The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 404 The Test of Big Sisters

In fact, on the train to Shuisha City, while having fun, the head maid implicitly asked Lin En if he wanted to add a precious optical sight to his rifle during the autumn hunting. In this way, Lin En No matter how bad his marksmanship is, he should not lose too much to the girls, although the maids will not participate in the hunt.

Obviously, as the male protagonist who often appears in newspapers and is loved by the people of Stim, our dear Mr. Linn has always been the people's favorite in terms of his poor marksmanship (past tense). Regarding his marksmanship that intimidates the enemy and his teammates at the same time. The masses love to hear and see.

On the battlefield, the image of Linn in some people's minds is that he is like a supervising team. Every time he pulls the trigger, he randomly selects a person from a teammate or an enemy and shoots him until the end.

A flaw appears in a perfect person.

It doesn't make him ugly, but it makes him look more approachable.

In fact, Linn's marksmanship has improved to a certain extent, but he barely uses it. However, after seeing the maids' skillful shooting and reloading of his shooting skills, he lowered his head in shame and decided not to show it to embarrassment. This matter was also spread among the maids on the train. These young and beautiful girls, because of Lin En's easy-going personality, became more friendly with him.

With the Purple Shirt Bow, when the time comes, I can ride a horse and cosplay as an Elf Ranger, and I can still make the countess look good.

As a human being, you must learn to maximize your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.

In addition, after meeting Minister Aqil before, with his miraculous bow skills and tearing arrows comparable to those of a large-caliber rifle, Linn was always itching in his heart as a man who longed for power.

He directly asked the Minister to borrow his weapon and play with it for a few times. Linn didn't even think that others would agree to such a stupid idea. In the end, he might be dragged to the training ground for enthusiastic and intense archery dodge training, and he could feel the arrows from his scalp intimately. The ultimate enjoyment of rubbing.

A rough translation has been completed.

Before there was any further gain in deciphering, Miss Aitali, who was playing spiritually with Linn, was a bit turned away, as if the emotions that collided with each other were all false.

The wheelchair-bound lady, whose face was as elegant and calm as ever, but whose heart was actually beginning to worry about the gains and losses between Yevney and Linn, inevitably felt a little lost and confused after getting rid of the big pig's hooves in her heart. From a rational point of view, her optimal solution is to let Lin En serve as a cover so that she can continue to accompany Ye Fenni. But the problem is that to achieve this goal, both Lin En and Ye Fenni need to be willing.

In fact, my best friend is more attracted to Mr. Little, and there is a vague tendency not to play with her.

Atali's eyes wandered.

In the process of self-analysis, her thoughts gradually gravitated towards another stable model.

Taking into account the direct thinking of the female knight and her emotional attitude based on aristocratic education, another model was formed in the mind of the wheelchair girl. To be precise, she compromised a bit after having close contact with Linn and consciously not feeling disgusted. Gu Quan had a flash of inspiration.

Since Lin En likes Ye Fu and he also likes Ye Funi, then they should be on the same side!

Miss Atali thinks she is really a genius!

A feeling of smoothness after being depressed and puzzled suddenly made her feel refreshed, just like a month of continuous constipation suddenly cleared up. Then things in the future will be much easier to handle. From a certain point of view, based on her relationship with Yevni, it will be easier to accept.

If Linn knew that the melon circuit in her head was connected like this, she would probably be shocked for a whole year. Perhaps she should be praised for being a child educated by a noble family.



Ming Ming was driven away by Aitali, but actually went to rest and relax. Linn touched the countess' bedroom again.

Then he met the maids and sisters who were loyally waiting for him.

Well, it's a different person.

But when the maids who were well-informed among each other saw the handsome young Mr. Lin En, and some unrealistic piling rumors, they all smiled coquettishly and gathered around him as if they were playing with fire. For a moment, a group of maids stood up and looked at the diverse scenery of ridges and peaks, blocking Lin En again.

Facing this group of slender maids who still have lines tempered by hard work, the evil and deep meaning in their smiles, which are much more eye-catching than Madam Cynthia, made Linn know what he had to pay.

For example, being touched on the head, pinched in the face, or switching back and forth between intimate hugs, just like a doll.

"Amiste, are you still awake?"

The young gentleman reluctantly took out his pocket watch. It was already past noon, but it was not really past noon. He felt that the countess had slept for so long.

"Mr. Lynn, do you want to come in?"

A maid with a tan complexion and a charming face asked meaningfully.

"...I think I should have that right."

Looking at the maids who were deliberately standing in the middle of the road, leaving no room for passage, Linn did a little visual inspection, and was a little surprised that the food in the Earl's Manor was really good, and swallowed hard.

In the past, manor maids' costumes were very complicated, focusing on beauty and conservatism. Since Lynn's draft of free maid uniforms was released, the maids in the manor have experienced a liberation. While paying attention to appearance, they have also made adjustments to suit the female body, making them more beautiful and comfortable. Black and white, but undoubtedly more beautiful, as if the maids are four or five years younger on average.

The evil he had done came full circle and finally came back to his head.

Now facing the various curves highlighted by the maids' clothes, full, slender, straight, swaying, and blocking the line of sight. As a man, he wants to pass through this black and white array without being troubled. It is basically impossible to hold her by the hand and then toss and crush her in humiliation.

Especially, as a beautiful boy, he has a natural DEBUFF when he is run over by a big car.

"Okay girls, tell me what you want."

Linn decisively raised his hands in surrender.

"New clothes!" "New dessert recipes!" "New stories!"

"New position..." This weak voice was quickly suppressed by a long and straight black maid. This kind of topic cannot be spoken directly. If the countess or the head maid knows about it, but To do hard work.

"Well, you have been waiting for me here. It seems that I can't get past you unless I pay something today."

Lin En clicked his fingers, it was just a black and white formation, let's see if he can pass the level in one life! !

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