The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 303 Don’t eat, don’t eat, just eat, just eat

Linn was startled, and he found that he was now very sluggish.

It was as if he wanted to use the power and consciousness of an ant to drive the human body. He could not give any answer to the indescribable person behind him. This place seemed to be a memory fragment carried by the remaining divinity. With the help of the Black Holy Grail, Lin En saw the past of the [Painless Apostle].

However, with his senses, it is difficult to understand many details, which are just a tiny bit in the vision and hearing of this great life.

Fortunately, this memory fragment did not last long, and Linn quickly entered a new space.

In the outer world, no one noticed it.

All the churches that serve the "Daughter of Cups" have uniformly flashing faint lights on their icons. The gorgeous light flowing in the light quantum computer that calculates within ten thousandths of a second seems to be tracing and restoring. What. On a certain majestic and gorgeous crystal wall, the Black Holy Grail's charming and charming face suddenly appeared, and then an impeccable jade hand suddenly pressed on it.

As if provoked, his nails twitched slightly.

At the same time, Mr. Umbrella, who was walking towards the headquarters of the [Suppression Bureau], suddenly stopped, and for the first time a clear smile appeared on his hazy face.

"As expected, with the power of the lady, the lady is going to be disgusted again."

In a strange coincidence, the guesses about someone coincided. Mr. Umbrella quickly took steps again in the rain. His figure was as ordinary as ever and was not noticed by the people around him. In this way, under the contrast of many holy symbols, he walked into the [Suppression Bureau] holding an umbrella. Headquarters.

Struggling with willpower, Linn soon came to a new memory fragment.

There were a large number of memory fragments in the middle that could not be shown to him smoothly due to the suppression and denial of mental language. In other words, with the support of the Black Holy Grail, Linn took the initiative to fight and delete the memories that should have been injected together.

This behavior is considered blasphemy in Shuojin and is punishable by being burned at the stake.

But now that Linn has the Black Holy Grail, her unique half body encourages Linn to continue to dismantle the meaning of this incomplete divinity. She simply conveys the message and her coquettishness and desire: Just eat it, it will be beneficial. Lin En also realized that he might have gotten lucky, and under the instigation of the Black Holy Grail, he suppressed the protester, then hugged half of his body and went to eat as much as he wanted, like two starving ghosts.

The new memory fragment Linn saw this time was of a war.

The time was unknown, but when he saw that what was running on the ground was not a torrent of steel, but many strange and high-energy monsters, he knew that this should be a battle in the Shuojin Era.

Linn quickly used this strange and transcendent perspective to see an iconic figure and determined that this was the Battle of Black Arms Valley.

Galante Duro, the most powerful demigod in the Shuojin era. Without exception, he appears as a villain in various novels and biographies. His life story cannot be examined. The only thing that can be known is that this demigod who can ascend at any time was supposed to accompany the [Forging] in the last ceremony. Melting Heart], [Enlightenment Sage], and [Double-Crowned Wolf] ascended together, but they were beaten and failed. After all, strong people are jealous.


The current scene is different. Galante Duro is like a diamond, which was sent up to the sky and then entered the star realm. Did he ascend successfully? How is this different from what is recorded in history?

Suddenly, Linn realized something was wrong. The timeline of the [Painless Apostle]'s experience seemed a little confusing. In the Shuojin Era, there is no record of this god. In other words, if he existed and died, it should be in the original period before Shuojin. Then how did he intervene in the war in the Shuojin Era?

Is this reasonable?

Or should we say that this is the state of being dead and not stiff after falling? After all, the existence of a life like Zhengshen is beyond imagination. It is not unacceptable to be able to jump even after death. In the lower city of Stim, wasn't it because of this broken divinity that so many troubles broke out?

Linn reached a new area in his thinking.

Then as soon as he entered, he was suddenly ejected. In that startling glimpse, Lin En vaguely saw the scene of solar prominence ejection. The plasma wind was stirred up by the reaction of light nuclear elements and was thrown towards the dark deep space. There were many happy lives in the orbit of the star that was supposed to be a dead place.

【Eternal Sun】

This time, the memory only gave Lin En the honorific title, but even with the memory fragments, Lin En could still feel the power from the scorching sun, so powerful that it could reach the lonely starry sky.

[Eternal Scorching Sun] is not [Burning Sun].

In other words, the sun in the sky may no longer be the sun it used to be. After realizing this fact, Linn couldn't help but feel trembling. Before Shuojin, how many shocking secrets were buried in the unrecorded history?

And why are these secrets lost?

Linn's consciousness gradually blurred, and he couldn't hold on anymore. The multiple pieces of information he witnessed with his own eyes that should not be accessible to humans overwhelmed him. Even if it was just a memory, with the Black Holy Grail as a shield, he witnessed some truth at the cost of losing any knowledge gained from it.

Lin En, who was just a little Sequence 9, completely fell into a dream in the soft and comfortable embrace of the Black Holy Grail.

Before falling asleep completely.

Lin En has always been obsessed with Jiaoyang. He always felt that the reason why he traveled through time seemed to have some connection with the long-dead Jiaoyang.



It's not the first time he's been in jail.

When the handsome young man lazily rubbed his sleepy eyes and woke up from his dream, he looked at the simple and shabby big room in front of him, and then at the abrupt iron door and chain, he knew that he was in jail again. Why do you say it again? Probably because as long as you have an experience once, it will seem old and repetitive to Linn.

When he decided to go to Xiacheng District to be a hero, Lin En knew that this would be the kind of treatment he would receive when others came back.

But, it's better than expected.

Although a little shabby, the room has everything you need, and even a few newspapers of the day were thoughtfully sent in for entertainment. And the most important thing is that he has been medically treated and does not have magic-blocking golden handcuffs on his hands. If he was imprisoned, I don’t know how many people from Xiacheng District would be eager to come and be imprisoned.

It broke the sky and ruined other people's good deeds.

There must be something expressed.

Linn slowly got up from the bed, first sorted out his messy memories, and then twisted his neck and walked to get the newspaper. He kind of wants to know whether today's newspapers are still singing and dancing. This is like the mentality of a dog author after he finishes writing a novel and posts it, expecting someone to comment on it.

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