The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 297 Counterattack

Did Lynn break free of the handcuffs?

broke free.

The method used is relatively dangerous. This danger is not like cutting off one's own hand or cutting off a piece of it in Chainsaw, but rather Linn overwriting the hands of the Black Holy Grail. When Bill's side was taunting, Linn overwritten the Black Holy Grail according to his feelings. Fortunately, the Black Holy Grail's overwriting could ignore the suppression of the magic-blocking golden handcuffs.

The suppression of the Demonic Gold is not enough to silence the Black Holy Grail.

This is a battle of personalities.

After his hands were obviously transformed into the soft hands of the Black Holy Grail, Linn's first thought was whether he could break free with brute force. The result was very disappointing. The power displayed by the Black Holy Grail overwriting in the surface world was really weak. He could only settle for the next best thing and give himself the promotion activity of [Flower Maker].

As for why I didn’t take a picture of the blessing of [The Nourisher].

Using active multiplication, Linn does not have sugar that can provide high energy around her, so her body may further increase in size, and the probability of deformation or sudden death is small, but it is very likely that the body will directly lose its ability to move. In addition, Linn just doesn't want to use [Nourisher], and there are too many involved at the moment.

in physiological structure.

The female frame is different from the male frame, and without exercise, women's body flexibility is indeed better than that of men.

In other words, in certain situations of restraint or bondage, women can break free more dexterously than men. Lynn did just that, lubricating her wrists by squeezing out the rainwater from her sleeves. When Clark's attention was drawn, she closed her palms together in mourning, and then bit by bit removed the magic gold handcuffs. Pull it out.

Without water as lubrication, Linn's thrusting behavior would almost kill him alive!

But then he should consider blood as a lubricant.

Now is the time to struggle desperately. As long as it can be used, Linn will use it without mercy. When the two fair-skinned hands broke free from the handcuffs, they were covered with distressing marks and red marks. In many places, visible swelling and bleeding marks showed that he was also cruel to her.

Linn carefully squatted on the ground.

In the field of vision, Bill was still jumping around and taunting Clark. The increased activity allowed the little gentleman's body to endure the heavy blow. It could be said that Lynn was moving on the ground with small steps on all fours, fearing that his back would be turned to him. The four-eyed giant suddenly turned his head and saw himself making a dangerous move.

When approaching a goal, people are most likely to worry about gains and losses. What if I succeed? What if you fail? The difference in mood is also huge because of this.

Steady, steady yourself.

Bill had completely attracted Clark at this time, and directed his gaze away just right, always maintaining a safe angle of 180 degrees with Lynn.

A short distance of twenty meters.

The ground was full of messy bits and pieces, and Linn felt that his palms had been cut and scratched by sharp gravel. If he was healthy, he could easily cross it in a few steps, but now he could only hold on to his injured body, endure the pain and the desire to vomit, and crawl forward on the ground in the dust.

Maybe this is the price that needs to be paid.

In another blind corner of the field of vision, Ziegler silently stared at Linn who was crawling on the ground with his hands and feet. Her eyes were a little hazy, as if time and space around her had changed and she had returned to the battlefield where bullets were flying and artillery fire roared. She went to save people at that time, and the soldiers she saw were very similar to Lin En at that moment. They were lying on the ground in the same embarrassment trying to survive. struggle.

But unlike those soldiers, Linn's eyes were bright.

‘It’s not easy to be a hero. ’

Ziegler sighed, followed by a responsible decision.

‘This incident is all my fault. In this case, I can’t let Linn bear everything. A hero can’t be in such a mess and have to pay for it with his life. ’

Forcibly terminate the secret ceremony.

The prismatic luminous body was originally a light as steady as crystal, but it began to flicker frequently due to the sudden braking of the secret instrument. This is similar to a light bulb with unstable voltage that flickers randomly like a convulsion. From the spirit son fragments, multiple information streams flashed out in an instant, pointing to Ziegler. Ziegler received these messages with determination in his eyes, and used his own spirit son information to fight against them and refute those extremely erroneous ones. All the information has arrived!

Ziegler could feel that the flow of information from the spiritual son fragments that had always been aloof seemed to be at a loss for words.

The four-eyed giant, which noticed something was wrong and wanted to turn around to look at Linn, happened to be attracted by Ziegler's behavior. It immediately let out a low growl of dissatisfaction at the female doctor's extreme deal-breaking behavior. The first two steps are to make this woman do what she should do honestly.

Bill, who was already prepared to risk his life, was stunned when he saw this.

He quickly rolled to the side, took out the hidden bullet from his pocket, and threw it with all his strength in Linn's direction.

The bullet shining with a beautiful brass color kept spinning in mid-air, falling slowly from mid-air in an extremely beautiful parabola, and was finally caught in the boy's hand.

The world in Lynn's eyes seemed to have slowed down.

The roar in Bill's mouth made Linn hurry up and move faster every word. This was the first time that he was forced to widen his eyes.

Ziegler's limp and fallen figure had a smile full of sustenance for himself in his eyes.

And Qian Ning's ghostly and nimble figure like a lynx, with his whip tail rolled up, also took advantage of this critical moment to rush into the lobby unexpectedly. His target was none other than Ziegler, who was far more agile than Clark. He immediately curled his long whip tail around his teacher's slender waist.

After being violently hit by accidents one after another, Clark's big fist hit Chan Ning in mid-air, causing the airflow to twist and hit him hard.

At the same time, Linn knelt down and put the bullet thrown by Bill into the rifle magazine with unprecedented calmness. Then, in a standard kneeling position for shooting, Lin placed the butt of the gun on his shoulder and aimed at the four-eyed giant. . Linn seemed to have forgotten to breathe and blocked out the sound. He aimed calmly, and then calmly pulled the trigger without thinking.

boom! ! !

Gunfire spits out! The bullet head was squeezed by the gunpowder gas and spiraled out from the long barrel along the rifling. The high-speed and stable bullet directly pushed away all the smoke on the way and connected directly towards Clark's neck and back. It shot away with a whoosh!

If you slow it down hundreds of times, you can clearly see the effects of bullets and weird muscle fibers.

The tough outer skin of cowhide was directly penetrated. When facing the steel-like muscle fibers, the bullet head pushed by the full-power charge broke into five pieces. The debris continued to advance with the impact, creating Several large, ferocious torn cavities and a wound as big as an ocean bowl suddenly appeared on the neck of the four-eyed giant.

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