The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 277 New Challenge

There is a saying that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid of traveling around the world, and this saying is equally applicable to extraordinary people in this world. The law of change of the secret instrument is closely related to mathematics. Physics and chemistry are the laws of material change and movement, and they are also the laws of the application of extraordinary materials.

For thousands of years, the extraordinary road paved with human lives is not arrogant and complacent. Extraordinary people with certain qualities have a very clear understanding of the impact that different disciplines can have on themselves.

Linn behaves like a scholar-type extraordinary person.

In other words, war extraordinary.

But in fact, the little gentleman is still an Extraordinary in the original state of growth, and the changing patterns of the secret ritual and the layout of the position are all information he obtained while chatting with Miss Atali. This literary girl in a wheelchair probably didn't expect that Lin En would learn from her inadvertently revealing a little bit.

Lin En quite believes in one sentence.

That is, if you cannot effectively use the useful things you have learned when doing something, you are committing a crime.

"Confirm node seven, the route is confirmed, let's take turns to check..."

Scattered lights are still swaying in the lower city.

Lin En's voice was so thin that it seemed as if it could be drowned in the howling cold wind at any time. [Steam City] was still a bit freezing after entering the middle of the night in mid-November. This became more and more obvious the further you walked towards the suburbs. Fortunately, this temperature is very good for wrapping people. For the four people in cloaks, it didn't cause any trouble.

It's now two forty-five in the morning.

"Aren't you considering the sewers in the lower city?" Clark pushed up his glasses.

"No need, these bed bugs without masks will be fainted in a few hours after running into the sewers." Bill still knows the situation in the lower city very well. It is difficult to hide people in the sewers of these dirty and messy places, otherwise Those guys who borrowed money from loan sharks can't help but hide in the sewers.

Humans are human beings after all, and we cannot compare their survival in harsh environments with simple creatures like mice and cockroaches.

"Although I have clearly memorized the map route, there is no guarantee that it will change due to the three-dimensional environment or the destruction and modification of the enemy. Everyone should be prepared for on-the-spot changes when moving towards the nodes. In addition, it is necessary to truly touch the enemy's vital points. At the node, try to avoid using weapons that make loud noises. We have Qi Ling and Bill's detection, so as long as we don't hit them head-on, we don't have to worry about being late to react."

Linn has already felt the convenience of his own movement in this area. It is like the fog of war being dispersed in the RPG of Warcraft. In contrast, the enemy has almost no effective detection methods.

In fact, this is also a bold inference made by Lin En. The opponent's mechanical numbness and subjective initiative are almost zero. Compared with a human who uses his brain, he is like a fixed NPC. As long as such an existence does not change every path, They are all blocked, so it is not easy to bypass or deceive them.

"Okay, let's check the time one last time."

After Yevni made the final decision, the four of them began to check their pocket watches by the light of the small wind lantern.

"Start taking action, target, Ziegler, destroy the core node of the secret instrument."

Linn tightened his grip on his cane and followed Yevni with light cat steps. This combat method of stabbing the enemy's vital points with a concealed sharp knife is not uncommon in this world. The reason is because of the existence of extraordinary people. But for Lynn, this is undoubtedly a new challenge in the mission.

Since he joined [Lamp Holder], almost every mission has been a new challenge.



A rabble means an unorganized group of people.

When the third team of Lanterns released steam spirits to conduct reconnaissance, and the bronze sparrows attracted attention and invaded the out-of-control lower city like a loach, this word inevitably appeared in Lin En's mind.


Yes, just like the patrols that operate according to the game's mechanics, they have almost no countermeasures for situations beyond their ability to deal with. For example, throwing a stone can divert the numb patrolling crowd away. If two stones are thrown at the same time, the group will fall into chaos and not know where to go to check for movement.

It seems that in such a short period of time, everyone in the lower city has turned into a single-threaded idiot.

Lynn was surprised.

This method of exchanging emotional numbness with a sharp decrease in IQ is really outrageous. It also strengthened my refutation of Ziegler's ideals in that debate. Emotions, positive or negative, ultimately constitute a complete person. An important part. What surprised Lynn even more was that there seemed to be no traces of prefrontal lobotomy on these people.

The reason is that when approaching the first node, Linn tried to use the fluctuations of [Flower Maker] to drive away some people.

But these people showed no pain.

It's just a little physical discomfort, like being bitten by a mosquito, and it has no effect. Linn told others about his discovery, and they all realized that with the construction and operation of the Ziegler Micrometer, more and more people had been captured by this indifference and numbness.

The patrols, well, Lynn didn't want to call them patrols at all.

In short, these patrollers who followed a fixed route and followed regular inspections still caused some trouble for the third team holding the lamp. The most dangerous time was when I was almost stuck in a corner because of the wrong route on the map. The strange result is that Lin and the other three only used their cloaks to cover their faces, barely blending in with the environment, and easily deceived each other's minds.

You must know that they had already prepared their weapons at that time.

There is no danger, the first node is approaching for investigation.

Under Yevni's vapor spirit perception and Bill's naked eye observation and dictation, Linn once again made rough adjustments to the parameters of the secret instrument node. There are a total of seven suspicious nodes. As long as they are eliminated, Mr. Xiao can directly calculate the location of the core node through the mathematical model of the corresponding secret instrument.

No reconnaissance fire or destruction of non-core nodes is required.

It is easy to figure out that there are Extraordinaries guarding and guarding here. The initiative of these weird Extraordinaries has been greatly reduced, but they still seem to retain a little autonomy compared to others. These extraordinary people, who had no systematic learning and response, encountered the regular army of the [Suppression Bureau], so of course they were not discovered even though they were under investigation.

"...I figured it out, it's not here, retreat."

Linn whispered, and the other three team members responsible for their respective security work nodded and retreated from the shadows of various imperfect buildings under the cover of night.

In the moonlight, these shadows of illegal buildings looked like demons baring their teeth and claws. At this time, they gave them an indescribable sense of security when they were in danger. The huge moth moon seems to be following the actions of the extraordinary team. The blowing of dark clouds always makes it difficult to distinguish reality from fiction in this dark land.

ps: This volume is coming to an end. As usual, I will release the final remarks and summary, and also talk about the questions of the third volume. If you have any questions, you can ask them here or in the comment area. In addition, there are still 33 chapters left, so yay!

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