The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 374 An unexpected discovery

Past experience often tells Lynn one thing: when your female friends are willing to say or do something to you in a lively manner, don't interrupt them if you can. Generally, the consequences of this kind of interruption may turn into weird and completely irrelevant questions such as whether you still love me or whether you are thinking about other women.

Instinctively aware of Miss Aitali's reliability and seriousness, the young gentleman, who had just returned to the Grand Mansion in a somewhat delicate mood, was very obedient and was pulled all the way to a certain room on the third floor by her.

This room is a hemispherical study.

There aren't many books, but there is a large astrological instrument, and auxiliary lines similar to the divisions of nebulae are specially drawn on the dome. A rough comparison of the starry sky in memory can still feel some clues, and a frame near the window He was holding several brass telescopes, which seemed to have quite a powerful magnification.

Lynn was quite surprised to find such a place.

"Aitali, this is the stargazing room, right?" Linn came in and touched some dust that had not been completely cleaned. It seemed that it had been cleaned up not long ago, and there was a subtle smell in the air. The musty smell.

"This is a room that the rich countess created to kill time when she was building a house. However, since it was built, the maids said she has never entered this room once. There are many places like this in this big house. . This stargazing room is much more accurate than my private stargazing room..."

The lady in the wheelchair seemed to be complaining.

For rich people, it is really difficult to balance the situation of building something and then throwing it aside willfully, but it is very useful to themselves. This is the same as how you feel when you don’t even own an apartment, but when you see someone else buying a dozen or so apartments, you don’t live in them, you don’t rent them out, and you have no intention of speculating, and you just throw them away just to show off.

Aitali is a noble, and she does have some small money, but compared to the Countess, whose money and numbers are indistinguishable, it is completely incomparable.

Lin En was stunned.

Although he didn't know how much it would cost to build a qualified stargazing room, this thing was obviously a toy that only people who were bored after eating well could have. It was really amazing that Aitali had a stargazing room of her own. ah.

"Come here quickly. Many books here are produced locally. I actually found the manuscripts of some tutors and students at Livia University. Come on!"

"Then I'm coming in..."

It looked like the large structure of Byrgenworth Research Laboratory and various piles of miscellaneous objects with unknown purposes. Linn couldn't help but be cautious when he stepped into this bright and large room, and felt that his eyes were tortured. He was actually quite curious about how Aitali managed to navigate the past without touching her body while driving a wheelchair in such a complicated environment.

Could it be that there really is such a thing as Bloodborne Kart?

"This manuscript came from the archaeological team of the History Department of the University of Livia fifteen years ago. It should have been specially sorted by someone. The cover uses aristocratic folding techniques. You see, this kind of pattern is also found in the manuscript. The embedding techniques are not something that ordinary people can do, and even I would have to take a few years to learn them.”

Aitali was showing off her knowledge reserves to Linn. Her eyes seemed to be shining brightly and twinkling as if the stars were speaking.

" what's in it?"

Lin En showed the right surprise and compliment, and then followed her hair to lead the topic down.

The little gentleman secretly touched his stomach. He hadn't had lunch yet today.

"How's your grade in history class?" Atali asked Linn to come closer.

"Always an excellent student." Linn didn't lie. Before he traveled through time, the original owner's grades in history class were not bad. Mr. Metatron praised him for his good memory and understanding.

He invited Lin En to be his assistant.

The two young people's heads quickly came closer. Atali's sensitive ears were rubbed by Lynn's platinum hair, and she instinctively shrank. She shook her head slightly like a cute raccoon. Lin En didn't notice this interesting scenery, but his eyes began to move according to her finger.

Linn was a little surprised when he made contact.

"[Miaolan language]?"

"Yes, this is a mixed writing method of [Mulan] and Common Language. This is a method favored by scholars of the earlier generation. This method is not encrypted, so I can still decipher it."

"I can interpret it, haha." Lin En smiled awkwardly, looking ashamed. His study of [Mulan Language] had stalled a lot recently, and he couldn't let Teacher Atali discover this.

"Look at this section. This forest is called the Forest of Kings. Since the Shuojin era, there have been three founding emperors, seven brave men, and ten philosophers who have come out of this complex area that covers an area of ​​more than 35,400 square kilometers. , there are mountains, swamps, plains, and forests here. We don’t know what is hidden here...'The Forest of Kings, there is a story that has been circulating in Livia. Back then, a group of people discovered the Forest of Kings when they went out to investigate. Sen’s secret.”

"Then what?" the young gentleman asked subconsciously.

"Then these people were assigned to the northern front line by the royal family... Well, this was just an irresponsible joke." In Linn's horrified eyes, Atali changed her words.

The girl in the wheelchair probably unintentionally threatened the young gentleman. If it were really so dangerous, such manuscripts would have been collected and destroyed.

"Is this place so big?" Lin En was more concerned about the area.

"The 35,400 square kilometers should not refer to the hunting ground, but the location of the three counties. Back then, Beifeng Town was just one of the footholds. Look here, we entered the dense forest and established a stronghold. That mountain Attracting us.'" Atali quickly found an explanation.

Linn's interest was gradually aroused.

The desire to discover is human nature, and of course curiosity kills the cat.

"This paragraph is worthless nonsense, you can skip it." When Atali was about to interpret a certain paragraph, she paused and turned over it without changing her expression.

Linn recalled it habitually.

I found those words... How should I put it? Although the interpretation is incomplete, I can definitely say that they are quite obscene. It should be that I was bored and missed women while climbing in the mountains.

"So many big shots have come out of this place. Have those people never come back? If there really is something here, I think it should be quite important, especially since the connection with the elves is so obvious." Lin En chose It's a good posture to squat down, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable to keep bending over.

"It is said that the last brave man returned here. I have information at home. The brave man named Annan was picked up by Bai Jinghaiwei before he passed away. His lifelong wish was fulfilled." The lady in the wheelchair looked sad in her serious look.

"I remember it was a bedtime reading..." Linn's head suddenly twitched.

Under Aitali's suddenly cold gaze, he obediently chose to forget the boring question of reading before going to bed.

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