The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 211 Destiny’s Compensation

There is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hate without reason.

Before traveling through time, Lin En discovered something very interesting while at work. A female colleague of mine is highly valued by her boss, and she is indispensable for basically any job that earns money, and she is indeed excellent. But her worldliness is a little off, and she is basically arrogant and often irritates her colleagues.

Later, this female colleague suffered repeated setbacks in her career, but she could never find the reason. As an outsider, Lin En felt the same as Ming Jing. He could tell at a glance that several other female colleagues had ganged up on her. It was actually quite easy to quietly gang up on someone in the same work environment, and it could also make people... No one can find out who did it.

Lynn and she happened to have some friendship at that time.

She came over to complain to Lin En.

Lin En didn't want to offend anyone, so she vaguely reminded her to be more calm and down-to-earth in the future, and worked hard to let the leader know that she had the ability to lead everyone forward.

To be calm and down-to-earth means not to get into an argument whenever you disagree, and to be arrogant and arrogant to criticize the sky, the earth, and the air. Being capable means that you can either pull one person out to scare the monkeys, or you can let them fight among themselves to resolve the dilemma. In all conscience, Lin En was quite popular in the office at that time, so he was the only one who was willing to give her a little heads up. However, she thought she was being sarcastic, so she showed her face to Lin En on the spot and even destroyed the pile of documents.

Lin En had a smile on her face and MMP in her heart.

Then this female colleague who was kicked back and forth like a ball, after two months of continuous mistakes at work, packed up and left under the disappointed eyes of her boss.

Lin En was the only one who escorted her out of the building that day.

It's not to show off, Lin En just sees her as pitiful and has no actual conflict with her, so he treats her like a good person, otherwise the leader's face will be ugly. As a veteran in the bureau, Lin En, who was obsessed with fishing, was not killed. He must have a good understanding of the leader's temper.

Before she got in the car, she asked Lynn if she had done something wrong.

After resigning, she should have seen the previous situation clearly and realized that Lin En was the only person in the office who was willing to help her at that time. As a result, Tianhu's start was completely messed up by herself.

Lin En just smiled at her and told her not to take so many things to heart, as people always have to move forward. As a result, she burst into tears and asked for Lin En's contact information.

Afterwards, Linn thought about it for herself. If she was wrong, she must have made some mistakes, but these mistakes were not enough to warrant leaving. So love and hate both have their reasons, and he himself learned from this.

So when Princess Mary behaved in a way that was more than unfamiliar to him, Linn was keenly aware of something.

The Memory Palace quickly connects the dots.

Then he opened his mouth to Her Royal Highness.

"First of all, you are the third princess of Gao En. You and I only met once at the peace conference. In that environment, you were able to notice that I was a small [Suppression Bureau] document that is not in line with your status. . Moreover, the value of your dress can make me bankrupt in a Sequence 9. If you really want to use this topic, I will definitely obey you. Everything that has happened so far shows that you are taking care of me. "

Linn finally spread his hands and stood up with a cheerful expression, an expression of resignation.

"This is also the due trust and respect for the kind lady who helped me three times."

Finally, he bowed to Princess Mary and Lin En said that he had figured out her identity. From the conversation between Mary and Qin, her identity as a benefactor, and previous conversations in the star realm, Linn successfully deduced her identity.

Therefore, he was not wary of her.

If you really want to harm him, you can just take him to a dangerous area and leave him alone when he first enters the star realm. In the follow-up, there was no conflict between the two and they had a good foundation. Linn certainly didn't need to be wary.

"Sure enough, my evaluation of you was right."

Her Royal Highness's smile bloomed like a carnation, admitting that Lin En's guess was correct. Then she kindly asked Lin En to sit down, and her eyes became much softer and more affectionate when she looked at Lin En.

This was probably an early meeting among netizens.

Lin En felt a little emotional.

When the two of them met in the star realm, there was always a bit of friendship involved in each transaction. Now it was inevitable that they would feel a little sad when they met. Who would have thought that the kind-hearted lady he met by chance in the star world was actually Gao En's third princess, but considering her good reputation, it didn't seem surprising.

After all, this Royal Highness is a woman that people all over the continent are willing to affectionately call "Your Highness."

This is how we meet...

Recalling the crotch humiliation she had just suffered, Linn was shocked and planned to seal this incident as his own black history forever. It must be sealed. If a third party knows that Mary's reputation as the royal widow has been ruined, she may shut up in a corner and disappear forever.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

Lin En also realized that besides the countess, it was Her Royal Highness who was looking after him from behind, otherwise he would not always have smooth sailing with the [Suppression Bureau]. No wonder Bill asked him before if he had any friends at the headquarters.

"I said, I still owe you a favor. That little care is nothing."

The satisfaction in Mary's beautiful eyes became more and more satisfied. What she liked most was Lin En's quality of repaying kindness, followed by his politeness, and finally his appearance as a handsome young man.

Before a netizen meets, he will definitely think very well of the other person.

The princess already felt that she had thought well of the young gentleman, but when they met, she found that he was even better than she had imagined. At least for a teenager, Lin En's own achievements were quite impressive. If nothing else happens, there will definitely be a place for him in the future [Suppression Bureau].

"This time I owe you a favor, Your Highness." Lin En really had different feelings for the kind lady in his heart.

I had just come to this world.

Working hard to survive inevitably leads to a straightforward exchange of interests. Except for Sophia, she was the only one he met in the star realm at that time who had no intention of helping him without asking for anything in return. From that moment on, Lin En was thinking about having the opportunity to repay him.

The second trade was a small return for Lynn.

"Don't call me Your Highness." Mary shook her head in dissatisfaction upon hearing His Highness.


"You can call me madam, ma'am, or just Mary, little boy~~" Looking at little Lynn who was sitting upright, the youthful atmosphere of the boy spread out. The mother's love that had always had nowhere to place began to overflow. Princess She felt that when she met Lin En, it seemed that fate was trying to make up for her.

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