The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 256 Which gem?

Promised to help her complete a book.

Lin En only made this promise to one person, and after that, due to the investigation, the two people's positions could be said to be vaguely opposed, but they didn't break up because they knew each other. However, following her sudden disappearance, Lin En was suspended from her post and temporarily transferred from the [Lamp Holder].

As a result, she suddenly appeared again.

Dr. Ziegler!

And he was so blatant that he showed up at the Earl's Manor without fear of the pursuit force. Almost immediately, Lin En wanted to call the maids, take out the rifles, line up to suppress her, and then continue to shake people. The manor's Beyonder guards and the city's [Suppression Bureau] directly took Ziegler away. Caught.

Lin En almost spoke out, but he swallowed it back.

It's not that he's stupid and soft-hearted.

But it was too weird. He had come into contact with this woman Ziegler. Although she had some idealistic tendencies, she was not a fool. Since she dares to come to see him, she must have a perfect plan. Besides, since he was suspended from his job, theoretically there was no need to help the headquarters solve the headache.

After thinking for a moment, Linn gave a few instructions in Isabella's ear, and the dignified maid nodded and retreated.

Don't worry, just play with her.

"Ziegler, Ziegler, you are just a low-level Beyonder." Reciting Ziegler's previous file information, Lin bit his lips and prepared to take a risk.

That day, in the hospital, looking at her back as she left, I felt as if I had missed something. Lynn felt a little regretful at that time. Maybe if he asked Ziegler one more time and called Ziegler to stop, she would tell him the true situation. Things happened too fast. In the blink of an eye, he was suspended from his job. She suddenly disappeared and there was no chance.

In fact, there was a vague voice in Lin En's heart.

If he misses this opportunity, it is very likely that he will never be able to uncover the truth of this incident. No result is complete. The first time he handled the case was already incomplete, and he didn't want it to be incomplete the second time. For a persistent and intelligent man, this is almost a demon.

He wants to win!

He wants to win in an honest way, even if everyone doesn't support him, he still wants to win! Tell those who are obstructing me, no matter how hard you try to hold me back, I can still win for you!



In the field of flowers, the green fields are full of colorful flowers, where the rich and intense "spring" phase gathers. All year round, only when snow falls do the colorful colors turn into pure white. This place is beautiful at any time, as beautiful as an elf wonderland.

After taking a shower, Lin simply put on a shirt and trousers, holding the brass pocket watch she always carried with her, and arrived at the appointed pavilion in the flower field.

From a distance, he saw Ziegler.

The mature doctor, who was wearing a pure white dress and sitting among the flowers, also saw Lin En, who was looking at her from a distance. The young gentleman couldn't help but pause. Apart from the fragrance of flowers and the subtle chirping of insects, there was no other bad thing in the air. He continued to move forward without much hesitation.

We passed many flower barriers along the way and came to the pavilion.

In the white pavilion, Ziegler showed a smile when he saw him coming. This beautiful woman with a plump and mature figure, as gentle as a water lotus, changed her position, and the naturally swaying waves on her body were still so charming. Her pink lips raised, as if her voice was as reassuring as ever.

"I thought you would bring someone with you."

"If I brought someone here, I wouldn't have the chance to hear your true words." Linn looked around, seemingly slightly angry, and then found a seat to sit down.

After he sat down, Ziegler spoke a little guiltily.

"I'm sorry, you were suspected because of me, and I'm here to find you now."

"Even without you, I would have found an excuse to be suspended for investigation. The fact that I see you now is what you really need to say sorry for." Linn didn't give Ziegler a good look, he looked absent-minded. He looked like he was playing with the brass pocket watch in his hand, always keeping the cover open.

Ziegler paused for a moment and couldn't help but smile at Lin En's attitude. Against the background of the flowers, her smile was particularly beautiful and still pure.

"You are still wary of me, Lynn. I have no ill intentions towards you. If I really wanted to harm you, you would have been a corpse by the time we were in the hospital."

"It's precisely because you have no ill intentions towards me that you scare me."

It was rare for Lynn to reveal her true feelings.

In this world, it's not just malice that can harm people, some good intentions can also kill people, and it's not uncommon to hold high the sacred flag and turn the entire hell into a hell on earth. Facing an idealist, Linn couldn't help feeling that many people couldn't help themselves.

I am no exception.

"You are so smart, Lynn. Your eyes are always staring at your target, but it is not only your target that you need to be wary of. Your character must be changed. Otherwise, even if you rely on Ai Mist will not be allowed." Ziegler didn't know what he was thinking, but instead educated Lin En.

Linn heard something was wrong and directly interrupted Ziegler's teaching.

"Ms. Ziegler, why did you come to me specifically? If it is to preach, please keep it for your students."

"Actually, I want to ask you, are you willing to go with me?" Ziegler was interrupted, tilting his head slightly, a pair of fat gifts were placed on the table, and he accidentally touched and squeezed while holding his arms to fiddle with his bangs. More tempting.

"Going with you?"

The young gentleman was at a loss, he didn't know what this invitation was.

"Yes, I think you can inherit my career. Your talents will not go unrealized here, and the reality of foreign lands can be opened to you. Lynn, do you still remember what I discussed with you? I need you "Can you come with me?" Ziegler begged sincerely. She had never lied to Lynn, and this time was no exception.

When a charming and beautiful mature woman begs you plaintively, any man will be shaken.

There was indeed a hint of wavering in Linn's eyes.

But more importantly, he was determined and could not be influenced. He was not alone, nor did he have his own ideals. It was not that he had no idea what Ziegler wanted to do. Lin En could not accept this invitation. But then, a hint of fear flashed in Linn's beautiful blue eyes, and his fingers on the pocket watch stopped stroking.

"Are you from the [Gem Club]?"

Only then did Lin suddenly realize that if Ziegler had been a member of the [Gem Club] from the very beginning, then her behavior would make perfect sense.

So, which gem is she?

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