The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 289 Crazy Giant

It all happened so fast.

From the moment he felt suspicious, to Clark saying those words in disappointment, to Lynn trying to turn around, it all took just one second. However, the next moment, Lin En, who had just put the blessing of the [Nourisher] on himself, felt an uncontrollable huge force acting on his spine. His vision went dark and he fell down in the rain.

Before his consciousness was completely lost, Lin seemed to hear Ziegler's exclamation and Bill's roar.

In the end it was complete fainting.


When Bill realized something was wrong, Lynn had already been knocked to the ground. He was frightened and angry, and turned his gun to subdue Clark first before talking about other things. Clark seemed to be afraid of the big gun in Bill's hand. His figure was swaying extremely ghostly, and he rushed forward in a posture that was far beyond the twisting ability of human joints. Bill, who was forced to be cruel, also pulled the trigger hard. !

The thunderous gunfire exploded again.

It seemed that the thunder from the sky was led to the earth.


Bill was lifted directly from the ground with one hand, his legs were dangling in the air and he was kicking wildly. Bill's face turned red and he made a sound full of doubts and disbelief.

He still had his rifle hanging on his hand, but his arm was obviously broken, and the bones protruding from under the flesh made him feel physically uncomfortable. Just now, he narrowed his eyes and aimed at Clark's right shoulder, trying to subdue him with one shot. The bullet also hit Clark who was charging forward, and directly penetrated and tore his entire shoulder.

But Clark acted as if nothing was wrong, despite the injury, he rushed forward and patted Bill on the wrist, then lifted him up from his neck.

"Bill, your weakness is that your close combat ability is too weak. The foundation of [Forger] is before Sequence 6. Once you are approached by other extraordinary people, don't you know what the consequences will be? Or do you think that you can do a good job It’s Minister Aqil who is ready.”

His mental state was obviously not right. Clark, who had a preaching tone, ignored the injury on his shoulder that was enough to cause him to faint.

"You, traitor, traitor!"

The struggling Bill made indistinct sounds from his mouth, and he kept spitting out white foam from his gradually narrowing throat. He didn't understand when Clark became a traitor, and why his concealment was so perfect that he could deceive others. The Forge Holy Emblem and Alfred's inspection found no problems.

Median sequence? Impossible, this makes no sense!

"I obviously just want you to understand where you went wrong..."

Clark heard Bill angrily calling himself a traitor, and there was a clear look of anger on his face. But soon, he lowered his head and shook it twice hard, and his expression was replaced by an unconscious and happy smile.

"I'm not a traitor. I'm doing this for your own good. You, Linn, and Yevni, why can't you all notice your own shortcomings from Robin's case?"


Bill's eyes, which were forced to widen, were already filled with bloodshot eyes, as if the bloodshot eyes would fill up the next moment, and disgusting tissue fluid would spurt out from the inside.

"This wound is still a bit annoying. Let's discuss the shortcomings with everyone after I take care of it." Clark let go, and Bill, who was almost strangled to death, fell to the dirt floor and breathed in the precious fishy air. He just wanted to do something. Movement, the brutal force pushed the injured man into the muddy puddle again.

The tragic situation of being ravaged by the lower ranks appeared on the [Manufacturer]. Even the main combatants had their own biases. Bill's weakness was hit right at this moment.

There was another round of painful suffocation. When the brutal strength in his body disappeared, Bill struggled to get up, but was shocked to find that he was tightly locked by the magic-blocking gold handcuffs. This kind of creation produced by extraordinary craftsmen, after being handcuffed, can directly cut the lower-ranking people into ordinary people.

Bill, whose vision was blurred, suddenly heard the sound of chewing in his ears.

It was the crunchy sound of bones and flesh mixed together, being devoured, and every chewing movement reminded people of the indulgence of gluttonous eating.

At some point, Clark's body had swelled by nearly a third, and the clothes on his body were torn apart, revealing the filthy and dirty wriggling flesh underneath. The torn wounds on his shoulders were also distorted into many squirrels. The teeth are constantly opening and closing, showing a scene that is blasphemous to life. As for the urgently needed food, isn't it okay to just lay it on the ground?

An unlucky guy was immediately caught by Clark.

The horrifying picture of biting and chewing is turning the numb human body into nutrients little by little. The flesh-and-blood tentacles spreading from the inside are rushing to evolve into biting and white gums, and flexible teeth are growing abnormally up and down the gums. Fingers can cling to it, and the greedy eyeball organ shows which piece is best to pick. The extremely curious scene is thus carved on the scroll.

"The secret art of flesh and blood?"

As a member of the [Gem Club] and a [Blood Diamond], Ziegler finally woke up from a dream. She had seen the extraordinary fluctuations that broke out on Clark. It was the power of [Zishui Bi], the ever-changing and evil guy. .

"[Zishui Bi]? Oh yes, that seems to be the name."

Clark's head has also been severely deformed, and his enlarged head makes his face and facial features look ugly and ferocious, as if he is an evil giant coming out of a nightmare.

"He said this... this is a trial, a test. He came to me, and I promised him, and there were some things... But I seemed to have forgotten it, and I just remembered it now. Linn, Linn... no Death is not over yet..."

"Then did he mention me?"

As soon as Ziegler heard this deformed and hyperplastic lump of flesh with gradually confused will mention Linn, he quickly changed the topic to himself.

"You, Ziegler, Ziegler... need to tell the truth to everyone. We are all caged birds, caged birds."

In order to adapt to this sudden enlargement, Clark's eyeballs were torn apart on both sides of the eye, adapting to the turning of flesh and blood. The two blurry and turbid eyeballs seemed to be sent out from the skull, and they were fixed on it. The trembling eyeballs that turn chaotically from multiple angles, coupled with the ferocious giant's head that tilts and twitches from time to time, raise the level of curiosity to another level. This is a scene that will make you feel mentally polluted just by looking at it one more time.

"My God, Clark, what deal did you make with that madman?"

Bill knelt down in the puddle. He needed to look up to see the full picture of this abominable monster. When he thought that this was the ordinary and normal Clark, he felt like he wanted to vomit but couldn't, and his brain screamed in pain. in his throat.

"This is a trial!"

The four-eyed giant's vocal cords seemed to be throbbing and roaring. At the same time, the dark clouds that originally enveloped Stim had lights of different colors flashing from all directions, causing the electric snakes to meander and crawl among the clouds, creating a A strange and gloomy picture.

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