The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 359: Killing with sister in arms

"I have to remind you something that everyone in this society can recognize but does not need to say clearly. You and a certain earl have no possibility of any breakthrough regardless of age or family background. For The Moriarty family is strong, that is to say, it is best to consider the ladies of Stim in your life-long affairs. They are your highest priority and the most rational choice. If you do not discriminate, there are still good choices. ”

Linn almost fainted after Atali's words.

There seemed to be circles spinning in his blue eyes.

It took a lot of effort for him to realize that Aitali, a good girl, was teasing him. She had her usual venomous tongue, and the gun and stick were clearly hints.

How dare you play with words like this to an official member of [Lamp Holder]? Lin En's lips curved into a wicked smile.

I am no longer a young boy.

There are too many ways to easily defuse counterattacks with this level of rhetoric.

"There are many charming ladies in Stim. If you want to marry one of them who is the most kind-hearted, knowledgeable and beautiful in appearance, I think it should be the most beautiful lady in this carriage, right? Aita Miss Li, as a man who is anxious, do you understand this?"

Linn lightly turned the topic back to Atali, a move that was quite as clever as Tai Chi. The young gentleman thought a little arrogantly, he and Efeni are not that fast yet, you, a best friend, don't make trouble, otherwise you, your best friends, won't have to do anything.

The young gentleman and the female knight are actually not that interesting yet.

Aitali was slightly flustered after hearing Lin En's counterattack. She was always arrogant and turned her head while holding the book and not daring to look at him. She blushed horribly as if she had drank a whole glass of strong fire wine.

"If the husband I want to be is the most handsome gentleman in this carriage, I can consider it. He must at least reach the middle rank. He must be able to convince me both in terms of force and wisdom. Only in this way can he conquer the lady. I am absolutely unwilling to lose Ye Fu, a very important friend. This gentleman must be able to handle this complicated relationship..."

Although the lady in the wheelchair had a burning face, she listed a long list of conditions in a calm tone, and the conditions became more and more outrageous as they went to the end. Linn opened his mouth unconsciously.

At this time, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

His tone just now seemed too solemn, and the words he used were easily misunderstood. This damn cultural issue came up again at this time, and the young gentleman had the urge to slap himself.

Linn tried to stop Atali's serious and careful conditions from coming out of his lips, but he felt that if he interrupted rudely, he might not have to take the carriage to Beifeng Town today, but would lie on a stretcher. Both of them are Sequence 8, and the furious wheelchair girl has God knows what kind of destructive power.

Although Aitali's pretty face turned away, her eyes were still glued to this bold gentleman, and her heartbeat would speed up a little when every condition was stated.

But soon.

She noticed Linn's awkward look and hesitated to speak. It took Atali's heated brain about ten seconds to understand what this embarrassment meant, and she couldn't help but stop talking.

Silent, stiff, awkward, cold.

Lin En forced out a smile, which directly became the trigger for the explosion!

"Lynn! You bastard!" Atali was so angry that she was shaking for the first time. There was a trace of panic and grievance in her explosive voice. Her eyes were slightly red and she bit her lips until they turned white. She picked up the book in her hand and smashed it first. past.

With a snap, Linn subconsciously caught the heavy murder weapon with his bare hands.

"Wait, Aitali, I can explain..." Linn was a little flustered. He also felt that he might have gone too far and tried to remedy the situation. If he didn't fix it, Evene would cut him into several pieces even if he didn't go back. At this moment, Atali might tear him apart with her own hands.

It was okay not to pick it up. After catching the book, Aitali didn't feel relieved at all.

She seemed to have forgotten the fact that her legs and feet were inconvenient. She had nothing in her hands and tried to stand up and scratch Lin En's hateful face. The next moment, Aitali rushed straight towards Linn!

It wasn't a medical miracle, or that she really wanted to pounce, but the carriage suddenly braked. Motivated by the inertia that didn't know whether it was an assist or fuel for the fire, Aitali left her seat. The young gentleman with quick eyes and quick hands quickly caught her in this small space with an extremely difficult and coordinated movement. .

Just die.

Lin En's heart skipped a beat, and without hesitation he tightened his hands to hug the frightened and angry literary girl. Their bodies pressed tightly together seemed to be able to feel some of each other's warmth, and the touch of living creatures was transmitted to each other. The only thought in the little gentleman's head is that if the hug fails to coax the woman, his life will probably be over.

"Asshole, ungentlemanly, hateful..."

The expected violent storm did not hit her head and face, but the gnashing of teeth. After being hugged, Aitali wanted to curse Lin En, but her good upbringing prevented her from cursing like a village girl or a gangster. I can only accuse Linn with such harmless words.

Unexpectedly, after falling into Linn's arms, Atali tried to struggle, but not with much strength.

This arrogant girl's pretty face was scrutinized at close range. In addition to being ashamed and angry, there was also a strange panic and fear. Lin En's mind flashed and he understood that it was inferiority complex, inferiority complex for oneself under the power and arrogance.

If you let go at this time, you will definitely die miserably.

Anyway, it’s already been done, so just bite the bullet and do it to the end.

Lynn, who tightened her arms, used body language to express the enthusiasm and firmness of her embrace. Aitali's witch robe could not hide the young and beautiful body of a girl with protruding front and back. It could be seen that her daily meals were very nutritious, and now her legs and feet It's inconvenient that all the weight hangs on the little gentleman, and the witch uniform becomes messy due to the struggle.

'efficient! ’

She noticed that the strength of her struggle was weakening, and although Aitali beat her chest with small fists, she did not say that she would use extraordinary power to resist, and no spiritual resistance was used.

It's probably not that I forgot. Even if I forgot for a moment, I should have reacted now.

Lin En thought about it and made a bold decision.

"It's okay, it's okay, you are the best, it's not your fault..." He began to repeat this sentence, and at the same time, like an older brother, he patted Aitali on the back. This was Lin En's decision in a flash of inspiration. He probably understood what kind of girl Atali was underneath her strong shell.

As expected, Aitali paused for a long time and stopped struggling. Instead, she simply buried her head on Linn's shoulder.

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