After thoughtfully preparing breakfast for Sophia, the diligent little man cleaned up all kinds of garbage and traces, and finally gave his sister a French wet kiss in her sleeping beauty state before going out with satisfaction.

As for Sophia.

It was really tortured. Even if Lin En didn't use the power of [Flower Maker], the physical fitness of extraordinary people and ordinary people was still very different. It seemed that she would sleep all morning to make up for the energy and rest time she lost last night.

In the unpredictable dreamland, Sophia seemed more tired than before.

Outside 404 Blue Street.

Lynn, who came a little late today, happened to meet Bill. He was yawning and stretching. It looked like he had stayed up late to work last night.

"Good morning, you look good today." Bill came over with a longing expression on his face that he was about to buff me.

"Good day."

Lin En raised his hand without any nonsense and took a photo to promote activity. Mr. Squinted Eyes, who was still looking tired, suddenly became much more energetic. The overall small increase in physical fitness is very impressive. It can directly adjust a person to the best condition without any side effects. Everyone wants to try it.

Bill's mouth sounded refreshing in the early morning. He felt more and more that Lin En's choice of auxiliary profession was a wise choice, so he took this shot to relieve fatigue. It was better than anything else. [Flower Maker] is sequence 9. If it continues upward, the effect will be immediate.

When he meets a tired bureau member on the road, Lin En will pat him and give him a blessing.

Seeing his spiritual squandering, Bill shook his head.

Lin En is extremely talented. His spiritual usage rate and amount are much higher than those of ordinary Sequence 9, and he has already begun to discuss the construction of spirit submodels with others. At this point, Lin En acted like a scholar. He had previously done a written investigation within [Lamp Holder] and then shared the results under confidentiality.

"It should be easier on my side, but it will be harder on your side. You have to run up and down and deal with the unreasonable Qiu Ba with Clark."

Bill perked up and began to chatter.

"It's okay. I never understood why they were antagonizing us." Lynn hung up his cane and greeted the janitor and others, and then responded to Bill.

"Of course there was a confrontation. Didn't you copy their tricks in the past?"

"I'm here to help them find and fix their deficiencies, not to go against them. The military people should thank me." Lin En shamelessly beautified his instigation behavior, as long as it touches interests. There will be a reaction, and there is no way to say thank you for the behavior in this process.


Bill sneered, Linn's cunning statement was so laughable.

It happened that at this time, a group of superiors headed by Alfred came out talking and laughing. The work was progressing smoothly, and they were naturally in a good mood.

The two stopped and nodded to the group and said hello.

Alfred, who was walking at the front, slowed down when he saw Linn. This patrolling law enforcer from the headquarters is ranked in Sequence 6. In Linn's spiritual vision, the life fluctuations are like the internal combustion blast furnace of a steel plant. Even if there is no hostility, he can't help but feel a little nervous when he approaches.

"Lynn, right? It's a good idea, do it well."

The law enforcer's attitude could be said to be pleasant, and he almost said to the group of people behind him, "This is the person I want to take care of." Others naturally understood the meaning of Alfred's attitude, and expressed their kindness to Linn with their eyes and expressions.

If he hadn't met Princess Mary last night, Linn would definitely be confused by this kindness.

But now he can face it calmly.

In fact, Amiste also played a big role, but because she is not extraordinary, not many people will mention it directly. After so many years, from the age of gold to the age of steam, the extraordinary circle is still a bit exclusive.



Eveni was rarely late today.

After Linn finished writing and delivered the letter to the Countess, she belatedly appeared in the office on the second floor. The female knight walked in swiftly and swiftly. Clark, who was discussing with Linn how difficult those Qiu Ba were, glanced at Yevni and found an excuse to go out and get busy.

It seemed that Clark was deliberately avoiding Yevni.

Lin En suddenly had this strange idea in his head.

"Where's Bill?"

Eveni glanced around and didn't see another subordinate.

"He just went to see Ms. Rice, what happened?"

"This morning, someone visited my father." Eveni's words were a message worthy of attention. Linn immediately pricked up his ears and waited for her to finish.

Eveni organized her words and then said.

"The effect was better than expected. As soon as the news got out, civil servants came to the door. The Laurel Party directly asked us what we wanted to do. It seems that someone wants them to collapse sooner than we do." This was obviously relayed to Yevni, otherwise It's hard to see how transparent her political sense is.

Lynn smelled England's scent.

"Labor Party? The shadow is unwilling to be a shadow anymore." The young gentleman couldn't help but sigh. This bureau had nothing to do with the Labor Party people, but it was inevitable that others would take notice of it.

"Where's Sir Alfred? He's out too?"

"What else?" Linn was a little surprised. For the first time, he realized that once the political game started, it was not controlled by human will.

"What else...oh, do you mean it's a change? I heard from my father that the five-member committee plans to choose one of their own this round."

Lin En scratched his head. This is the so-called time and space. The world and the earth are all working together. Isn't it free to transport heroes? You are scheming by yourself, and other people, not NPCs, are also scheming. It seems that you will have to look further and further when considering problems in the future. Fortunately, it is not a dangerous event this time, otherwise you may be used as a weapon.

Smart people are afraid of feeling out of control, and Linn is no exception. Although he was a little scared, he also learned a lesson. This kind of operation without specific education is indeed prone to problems.

"What to do next?" Eveni grabbed Lin En and asked excitedly.

"Old promises have gradually dissipated, and new promises are entering the market. Of course, the people below us are waiting for a price."

Linn patted her hand, signaling her not to do such a rude move, and his shirt was wrinkled.

"It's really troublesome, and it's something I don't understand. Why can't this world be simpler? There's no bribery, no intrigues, everyone is just like a pure angel." There was no boss airs in front of Lin En, and Ye Fu felt discouraged. road.

She finally figured out some of the tricks today, so she came over to show off to Lin En.

"My dear Yevni, if there really is such a person, then he may not be suitable to live in the human world. We must send him back to heaven as soon as possible to serve the righteous God wholeheartedly."

Lin En expresses his dark humor wittyly.

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