The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 45 Infinitely Close to Death

Only by being infinitely close to death can we understand the true meaning of life!

Linn's brain has never been so full of potential as it is now. The embarrassing situation he is facing now is a multiple-choice question that will cost him his life.

Eveni's suspicious gaze has already been cast on her, and Linn can show it to the vice-captain by just turning the lip print on the cup on his wrist. But the question also arises, what can Yevni do even if she sees it?

Would she go and protest righteously to Amiste?

Even thinking with your buttocks, you can conclude that in the land of this veritable female lord, Yevni will keep this matter vague for the sake of the overall situation. The only result of doing this is that there is a high probability that he will offend this beautiful mature woman who took the initiative to hand over the tea, and the hint was extremely obvious.

Such a choice was undoubtedly a foolish act. It did not bring good favor to the countess, and threw away the good intentions of the other party at her feet.

In this case, the only choice he had was to accept it.

'What a terrible woman...'

Lin En completed his thinking and weighing in an instant. Under Yevni's puzzled gaze, he put his lips to the cup without changing his expression and took a sip of the nectar tea with an elegant movement.

When Linn took a sip of tea in a natural movement, he placed the cup back on the small table.

The trace of lavender lipstick that was originally printed on the edge of the cup had disappeared and was erased by Linn without leaving a trace. His calm and calm response to the crisis made the countess who noticed the change enjoy admiring it in her eyes. The meaning is more intense. Only Yevni was keenly aware that there seemed to be whispers between Lin En and Amiste, but she didn't know how the two reached a tacit understanding.

Eveni's hands under the table couldn't help but tighten a little.


She was not angry at Linn, but at Lord Amiste. We obviously know that the third team of [Lamp Holder] finally has excellent newcomers joining the team, but why is there such an obvious poaching behavior. Even if you really like Linn, you can't do this. The Earl's Manor has already hired some Beyonders. Is Linn still short of half a Sequence 9?

"how is the taste?"

Amiste glanced at the serious Yevni out of the corner of her eye and asked Linn as if nothing had happened.

"tastes good."

Lin En was lying with his eyes open. He was so focused on thinking that his brain automatically ignored whether the nectar tea he drank was sour or sweet. It was no different from drinking boiled water.

If he had to talk about fragrance, I'm afraid he only smelled the fragrance from the flower fields, which was also the alluring and mature body fragrance of the Countess.

Rounding things off, didn’t he kiss...

Lin En, who was still struggling and dumbfounded, didn't notice Yevni's increasingly cold and charming face at all. The poor child's first day at work was particularly exciting.

"Let's talk about that little thing. How about things other than the agreement between me and the [Suppression Bureau] also follow the law of equivalent exchange? Only when you pay will you gain, just like a gardener's flower field in full bloom."

Changing to a sitting position that was still seductive and charming, half of the heavy weight of her chest was placed on the small table as if to show off. Amiste glanced at the two of them and made her request.

Lin En secretly glanced at the astonishing curvature, and he felt that Yevni was also qualified to let go.

It's just that the Vice-Captain, who is serious and as serious as a straight saber, will definitely not be as charming as the countess. It can be said that the characters and behaviors of these two people are naturally easy to deal with, and Amiste is obviously the best at showing off her own charm.

"What do you need?" Seeing the Countess making a request, Yevni pushed forward.

Lin En was a little confused. This beautiful rich woman was not short of money or things. She could live with her property and land for ten lifetimes without any problem. How could she make a deal with her?

'etc! ’

Having just done something ambiguous that the two of them knew well, Linn instinctively had an ominous premonition.

Could it be that?

"Hehehe~~ Captain Yevni, it's not what I need, but what can you provide me?" Amiste laughed so hard that her branches trembled, and the astonishing whiteness flashed across her skirt, which made Linn move quickly. Open your eyes. She lacked almost everything, so it would definitely not be that simple to trade.

"What do you mean?" Eveni was a little confused.

The countess smiled and said nothing, but her subtle gaze fell on Lin En with a pointed look, as if her talking eyes were conveying some ambiguous and provocative signals.

Lin En's green eyes were dull after being so strongly hinted, and she had no hesitation in pretending to be ignorant of the world. She didn't understand what the countess was expressing when she looked at him. How could he dare to speak at this time? Did he really think he was the king of the harem? Being involved in such a situation would most likely displease both parties. It would be a waste!

Yevni's expression was a little angry.

"Your Excellency Amiste, even if we [Lamp Holders] are incompetent, we will not use our subordinates as bargaining chips in transactions." Her anger was instantly aroused, and Yevni's tone and words were much harsher. She felt that her The countess' dignity was offended.

Nobles attach great importance to dignity and face.

Even if this group is heavily in debt, they still have to maintain their appearance, because this is the only thing that distinguishes them from the lower class.

"Oh? Miss Yevney, did you misunderstand something?"

Amiste blinked a little innocently, as if she didn't understand why Yevni was suddenly angry.


"Oh, Miss Yevney is really..." The Countess suddenly realized and smiled sweetly, her eyes rovingly looking at Yevni and Linn. "...How could I make such a shameless request? Or in your opinion, Miss Yevney, Her Excellency Amiste is such a shameless woman~~"

The countess cleverly defeated an entire army. Yevni, who was still angry at first, couldn't help but feel a little dazed and guilty. As an extraordinary person, her momentum was gradually suppressed by the ordinary countess.

The two of them are not at the same level at all.

Lin En, who was a bystander, saw all this and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The countess is a master at pretending to be stupid, but Yevni is not as good as her in this regard. It may be due to her personality. Her words that were originally just words turned into slander. Now it is Yevni's turn to have a headache.

If it were Lin En who was Evonne, she would definitely not continue to argue with the countess about this issue. Instead, she would change the topic or bite her back. Anyway, it would be better if she didn't suffer a loss, otherwise the countess would take her away from her throughout the entire process.

It can also be seen from the side that Yevni has no knowledge in this area.

"I didn't mean that..." Yevni's momentum weakened to the point where she lowered her head slightly. This silly girl was still struggling with the issue of whether it was slander or not.

"Since Miss Yevney made the mistake unintentionally, you might as well listen carefully to her trading requirements." Instead of pursuing the situation, Amiste took advantage of the situation and turned the topic back to the transaction, controlling the whole process. "Since the transaction was proposed by Mr. Lin En, it is reasonable for him to pay the chips, right?"

The charming Amiste secretly winked at Linn with her seductive eyes.

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