The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 417 Harvest and Malice

Lin En was carefully recalling the feeling just now. Regarding the Black Holy Grail, which appeared to be more dependent on being intimate with him, he squeezed out a little bit of his restored spirituality to comfort and reward her. After facing a more comprehensive and intimate contact with his own body, to the point where the skin, flesh and bones were indistinguishable from each other, the Black Holy Grail's red eyes were filled with ardent attachment to him, and he happily opened his red lips to hold Lin En's finger, showing a low and charming figure. A gesture of complete submission.

I really don’t have a drop left.jpg

Feeling that every bit of his spirituality was being licked away, Lin En leaned on the sofa like a salted fish, carefully recalling the feeling when his outer world was completely overwritten.

Because the main energy was focused on the spirit model and ability experiments, some subtle and unimportant feelings were not dealt with in time during the busy period. Instead, they were recorded in the memory palace first. Only then did I have time. To deal with taste.

Slightly expanded.

After exiting that state, Lin En felt that if he wanted to deal with a Sequence 6, he must not give the opponent a chance to bring auxiliary members and deploy weapons.

If it were like Alfred's [Guns Dance Knight], exaggerated firepower projection, direct remote control and crazy bombing, even Wolverine would be kited alive and killed and then beheaded. It's unclear whether other professions, such as Lady Cynthia's [Earth Warrior], can break through defenses, let alone some rough-skinned and thick-bodied main combatants. I guess it wouldn't be a big problem to bully the support, Lin En laughed dumbly.

Will he become an auxiliary killer in the future?

It’s all about assistance, why bother to help~~

"Just now, cough, cough, cough, I seem to feel malice." He spoke subconsciously, feeling that his voice was a little out of tune, so Linn couldn't help but coughed twice, and then his voice returned to normal.

The Black Holy Grail raised its head, its crystal clear red eyes blinking, as if it was saying something malicious? What is malice? Can it be eaten? Do you want me to help you eat it?

Although we can’t communicate directly yet.

But after completing a complete rewrite of the outer world, Mr. Xiao was miraculously able to understand the Black Holy Grail more deeply. What did she want to express when facing herself? This may be due to the physical interaction with herself. I have a deeper understanding and am more able to face my subconscious and desires.

On the ceiling, the images projected in Linn's mind began to post the records of the memory palace.

Some of the scenes made him recall them carefully.

At that time, he was thinking about the instant spirit child model. With his keen perception of information, he could vaguely feel something. This feeling was not strong but very sensitive.

This is a call from intuition.

In the close-up eyes, the silver ring holding the emerald that adjusts the automatic focus is somewhat closed, reflecting the flickering picture that does not exist in reality. In the end, the changing picture is fixed on a roaring steam tower with a moth moon. Above the bright city.

Lin En seemed to have caught that passionate inspiration all of a sudden!

【Steam City】!

Lin En could feel what he was looking for in Stim that made him uncomfortable, and he also felt the slightest threat of traps and conspiracies. Sure enough, there were always hidden threats in the Steam City. If you overwrite the whole table boundary in a certain place, you might be trapped.

What made him feel even more chilled was that he had never heard any of this news in the [Suppression Bureau]. Although his rank is low, in terms of paperwork [Lamp Holder], most of the cashiers and transfers Linn can figure out through material and welfare approval.

Either there is a secret department with higher authority in the [Suppression Bureau], or this matter should only be known to a few people above the minister level. Linn is more inclined to the latter, because if there is such a secret department, women The count would surely remind himself.

Lin En is no longer the rookie who just joined the [Suppression Bureau].

Although he didn't have as much information as Sherlock, he could still guess some rough truths. This made Linn lament that he was really in trouble, and there were so many hidden threats in the seemingly peaceful environment.

On the other hand, look at a certain leader of the 25th generation.

After traveling through time, he pretended to be Dihua with the help of gray mist, and his subordinates treated him with respect and mystery. Logically speaking, I could achieve the same situation by overwriting with the Black Holy Grail, but I was directly targeted to death. This is probably fate. Everyone is also a time traveler, but their fate is different.

Fortunately, through this Black Holy Grail overwriting, Lin En has a very intuitive experience in overwriting the surface world, so the next time he overwrites it, it will be much more concealed, under strong control and high-precision convergence. , he can guarantee that he will have no problem even if it is completely overwritten under the nose of the [Suppression Bureau].

The only flaw is that this trip to Beifeng Town has traces of the power of the Black Holy Grail.

However, as time goes by, this trace will slowly dissipate. Moreover, during the autumn hunting season in Beifeng Town, there were a large number of people, and in the previous moment, there were still large chunks of invisible darkness. Lin En felt that even if the law enforcement officers came after him, they would not be able to find him.

Speaking of which, what are those big chunks of shady stuff?

Lin En suddenly remembered this incident. He subconsciously glanced at the Black Holy Grail, and then he met the innocent and confused eyes on his body.

Well, he really lost his mind and actually wanted to find the answer from this seemingly charming and enchanting guy, but actually he was a cute idiot.

But Lin En soon felt something was wrong.

The Black Holy Grail was his half body. If he called her a fool, was he calling himself a fool?

After making a self-complaint, the Black Holy Grail covered her mouth and smiled charmingly. Lin En simply used the recovered thin spiritual power to throw the guy to the bed behind, out of sight, out of mind. It must be said that Lin En's decisive action towards him was quite ruthless, or in other words, he had to be selfish to himself.

Being thrown lightly on the bed, the lace high-waisted underwear was exposed because of the stagger. The angry Black Holy Grail could only raise his pink fist to protest silently against Lin En's capricious self.

The ruthless Lin En's mind was already occupied by Atali.

To be precise, it was occupied by the root of Atali's illness.

This lady was invaded by the alien spirituality in her spine and suspected to have affected her lower limbs. It would take angel-level delicate spiritual operation to heal. Lin En felt that after the full rewrite of the Black Holy Grail, he had the confidence to do it, but he needed to practice.

Not only the training in the rewrite state, but also the boring training of the lepton model in the normal state. Compared with the medical students who studied hard for 5 years and memorized without focus before they could enter the hospital, after a few months of contact with extraordinary medicine, Lin En's level can no longer be described as a mediocre doctor, but should be said to have entered the hall.

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