The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 250 Marketing

The flirting started early in the morning. The countess laughed more and louder than before today. The maids running up and down could feel how good Amiste was. At least, in their impression, although the Countess was pleasant-looking, she rarely showed such obvious emotions.

And those days of the month are even more Sima-faced.

The treatment of the head maid made the maids envious and a little jealous. After all, it was like buying a horse's bones for a thousand dollars.

Why does Merdis get such preferential treatment?

Isn't the answer the man sitting at the dining table? The countess doted on him so much that the maid who treated him as an object allowed him to be taken to bed. Then wouldn't he also have a chance? After all, all of their personal maids were carefully selected by the countess. Each of them has their own characteristics and is very eye-catching.

Besides, Linn is not a bad old man.

Rather, he is an extremely handsome and sunny boy. When he grins at you, which woman can resist that bright smile that seems to come from a fertile wilderness? You seem to be the whole world in his gaze!

Besides, Meldis can touch us, but we can’t?

So a very interesting phenomenon occurred.

When Merdis, the head maid, was selecting the maids to work at Lin En's house, these maid sisters who had had some close contact with Lin En before came rushing over, chattering together with more than a dozen mouths. You fight for it, and he says that you are clumsy, and you say that you are not smart, which makes the head maid gradually become irritable.

In the end, Merdis simply asked these enthusiastic maids to draw lots, which ended the dispute.

Points should be mentioned and warnings should be given.

The head maid still had a clear mind. She thought about the arrangements given to her by the Countess, and carefully gave instructions to her two long-legged and tall ladies-type companions. Sophia was quite confused today. She was sitting at home, and the maid came up from the sky. She immediately accepted this cold and hot maid with a smile. It happened that she had a lot of things to do, and she could do simple housework in the future. Leave it to them.

Then the eldest sister chatted with the head maid about Lin En's condition.

Lynn is fine, not fine.

After hearing the news, Sophia was relieved. The bold and careful eldest sister still noticed that her brother was suspended. Although she didn't know directly, she made a guess. After all, he was the person on his pillow, so it was too difficult to hide his thoughts, and besides, Lin En didn't do much to hide his emotions.

Merdis also hinted at a threesome between herself, the Countess and Lynn.

Sophie, who understood the situation, was delighted.

She grabbed the head maid and asked her to elaborate. She sighed in her heart that finally someone could help her share that little bastard's energy that she had nowhere to put. She began to think wildly about how much help Hermitage could bring to her brother's career. The eldest sister secretly asked the head maid whether Lin En could become the branch director of the [Suppression Bureau] before the age of 40.

Merdis almost spurted out.

40 years old?

If Lord Amiste is willing, Linn can go to No. 10 Terra Street in the capital to have tea and work before he turns 40. Even if he is not good enough, he will be a powerful member of the five-person team of the [Suppression Bureau]. Based on the countess' love for the young gentleman, she must have trained him to become a high-ranking person.

Merdis and Sophia chatted for a while and then ran back to the manor to do business.

Watching the carriage leaving the Earl's Manor.

The eldest sister sighed inexplicably: "You have a future, Lin En, you have a future... After a while, do you have to think about the child? Otherwise, one day the orphanage will suddenly be opened, and I can't be pregnant." Go take care of others, well, you should really think about it.”

The Moriarty family should flourish and prosper.



In the manor, Linn was scribbling on white paper with a pencil. With the swishing sound of the pen tip, the lines outlined were rapidly taking shape.

What he is painting is a piece of women's clothing that is extremely beyond the times.

It's called a hip-hugging skirt with a small shawl.

In this era, this kind of clothing can be said to be immoral and heretical, and will be criticized by religious defenders. Therefore, when Lin came up with this kind of clothing design, his original intention was not to go the normal tailor shop route, but to go the [Victoria's Secret] route.

Of course, it must be paired with slogans such as liberating women, freedom of dressing, enhancing relationships, fashion and avant-garde, and must-haves for movies and dramas to create a beautiful marketing.

While Lin was drawing, he discussed his ideas with the countess.


The look in Amiste's eyes clearly said, you, a little pervert, are really perverted to a certain level, and you can still make this a career. Lin En couldn't help complaining in her heart, why would she have done this if her plan to make money from the stocks of her shipping company wasn't too risky and ended up in vain.

Regardless of the look in her eyes, Amiste's attitude toward Linn's thoughts changed from just playing house at the beginning to becoming more serious. With her business acumen, how could she not see that Lin En's combination of punches would directly complete the dimensionality reduction attack in a new field.

As for clothing, once your brand has been established, it will be difficult for those behind you to get a share of the pie unless they have equally strong funds. Therefore, you have to rely on your ability to take the lead and then use huge capital. Directly crowd out all other possible competitors.

However, the entire market in Albion is so huge that the countess estimated the scope of her and a few old friends' power and couldn't help but shake her head.

She couldn't swallow the whole cake.

"...I think there is no problem in occupying an important position. If we can find two allies, it will be smoother and safer." Amiste looked at a strapless patchwork dress with a look of forbearance in her eyes. Endless love.

The birth of a leading industry can support a large number of people, and the entire industry can provide many jobs upstream and downstream. The countess said that if she wanted to do it, it would definitely be big. The entire southern county should have this brand, and it would be best if it would even be used by the royal family. In that case, she would have to use joint ventures to acquire shares. People join in.

You can make money, lots of money, come quickly!

"I'll leave all the business matters to you. I'm only responsible for providing ideas and getting dividends." Linn didn't want to worry about this at all. He just gave the Countess a hen that could lay eggs, and then waited for the Countess to eat the eggs. He won't raise the chicken to death and he won't steal the eggs.

While the two were chatting lazily, the head maid came back with a letter.

"Mr. Linn, there is a letter for you. It is the seal of the [Suppression Bureau]."

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