The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 410 New Road

What happened next to Lin En and the Black Holy Grail can be summed up as Jie Ge doesn’t want it.

Lynn: It’s developing pretty well.

Black Holy Grail: Half, half body, what are you doing~~

Lynn: Be obedient and keep me healthy.

Black Holy Grail: No!

Lynn: Let me be healthy!

Then Lin En took the forceful self-discipline full of courage. As the half body that intuitively reflected Lin En's true desire, the Black Holy Grail could only surrender to his lustful power in humiliation, and was squeezed delicately by this evil Lin Bapi. plunged into a new round of experiments.

The operation of the Black Holy Grail on the spirit child is a unique skill. She can instantly construct the Great Wall on the mountains and rivers with her hands based on the ideas conveyed by Lin En. While Lin En was stunned, she even saw ant-sized villains on these Great Walls. Running back and forth, it seems that he is dealing with the enemy on the other side.

Heck, they even have artillery!

If it weren't for the lack of coloring and the real feedback from the spirit child model, Linn would have widened his eyes and wondered whether the Black Holy Grail was created out of thin air. Regarding Lin En's surprise, the Black Holy Grail could be said to be extremely proud. He lay directly on Lin En's shoulder and closely followed his ideas to construct an incredible wonder of the spirit child model.

Under the coercion of Lin En's lewd threats, the Black Holy Grail, which relied on half-body love, killed all those lazy thoughts in an instant, and cooperated wholeheartedly with Lin En's [evil] appearance.

It would be best if she could stop rubbing her ears and biting her own ears intentionally while working.

Although there is no physical feeling.

But there was still an itching feeling spiritually, that silent invitation for Linn to be loyal to his own desires, which really tested Linn's determination. Doing the experiment in the dead of night made him so nervous that Lin En could only think in his mind that color is emptiness, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the experiment of [evil] appearances.

He wants to use the [evil] aspect to grab other sexual aspects to plunder and assimilate them, and he can hide in the depths to conceal his own characteristics to complete the construction of the conjectured path.

In the first attempt, Linn tried to directly replace all sexual aspects with [evil] aspects. This idea went well. The spirit child model he constructed was about to succeed when the Black Holy Grail rushed up and extinguished it.

During the encrypted call while pointing at the ceiling and babbling, Lin miraculously understood that what she wanted to say was that the things created in this way are likely to attract some things, such as divine punishment, divine punishment, There is also divine punishment...

In the fifth attempt, after Lin En understood the warning of the Black Holy Grail, he replaced the original method of almost slapping the gods in the face, and keenly imitated the [Blood of Doom] that breeds evil under his [Lake Fairy]. [Origin] mode, which is quite similar to the mode in which viruses deceive the immune system. On this attempt, Lynn began to fail.

The twenty-first attempt also failed. The reason was not the chosen method. All external interference and step errors were investigated. The problem lay with myself. Lin En realized that his control power was insufficient.

If an ordinary person without the crutch of sexual orientation directly takes the path of building a spirit model by studying mathematics and other subjects, just like the successful case of the big bald man, the interference will be almost zero, because they themselves are Don’t rely on photos!

And even if Lin En imitates other sexual aspects through the greedy and cunning thing of [evil] aspect, and deceives or guides other principles in the spirit child model, he still cannot achieve the convenience of the uninterrupted person.

It's like, if a person is born with sound legs, compared to a disabled person who has incomplete legs and can only add crude prosthetics, the sound person must run faster. Here is a special comment on Miss Tully, she will definitely tear off the head of Lynn who made inappropriate metaphors~~

In short, Lin En confirmed in the 46th experiment that he was indeed insufficient. Unless he was working hard with the gene lock on, he used computing speed to forcefully make up for the efficiency lost in the transfer.

He just built the simplest model of a spirit child.

This model is the flash technique of the [blazing] phase.

The tone said it was more of a magic than a trick, similar to Yuri's ability to scare people by flashing in front of them. But this is indeed an extraordinary power, and it is also a power that does not exist in Linn's current path. With the help of the Black Holy Grail, when he went through all the trouble to come up with such a gadget, his heart couldn't help but be filled with excitement and pride!

After Yuri, a pervert who unconsciously used his rich knowledge and profound thinking to naturally cross this threshold, Linn proved with mortal sweat that as long as he is willing to study hard, the hard-working path of the spirit child model is also feasible. , at least there is no problem in the lower sequence.

Lin En used the flashing technique to light up and erase it in his hand, and finally dismantled the model before it solidified.

He still has a traditional extraordinary path.

Building the abilities of other professions into one's own model is likely to lead to loss of control. If the [evil] image is not completely replaced, the conflict of principles will sooner or later destroy the model. And using [Evil] all the time, Lin En felt that there was no need for the Inquisition to drink tea with him, because God's punishment might have to come down from the sky first.

"It's a pity that Yuri is not here, and I have too little information."

The little gentleman sighed.

It's as if a hole has been drilled into the wall. You don't know if this hole can provide a trap for you, but you keep climbing up. After all, even for traditional Extraordinaries, there are many professions whose paths are blocked and they cannot reach ascension at all. Even Sequence 5 is the limit. However, this new Extraordinary path allows him to complete the lower Sequences and has other advantages. , which is actually very impressive, but it is definitely not enough for Lynn.

We must tell everyone in this world that the future world is a red flag, oh no, the future world is an era of hard work and sweat, not an era of money and talent. At least it must be able to achieve a balance of high-end force.

Of course, there are still possibilities for improvement and advancement on this path.

If I can think faster and my body and brain can withstand it, I can use these spirit child models as consumables, sacrifice them for use and then wipe them away.

Well, to put it in a bit more magical terms, it’s the Magic Network.

Linn estimated that unless he reaches Sequence 2 and has the computing power to create something with the hand of the Black Holy Grail, he should not dream about instant shots or anything else. This kind of shackles and restrictions made Lin En feel depressed, but he soon stopped being depressed, because sooner or later, this thing would be promoted through large industrial clusters. If it was so troublesome for him, it would definitely be more difficult for other old-style Extraordinary people to use it.

This happiness does not matter whether there is a feeling or not.

Lin En directly rolled onto the bed with the Black Holy Grail in his arms, just rolling around on the bed to vent the excitement and joy in his heart.

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