The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 254 You and I are both liars

With Lin En's ability, it is quite easy to cope with the physical work and some simple instructions given by the big bald man here. What's more interesting is that because the command is more efficient and concise, the young man was quickly pulled in to direct people on how to operate and distribute work more conveniently.

Faced with this slightly difficult question, Lin En made an arrangement that convinced others based on his body shape, strength, and quick rough calculations at work.

The job Linn assigned to herself was the dirtiest and most tiring one.

The whole time, Yuri kept observing Linn.

When he saw Lin En face the dirt without changing his expression, the bald man couldn't help scratching his head. You said he was putting on a show? Being able to put on a show like this, not even politicians can compare to it. After meeting twice, Yuri vaguely felt that Lin En seemed to be a person who was sharpening himself. Such a person has not yet found a direction, which is indeed quite dangerous.

"Teacher, I don't know where Mei Kou went."

A girl with big eyes and shining eyes suddenly ran over. She looked at Yuri with uncontrollable admiration.

"It's okay. I'll make a small fried fish and hang it on the window later and it will come back." Hearing that the clingy tabby cat disappeared, Yuri knew that it was clean and didn't want to come here. But if the dirt is not cleaned up, how can it be clean? If the cat runs away, let it run away.


The female student glanced at the bald hand curiously, as if wondering if that was their new textbook.

"Meilin, please take a look at these questions first." Yuri passed Linn's questions to his students and said casually. "When Lance and the others are finished teaching, call them over. This is my latest topic."


This rare girl with short flaxen hair, Mei Lin, nodded vigorously and flew happily into the distance like a proud petrel. For herself, a student only taught by Albion, her bald eyes couldn't help but be kind. Not many of his students can make up their mind to follow him in transforming themselves.

But we can still see how people can infect others after slowly liberating themselves.

Bailiu Street is one of Yuri's experimental places.

As for the practice of the utopian society, there are wealthy children in Goun who spend huge sums of money to buy large pieces of land for verification and observation. In contrast, Yuri, the wandering poor man, can only take his time. However, he took his time, which happened to be in line with the down-to-earth element, and the results and theories he obtained were actually much better than those of his friends.

Lin En unknowingly assumed the position of command. When he finished his work, he was lifted up and thrown up by a group of people to celebrate. They praised him for being a disciple of Master Yuri and that he was very good at work.

This made Linn dumbfounded.

The concept of these people seems to have been changed a little, and they think that they are great only if they work well. Lin En also felt a sense of unity from their spontaneous gathering and the precautions against thieves in every household. People in Bailiu Street also want to involve more people in the street with their own attitude towards life.

If the government cannot fill the void in rights, organizations will automatically emerge to fill it.

Lynn had known about this theory before.

At present, this is also a form, but it is an organized and disciplined filling, rather than an unorganized and greedy oppression for profit. Lin En suddenly understood why the TG rebellion started in the countryside. This is just like water can penetrate sand, but not stone. When all the filling sand of a high-rise building is washed away, the remaining stones will be unable to support it and will collapse.

This is also based on the actual situation.

If it's the Mao Xiong model, if it has enough power, it can just march directly into the industrial city, seize the means of industrial production, bombard the Winter Palace, and pay birthday wishes to the Tsar's family. This is much more exciting than Li Yunlong giving 20 gunshots to the Taijun's birthday.

"Labor makes people satisfied, right, my friend." Yuri waited until Lin En was almost done sitting on the roadside to rest, then walked over and said with a smile.

"There are only two ways in which people can gain satisfaction from labor. One is working for themselves."

Lin En is not that tired. His body is much stronger than ordinary people. Others don't complain about suffering or tiredness, so why should he be pretentious. In this labor, Linn's thinking is his real gain.

"What about the other kind?" The bald man asked. The most hateful person in the world is the one who talks half the time and keeps the other half.

“Work to build greatness.”

In the face of great goals, human beings can create miracles. From the pyramids to the Great Wall, from Milan Cathedral to the Forbidden City, engineering miracles are gradually linked to greatness, such as some projects to build a country. Watching the poor and white land in their own way The hands gradually become rich and powerful, and that kind of epic greatness is difficult to express in words.

Regarding Linn's two labor satisfactions, Yuri thought for a moment and suddenly laughed.

"It is difficult to achieve both of these at the same time under the current circumstances, but if it is the situation we are discussing after the elimination of private ownership, the probability of occurrence will be very high."

"Haha, I didn't say that."

Linn laughed and stopped discussing the topic.

Gradually moving towards greatness amidst hesitation and self-doubt is something that must be experienced in the era before time travel. If this link is not made up, the rickets will never be cured.

"I assigned your questions to my students for discussion. I plan to use these questions to make a big project. What do you think? Are you interested in being my deputy?" Yuri invited Lin En, The main reason is that Linn also has the identity of an extraordinary person.

"I don't think this will work for the time being. If my guess is correct, I will probably be busy in a few days." Lin En declined the bald head's invitation with some regret. "However, if there is anything meaningful or difficult to discuss, you can write to me and I will be happy to contribute my thoughts."

Yuri didn't force it, and the two men, who were different in age and appearance, sat on the steps on the street, watching the residents' joy and satisfaction after shouting slogans and calling it a day.

Everyone's face is filled with smiles.

Suddenly, the young gentleman turned away and stopped looking at them. It was a kind of intolerance.

"Mr. Yuri, if you continue, you will bleed. Are people like us qualified to let others bleed for their ideals? I think I am a liar."

"All I know is that if we are liars..."

The bald man recalled some of his past experiences in Gao En. There was no lack of thrilling bloodshed at that time. Only when the young man's blood splattered on his face did he realize that he was a liar.

"... Then for the sake of these people, lie to them for the rest of your life, and lie to yourself for the rest of your life."

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