The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 223 Provocation

To be honest, Lin En was completely confused when the man in the black suit told him that he had been suspended for investigation.

Even wanted to laugh.

Because this was too unrealistic, he was scolding Fang Qiu just a second ago, stirring up the situation in the [Steam City] and attracting various forces to join in. He was naturally very pleased with himself even though he didn't say it on the surface. Then the next second, two people suddenly came over and said that they had been suspended. It was like a dream.

After the unreal trance, Linn couldn't help but feel a strong anger!

Why! ?

Even though the [Suppression Bureau] has certain mechanisms for supervision, these mechanisms cannot be activated casually. Why do these people use this to mess with themselves? Did what he did offend any interests, so that these people couldn't hold back and came directly to do this to themselves?

It was really a sudden blow from the outside.

Completely unpredictable, but within reason.

The method of politics is balance. Lin En has plotted against others. Unless he takes himself out and hides it well, others who are plotted will definitely think that something will happen to you. The main reason was that they came in at this time and Alfred happened to be absent. It can be said that they directly hit the weakness of the [Suppression Bureau] in operation.

How wonderful!

An indescribable anger surged from Lin En's heart, and he looked at the two black suits coldly. These people are really interesting. Before they are about to come into contact with the truth in Xiacheng District, they want to stop themselves without shame.

"Where's the evidence?"

The anger in Lin En's green eyes was suppressed by his willpower, and he asked in a calm manner. He couldn't get angry and run away now. If he really had no idea to resist because of this grievance, he would be playing into the opponent's hands.

"This evidence involves the key to our investigation. It will be shared with your minister and the [Suppression Bureau] headquarters on a limited basis. You, a Sequence 9, are not qualified to see it. Besides, you may be a suspect. Ziegler disappeared this morning. , and the only suspicious person she came into contact with before she disappeared was you."

One of them stood tall in a black suit, looking domineering as if he was obedient and waiting for arrangements.

Their attitude is very domineering, as if they are saying, so what if I mess with you?

"Then I will reserve all means of appeal."

The subtext of Lin En's words is: You used legal means to get me this time and I admit it, but I remember you. If I have the chance, I will definitely get you back. Don't think about taking advantage of me so easily.

"You don't understand dignity..."

When the domineering man in black suit heard this, he saw that Lin En's Sequence 9 not only did not show respect, the punishment for the superior should be thunder, rain and dew, but also expressed his implicit intention of revenge. Taking a step forward, I felt a surge of spiritual energy and wanted to give Linn some color.

In an instant, his spiritual energy surged and he moved toward Lin En.

Lin En, with a flash of crimson in his eyes, ignored the suppression of the sequence gap and quietly pressed his fingers on the machine. As long as he teaches himself a lesson first, even if he is injured, Lin En will give him a hard blow and shave off a few ounces of flesh from his body!

"Are you provoking the dignity of the [Suppression Bureau]?!"

Just as the conflict was about to break out, a roar suddenly came from the brass spiral staircase. The big mechanical clock on the brass pillar also made a roaring sound, and everyone suddenly felt the rhythm of a hammer falling heavily.

Aqil's roar stopped the man in black suit who was about to give Linn some color.

A bloody conflict was also avoided.

Lin En, who started to act ruthlessly, had already prepared to spend his suspension period in the hospital to teach this bastard who was looking at people through his nostrils a lesson. The chain blade scraped it and it was bloody, which could leave a serious psychological shadow on people. Seeing Minister Aqil come to stand up for him, Linn quietly released his fingers from the machine.

"The dignity of the [Suppression Bureau] has no intention of provocation, but those who do not respect the strong will naturally need to be punished."

"Oh? Then can I think that you don't respect me either?"

Aqil asked the black suit sullenly, he said with a smile.

"Why don't you give it a try now? You two go up together. I can pin you to the ground with a few arrows if I don't arrange it in advance." As the battlefield is arranged in advance, if the logistics conditions are sufficient, Aqil can attack him head-on. Just reached sequence 6, completing the nightmare record of the lower sequence against the middle sequence.

These two people from the [Destiny Bureau], even if they are arrogant, they still want to teach Lin En a lesson in front of everyone in the hall, so they don't take him seriously at all, right?

After being threatened like this by Aqil, the two men in black suits recalled that the man in front of them with frosty white temples had once been famous, and his record was well worth it. Being threatened with force by such a man, both of them felt a strong sense of unease. Even if they were in the same sequence, they would be different depending on the external weapons.

The main path of [Destiny Bureau] is not suitable for combat in the lower sequence.

"Minister Aqil, why are you so excited? My colleagues are just a little anxious to protect our dignity. Otherwise, one day, when we meet people from other departments, they may not be as easy to talk to as us." Another one The black suit came out to smooth things over.

"The noble [Destiny Bureau] doesn't have to worry about it. If you have nothing else to do, please go. [Lamp Holder] The place is small, so we won't receive distinguished guests."

Aqil said coldly, obviously scorning this excuse.

"Of course there is one more thing. Since it is a suspension investigation, I think Mr. Linn's ID and badge should be handed over first." The man in the black suit who smoothed things over said calmly.

The topic returned to Lynn.

Lin En took a deep breath and silently took out his ID and job badge.

"By the way, suspension is not imprisonment. I think as a suspended employee, it would not be good if you just walk around with weapons. After all, you are suspected, so please hand over the weapons." The man in the black suit stabbed him with a knife. He was not forceful, but every move he made was stepping on Linn's self-esteem.

"Do you want to use my things to buy my freedom?" Lynn was as calm as a lake.

"Of course, if there is an accident, the responsibility will be borne by Minister Aqil."

"I believe Lynn."

At this time, Aqil did not hesitate to choose to support his subordinates. If he did not do so, there would be serious consequences.

In full view of everyone, Lin En took off his ID and job badge. He walked helplessly towards the spiral staircase with a heavy figure. Everyone looked at this young man who was usually confident and sunny, proud but not overbearing. He lowered his head and handed the certificate to the minister. Only his jasper-like eyes remained calm.

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