaper than the mobile vendors outside.

Sofia quickly brought over two large pieces of rye bread with a layer of butter on top, a bowl of meat stew, and took care of Linn to secretly get him a glass of lemonade from the bar.

This is the dinner for two people today.

There were no customers in the bar yet, so Sophia said hello to a female worker and slipped to the back steps with Lynn. Lin En couldn't help but sigh in her heart as the eldest sister held her hand naturally. This scene was so similar to when they were children and didn't sit at the dining table to eat properly.

Breaking open the rye bread and putting it in the stew juice, Linn chewed it carefully.

Although the taste of this dinner was not as good as the lunch that cost at least 20 pence at noon, he ate it very well, and he and Sophia seemed to be competing with each other to grab the stewed lamb with a spoon.

The eldest sister looked at Lin En's head that was lowered and swallowing. She subconsciously wanted to reach out several times, but she gave up when she saw her greasy hands. She would be so distressed if her neat and smooth platinum hair was ruined. Sophia sat next to Linn, pushing the meat in the stew toward him from time to time without leaving any trace, and spoke slowly.

"...So, Linn, are you planning to join the [Suppression Bureau] in the future?"

"There is no accurate information yet."

"Is that what you want?" Sophia couldn't help but worry. If choosing to live on the streets is as dangerous as fighting wild dogs with bare hands, then when it comes to extraordinary things, it becomes fighting a giant dragon.

"Sofia, look, I..." Linn swallowed a mouthful of stew and showed off his thin arms that had never done heavy work. They were so white and tender that Sophia couldn't help but curl her lips in envy. "One day, do you want to see me on Squirrel Street, fighting others with a machete and an ax?"

The eldest sister immediately shook her head. Lin En was the son of a kind-hearted gentleman. She swore to herself that she would not want to see him fall to that level.

"You can also apply for lecturers, such as weekend children's schools or night schools. I know that many are recruiting lecturers. Although you haven't had time to go to university, teaching those fools who can't write their own names is not an easy task. ?"

‘Am I going to tell you that if I don’t go to the [Suppression Bureau], some [Demon Spirit] who might be thinking about me will kill me at any time? ’

Can Lynn say that?

Regardless of whether it was because Sophia took such good care of him or because he could have dinner with her with dignity, he would not tell her about the extraordinary danger he was facing. That damn thing could disembowel five people in one night, and finally hid easily. Linn's mind was very clear.

If he mentioned it to Sophia, I'm afraid the eldest sister wouldn't sit idly by.

She has already accepted help to stay, eat and drink, and if she brings fatal danger to her, can she still be considered a human being? !

"If I can get a part-time job in the future, I certainly won't miss it. It's just that I finally got this opportunity. Others can't ask for it. If I don't seize it, I don't know when I will be able to become a figure like my father." Lin Enshun With Sophia's words, she also mentioned one of the things she looked forward to most.

In Sophia's view, Linn was only temporarily in trouble, and sooner or later he would return to his own position.

Of course it would be better if it were earlier, right?

"Huh?" Sophia's eyes suddenly changed and she looked at the serious Linn strangely.

Lin En couldn't help but feel a little in her heart. What did she say wrong?

"Lynn has grown up! This is maturity! This is the determination a gentleman should have!" Sophia was suddenly overjoyed and pulled Linn into her arms with her elbows and pushed her chest out hard. rub. It had been so long since Sophia saw Lin En's confident and serious attitude just now, but she was extremely happy.

"Soup! Soup! Don't spill it!" Linn was caught off guard and almost knocked over the meat stew on the steps. Good guy, he hasn't filled his stomach yet. Can he wait until he is full with such enthusiasm?

"Since you have decided to go to the [Suppression Bureau], feel free to go and do it. I will just say hello to the Youth Gang and ask them to exempt you from taxes."

Of course, you have to pay tribute and taxes to work in the gang. How much you can keep depends on your share and status and strength.

Lynn's previous jobs were all, uh... friendly citizens helping the house owner to move when he was not at home. The contents of the move were valuable and easy to carry. Generally, they would be very clean after the move, that is, nothing would be left. In short, the tax money must be turned over, and with Sophia's care, Lin En still does a light lookout job. No matter what, if the tax money is cut off, Lin En will not be able to continue to make a living on the streets in the future.

The Squirrel Street Youth Gang is a street territory that the city compromises to provide a living for a group of unfortunate teenagers. This is much more pragmatic than those bullshit poor relief bills.


Four people in the youth gang were killed suddenly, and they all had something to do with him. Lin En didn't think the little gangsters dared to find him, but he still wanted to say thank you, which meant that he remembered it in his heart.

No matter how you break away, there is no future for being a gangster in this world.

Continuing to hang out in the gang, Linn felt that his future would either be to die in a gunfight or to be picked up by the police as a result. Especially when a certain police officer has already formed a conflict with himself, his future situation is definitely not optimistic. If you want to change your destiny, you can only go to the extraordinary and become a member of the system.

Of course, Lin En could also choose to escape from this [Steam City], but that would be much more dangerous than when he drifted north with two hundred yuan in his pocket.

Thanks to Mo Lingyin for your monthly vote~ Today’s first update, daily asking for votes and following up on reading, the reader’s little hand movement is the greatest encouragement to me!

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