The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 424 Accidental Son

Although Linn was showing the humor of being an Albionian, sometimes the joke was not a joke. His words were obviously warning Sherlock that this was not the [City of Steam], and he was no longer The previous [Flower Maker] is Sequence 9. If he has any conspiracy, he'd better take it easy.

Otherwise, he would hang the great detective on the wooden frame with the help of Russell's family.

Almost as soon as Linn finished speaking, Sherlock understood what he meant. The great detective secretly cursed Linn's morbid vigilance in his heart.

But at the same time, I think it’s great to have this kind of mentality of seeing something wrong with everything. Those in their profession need this kind of vigilance, otherwise they will suddenly sink to the bottom of the ice cave without even realizing it.

"How is that possible? I'm not talking to you now as an investigator from the [Fate Weaver Bureau]. I'm just a slightly famous detective at this time, a little bit." Sherlock said with a bit of arrogance. His mind had automatically ignored the fact that he was caught by Lin En as a coolie.

Smart detective?

When the surrounding maids who were also unloading the carriage were eavesdropping, their glances at each other seemed to say, "Mom, you're retarded."

"I hope so."

Lynn had no expectations at all for Sherlock's moral integrity. It was questionable how much empathy and compassion a guy who could treat others as characters in his book could have.

It's like running a team. The host will deliberately create many coincidental reversals for the excitement of the story. Even if a lot of NPCs will die, it is worth it for the story.

"Are you interested in learning more about [The Mouth of Stitches]?" Sherlock put down the box and signaled Lin to stop working there. What they were about to say was not suitable for others to know.

Linn did not refuse. He said hello to the girls and followed Sherlock to a deserted and vast grassland. This place was very low-lying and was a good place to kill people and abandon their bodies. After Sherlock came here, he snapped his fingers uneasily and arranged the idler dispelling and sound condensation techniques to ensure that their conversation would not be leaked.

"How much do you know about [The Mouth of Stitches]?"

Sherlock got right to the point.

"The god of destiny, the lord of all changes, plus a little bit of impermanence, he is both a rule and a change." Lin En replied smoothly. This knowledge is well known to everyone, and the truth about [The Mouth of Sutures] in his heart is Reviews are as boring as a dice roll.

"Yes, the great God of Destiny can always get what He wants. At the same time, he does not hesitate to give mysterious probabilities to those who challenge fate, or favor those who are undoubtedly involved in the whirlpool and resist. ." Sherlock echoed, paving the way for what he was going to say next.

Lin En suddenly remembered that Sherlock was the representative of this righteous god.

The agent, as the name suggests, is to walk the earth on behalf of the gods. In ancient times, it had another name, saint. Such people often receive the favor of righteous gods, unintentionally or intentionally, after they achieve something in their careers, and encourage them to continue to make breakthroughs in their careers and become outstanding people.

[Daughter of Cups] will favor beauties or idealists, [Neighing of Strife] will watch over heroic warriors, [Sage of Enlightenment] will bless scholars and philosophers, and [Mother Goddess of Fertility] will love all thriving lives.

Then what kind of person would [Sewing Mouth] like?

The answer is Accidental Child.

Creatures like human beings, during the flickering of quantum fluctuations of carbon-based life, will be as unpredictable as the sea of ​​chaos, with too many surprising possibilities, which will change with the changes in the environment. And some top performers are naturally more prone to exposure to accidents than others.

Sherlock has this calamity physique, and he has also been blessed by the [Mouth of Sutures].

"So when I am entangled in some kind of trouble, everyone involved in the matter will naturally be involved. The thread of fate is invisible and intangible, but it does connect you and me. I am here to remind you that we have It’s troublesome, it’s related to the tantra chapter, and more and more people are focusing on it.”

Lynn sighed.

He knew that the reason why Sherlock came to him so solemnly was because of such an important event as the Tantric Chapter. From the moment he traveled through time, it was already inseparable from the Tantric Chapter.

"Thank you for the good news, Sherlock. Who? Other organizations? Or some madman on a wanted poster?"

"An angel, you should have seen her search warrant. We all call that lady Black Angel." Sherlock was not sure. Lin En couldn't bear the news.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, his purpose is to bring the equally smart Linn to feel the pressure together. Only with strong enough pressure can wary smart people get close and cooperate like real good friends.


Linn did a good job of channeling his surprise into being directed at the angel, not the black angel. The Black Angel obviously refers to the Black Holy Grail, and the little gentleman was almost frightened to the point of cardiopulmonary arrest by the great detective.

Wait a minute, why is the Black Holy Grail related to the [Tantran Chapter]?

Lin's brain was fuzzy and he couldn't figure out the cause and effect relationship here. If it was because of himself that the tantra chapter was related to the Black Holy Grail, he didn't think he could stand here safely without being secretly taken away. If it is said that the Black Holy Grail itself is related to the tantra chapter, wouldn't it be nonsense?

Like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, Linn's brain began to become confused.

"Don't worry, even though it's just an angel..."

"Just?" Linn's tone tended to rise.

"Okay, that's a Sequence 2. It should make you feel better." Sherlock quickly changed his words. He didn't want to scare Linn away just yet.

"No, I don't feel good at all. If there is an angel related to the tantra chapter, the only thing we can do is to stay away. Sherlock, stop the terrible thoughts in your head, no matter what you are thinking "Lynn's acting skills were sky-high in an instant, as he tried to get more information out of this great detective.

In the case of unequal information, Linn once again secretly took advantage of the situation.

"Listen to me, Mr. Moriarty, I am pursuing the Tantra chapter because of maintaining order, and you are exposed to the Tantra chapter because of the mysterious Mr. Umbrella. We are both involved in this matter. There is no way to escape it. It will come to our door one day. Fortunately, [The Mouth of Sutures] has given us a reminder so that we have time to deal with it.”

Sherlock started to lie without conscience. He didn't want to tell Linn that he was entangled because of his relationship.

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