The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 356 Suspected loss of control

When Miss Atali got up, she was more sleepwalking than expected. She looked like a little girl who had not grown up. She had no intention of letting go of Lin En's pants. Her persistence made the young gentleman almost doubt her. Are you already awake? It's just boredom playing tricks on yourself.

This idea makes sense.

But when Linn noticed that she looked frightened by high-decibel sounds or certain waving body movements, she extinguished that idea, and her helpless expression showed a trace of worry.

Something is wrong, this is very wrong.

For an extraordinary person, Aitali's behavior was very abnormal.

After paying the price of being slapped on the head and pinched in the face from a certain maid who couldn't help but laugh, Linn finally begged for two pieces of candy through Atali's entanglement. Peeling off the candy wrapper and putting it into the pair of pink lips, Aitali's cute little tongue was immediately shocked when it came into contact with the sweetness. Her eyes quickly returned to clarity, and her face immediately turned red, as if there was something wrong. A circle of white mist emerged from its head.


Aitali, who was so ashamed and angry, seemed to be saying "kill me" with her expression. The pajamas bought by Linn's elder sister were almost torn by her hands.

"We need to talk."

The young gentleman couldn't help but sigh deeply when he saw her fresh appearance, and pushed her back to his room.

Extraordinary pollution, crazy and out of control.

This was one of the wounds that Linn didn't want to face. Clark's incident must not be forgotten. He was already suspicious at the time, but he was unable to explore further due to various reasons. The wound has not yet healed, but the newly joined clerk Aitali is showing signs of losing control.

For Lynn, this is something that cannot be ignored. He really doesn't want the people around him to die again. After many years, they will all be old and they can get together and joke with each other comfortably in the yellowing time of afternoon tea. He wants such a future.

When the girl in the wheelchair, who had regained her former elegant and booklike aura, hurriedly moved her wheelchair over, she raised her hand as if she had stopped as soon as she entered the door, successfully blocking Lin En's words.

"I didn't lose control."

"Really?" Linn expressed doubts. If an extraordinary person can no longer distinguish between reality and dreams, it is obvious that he is not far from losing control. He vaguely guessed something when he gave Aitali the candy.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Ye Fu. She can guarantee me that there is a place in this city that can send telegrams." The girl in the wheelchair patiently pulled out the female knight and looked into the anxious emerald eyes of the young gentleman. It's really hard to defend my eyes.

"It doesn't look like you want to say why."

Linn could feel Aitali's resistance. She never answered directly why she was like that. If it wasn't out of control, there must be other reasons. Otherwise, Atali wouldn't have behaved like a squeamish child when she just woke up, and then quickly returned to her original appearance after tasting the candy.

"At least not now."

Aitali's nose twitched, and a small hum of dissatisfaction seemed to come from the room.

"I respect the lady's privacy, but you must at least tell me, is it dangerous? I am at least your comrade-in-arms, Atali." Linn came to the wheelchair and squatted down, ensuring that he looked at her with sincere and caring eyes.

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Many times when people observe the emotions of others, in addition to changes in the combination of facial muscles, changes in the eyes can also be used as a basis for judgment. Aitali was stared at by Linn so earnestly and unreservedly. First she turned her face away slightly, then moved her eyes back to glance at him secretly. Then she kept squinting and turned back. The rational Aitali, the gesture she inadvertently reveals is inexplicably cute.

Her cute performance made Linn feel happy.

"It's not dangerous, at least not to the people around me. That's why I'm sitting in this damn wheelchair. I forgot to prepare candy and put it on the bedside last night, and unexpectedly there was a slight fluctuation." The girl in the wheelchair mentioned sugar, and her face started to turn red again. Her elegant aura at this moment made her whole body look even more beautiful and pleasant.

"Then I'll be relieved." Linn read from his micro-expression that Aitali was not lying.

"I can take care of myself."

"Yes, but you are also my colleague, and I should care about you." Lin En slowly stood up, and his lowered eyes seemed to contain maturity and sadness that did not belong to his age.

"...We are on the same team. Although I have just joined not long ago, if we have a chance to have a conversation, I will talk to you about my affairs, Lin. You should be willing to listen."

Aitali blinked her beautiful eyes and suddenly stared at Linn strangely, as if some of the doubts that had been lingering in her heart had been explained. Her eyes fell on her palm again, as if there was something worthy of careful observation.

"Of course." The young gentleman replied firmly.

The two people looked at each other, and soon they both showed relaxed smiles, as if after the previous embarrassment and dullness, the relationship between them had quickly become much closer.



The topics the maids talked about today are as follows.

The feel of the new silk fabrics in Shuishao City, the traffic situation in this small town, how backward the infrastructure is, the countess was too tired on the train yesterday, oh! Of course, this topic is very hidden and quiet, and no blind maid would dare to gossip in front of the countess.

If in the past, Lin En used social interaction and small tricks to win the favor of the maids, then yesterday on the carriage, he used the most primitive methods to make these young and beautiful girls feel a sense of fear, fearing that Meldis would trick her. When they couldn't stand it anymore, they were also involved.

The emotions here are quite complicated.

In addition to the above topics, the strange dilemma between Lin En and Atali today about pulling and asking for sweets has also become an interesting topic on this autumn hunting trip. Most of the maids were whispering, wondering how Miss Atali could be so cute, and how Mr. Linn, so smart, could have such embarrassing moments at a loss. Some of them even sighed that they could not take the opportunity to touch Linn's head or face. It is said that it feels great in the hand.

By the way, I would like to sigh that the energy of extraordinary people is really good.

Like a gorgeous and plump mermaid, Amiste was resting on a soft bed. At a certain moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, and a sharp light of unknown meaning flashed between her charming and sultry eyes.

It seems that the eyes that the female knight sent here are a little uneasy. Unfortunately, Atali's type happens to be the type of female that she doesn't like.

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