The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 279 Decision

Ye Funi's words did not surprise everyone.

She has always been a good boss who leads by example. When she encounters danger, she is the first to stand in front of everyone like a knight. At this moment, she must have made arrangements and made a choice that is in line with her original intention.


The first person to shake his head and refute was Clark. This clerk who was responsible for assisting matters and coordinating information did not agree with Ye Funi's arrangement, even if he was left in a safe place.

"The members who stay outside must have the power to guide them, and there are four of us. If we guide them in pairs, it is very likely that all the guides will be entangled."

Clark pushed his glasses rationally, and his serious thinking action became more and more frequent.

"Yes, Clark is right. We can't make incorrect arrangements. Everyone has his own tasks." Bill, who squinted his eyes and lost his smile, also agreed. Team 3 is a team with a good atmosphere. There will be no one rushing to take on a dangerous task or rushing to escape. When it is their turn, they have no choice but to do it. It is what they should do. They can be timid but cannot shirk it. Everyone comes like this.

The concept of [Light Bearer] supports every member.

The concept of support must be put into practice, and now is the time to put it into practice.


Yefuni also understood that her arrangement was to take care of Lynn, the Sequence 9, and Clark, the clerk. Of course, there was a little bit of selfishness in it, but it was also an arrangement in line with the spirit of chivalry.

However, the team members' rebuttal was also very simple. The spirit of chivalry could not be followed on the battlefield, but the rules of the battlefield had to be followed. If everyone was chivalrous, then the fighting would not be so tragic and break the bottom line of humanity.

"Those who stay outside need to have a certain degree of mobility and strong enough explosive power to quickly break through the obstruction and maintain the support of the front line in a short period of time. This person, only you can do it. As an auxiliary member, I am not suitable to stay outside."

Lynn thought about it, quickly put away the map and explained.

"I stay outside?" Yefuni raised her eyebrows, and it seemed that she was ready to use the majesty of the captain to overwhelm others.

"That's right. If the worst happens and the others are trapped inside, maintaining a mobile force outside the encirclement before support arrives can greatly relieve the pressure on the people inside and contain the opponent's power." Lynn proposed a famous military theory, namely, to defend an isolated city.

During a siege, if you are surrounded by the enemy, the most taboo is to collect all the forces in the city and be beaten.

This is not uncommon in the history of rabbits.

When the enemy attacks the city, you have a cavalry outside that comes and goes like the wind. The attackers must not only be careful of the sudden raid at night, but also be careful of the cavalry that suddenly comes out from the side when the enemy attacks the city. If you play a little more, you can also cooperate inside and outside, and in turn strangle the attackers with ease.

Lynn is dealing with the next conflict according to the thinking of war, and this is the most reasonable allocation.

In this way, the arrangement and allocation of members is very obvious.

Lynn and Bill went in to explore, Ye Funi supported at the outermost periphery, and Clark, who has a certain combat power, hid in the middle, as a transmission of information, and can also provide some firepower support at critical moments.

The high-powered phlogiston grenade was of course given to Lynn and Bill.

"I'm a little worried. What if you are countered by Ziegler?"

Yevni was a little worried. In fact, it was not just her. I'm afraid everyone present was in a heavy mood.

"Then we can only rely on the on-the-spot response. There is nothing we can do about this kind of thing." Bill touched his precious rifle. When performing a mission, plans often cannot keep up with changes. If you don't have the ability to adapt to changes, you will be knocked down by an accident sooner or later.

It is also because of this that in the [Suppression Bureau] clerk department, unless they are particularly powerful clerks, their suggestions are half listened to by the official members, and the other half is weighed by themselves, and then half is modified on the spot. It is basically a more orphan dialogue between Party A and Party B. It can also be seen from this how well Lynn performed in the position of clerk. He can use words and personal charm to please others and make them believe and convince himself.

As for how much of the invisible charm of the Black Holy Grail is at work here, it is hard to say.

"Then I will retain the right to make decisions on the spot. If there is any accident at that time, I can make my own choice." Ye Funi bit her pink lips tightly with her teeth, and her eyes circled around her three subordinates. Since Robin's incident, she didn't want to lose anyone around her again.

Ye Funi's words showed that she might rush in to save people at that time.

"This is your right, captain."

Lin En was a little helpless and angry, but more of a relief to know that he did not make a mistake. After those bad things in the headquarters, the young gentleman was still quite afraid that if he made a mistake in his feelings again, his feelings would not cross the line and be cheap again.

Bill and Clark had nothing to say.

They were not blind, of course they could see that the relationship between Lin En and Ye Funi was closer. Lin En's exhortation could reach this point, and they would not let the female knight waver again. After all, she was such a person.

It was because she was such a person that they gathered here.

"As the leader, my last task for you is to try your best to complete the task and then go back alive. Don't forget that we can only speak for ourselves if we go back alive."

Yevni took a deep breath, her sky-blue eyes flashing with strong emotions, as if she wanted to remember the blurry outlines of the three people's faces in the darkness.

The action towards the core node began silently.



[Fountain of Life] Cathedral, the bell tower here is very high, and it is located in the upper city, making it even more majestic and solemn. Standing here, you can overlook most of the areas in Stim, as if the divine power has always existed, and it has always been superior by means of extraordinary means.

If we go back a hundred years ago, and then fast forward to the present, and compress a hundred years into ten minutes, we can see the grand scene of the [Steam City] from its decline to its rise to its current glory.

Someone can see it.

There is a man sitting on the platform of the big bell tower, wearing a linen ascetic cloth. He has an extremely ordinary temperament, but his age is indistinguishable. He seems to be an inconspicuous attendant in the church, but his bright yellow vertical pupils are... Revealed his extraordinaryness. At this moment, the man's vertical pupils were flashing with frequency, as if they were ignoring the barriers of space and falling directly on certain people.

At this moment, a beautiful figure in a blue dress slowly walked onto the platform.

The maternal aura that permeates her body, combined with her plump and mature figure, reveals an unattainable nobility, but her face looks friendly and not overbearing.

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