Legend has it that the flower of immortality is at the end of the brave man's path. The fairy who cares for the flower will break off the flower and give it to the true brave man, who will then pull out the holy sword recognized by the gods. Before that, the brave man must accept the test of the philosophers. It has nothing to do with strength or will. Only long-lasting wisdom can be recognized by the philosophers.

This is useful information that Atali pieced together from hundreds of scattered poems.

It looks like poetry.

In fact, this should be about the test that a brave man undergoes before he is recognized. Although Lin En and the others didn't even have a clue of how to accept the test from various stories, being selected itself was a kind of randomness. If you really encountered it by chance, there was no need to worry.

"Judging from the various stories and biographies of brave men, there should be no hope for you with the holy sword in this poem."

Atali didn't know whether she sighed or had expected it. She announced the news while playing with her hair.

But there's more than one bad news.

"Except for the Holy Sword, I guess that if you want to obtain the Flower of Agelessness, you need to be recognized by the fairy who cares for the flower, and this recognition should be related to the so-called communication between philosophers in the poem. What a pity is that so far, I have gone through all the The relevant information, including the family library in my head, could not find what the philosopher's test is."

"Fairy, philosopher, I feel more and more that I have returned to the era of gold." Lin En heard two pieces of bad news one after another, and finally smelled a magical color background from this steam-roaring industrial world.

He may have arrived too late.

If you are in the Shuojin era, you are guaranteed to see the glorious era of swords and magic, wizards and warriors coexisting. It can only be said that Lin En happened to come to an era that was both the best and the worst at the same time.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have looked for the immortal flower and the holy sword from the beginning, so that I wouldn't appear incompetent." Aitali was so depressed that she put away the parchment in her hand. After all her efforts came to an end, Finally, the results were discouraging.

She decided not to waste her energy on divination before going to bed tonight.

Not to mention the splitting headache, the results are inaccurate.

The most important thing is that he was clearly here to monitor Lin En, so why did he end up like this? The more Aitali thought about it, the angrier she felt. She couldn't help but look at Linn with strange eyes. She seemed to be considering whether this fake elf had gone to flirt with flowers and attract bees and butterflies when he left her sight. Should he give it to her? He made some accusations and threw them into Yevni's hands.

Lin En felt the coldness instinctively when she was glanced at by the lady in wheelchair, and she quickly squeezed out a smile and gave her a warm hug.

"The important thing is not the result, but the process. We have worked hard together, no matter what the result is, and what have we gained in the process, right?"

"Harvest? A maniac who is bold and frivolous about ladies?" Atali unknowingly had already treated Linn with the same attitude towards Yevni, and her ruthless and arrogant mouth started to moan, which made people want to stop.

"Ahem, physical touch perception is human beings' pursuit of each other's warmth. What happens to you and me is the need to obey nature, and the real gain should be the resonance of wisdom. Our thinking and spirituality flicker together. It cannot be The miracle of replication.”

Lin En's face was as thick as a city wall.

He has gradually figured out the trick to getting along with Atali, that is, as long as he is shameless enough, then her look of disgust and occasional venomous tongue can be ignored.

The arrogant wheelchair girl will not treat the person she really hates with disgust and arrogance at all, but will simply ignore the person in a gorgeous way. Her personality is dominated by rationality and elegance. Her ability to have emotional fluctuations that she cares about actually means that she has this person in her heart.

Atali unexpectedly approved of Linn's quibble.

Two red clouds slowly appeared on the girl's delicate and fair face, spreading to the base of her fair ears, and her eyes looked away somewhat wanderingly.

The unguarded interaction between two extraordinary beings, allowing their thoughts to resonate and change, is a very intimate and even ambiguous behavior. That feeling is even more obvious for female extraordinary people, as if they are being seen through only a layer of veil.

"Don't tell Ye Fu..."

Aitali whispered in humiliation, feeling like she was being blackmailed.

"Um, I think it should be fine, right?"

Lin En did not understand the deeper meaning, and his face, which was considered shameless in the eyes of the girl in the wheelchair, actually made her so angry that her plump breasts, which were not small in size, rose and fell violently several times. The rare beauty made a certain piling fanatic couldn't help but whistle in his heart.

"Obviously not even Ye Fu has passed." Aitali hit Lin En's shoulder with her head, complaining inexplicably melancholy.

"Ahem, actually there are still some." Lin En communicated across channels again.


This time it was Atali's turn to be shocked. Her face turned red, not from shyness but from anger.

She felt a strong disappointment at first, and then a strange secret joy quickly rose up, as if she suddenly realized that her Valkyrie was not that pure and dignified. The excitement of doing something bad even though it was clearly not the right thing made Atali's breathing thicken involuntarily.

"You, you, you, you, when did you ever do this?"

"Not long ago."

Lin En thought, it didn't take long for him to hug or even kiss his female boss, right after he was released from house arrest. It should be said that that kiss was the beginning of the rapid development of the relationship between the two people.

"I can't believe it, I can't accept it. I'm like a fool. I'm still struggling. It turns out that she has already..." Aitali looked incredulous. She didn't expect that the heroic female knight was having such fun in private. She tried it, but she was still troubled by her own heart.

"what are you saying?"

The young gentleman didn't realize at all that he might have created a big misunderstanding inadvertently. He just felt that Aitali's expression suddenly became richer. It didn't seem like she was angry, but she felt relieved.

"Nothing, Lynn Moriarty, I am ordering you as a lady now, just like ordering a guardian knight." Atali seemed to be gritting her teeth, but her beautiful eyes were bright, and she took out a formal term.

"Please speak."

Lin En couldn't help but correct his attitude. Comparing the noble lady to the guardian knight was a very serious matter.

"From this moment on, what you want to do to me must be done double to Ye Fu. Similarly, what you want to do to Ye Fu must be done double to me. If you can't do it or there is something to hide, I will talk to Ye Fu." I’ll break you down together!”

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