The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 455 People’s hearts are floating

The Labor Party and the Laurel Party take turns in power, and relying on votes to gain power is a political feature of Albion. It represents the conflict between old and new forces in the political arena. Both the advantages and disadvantages are actually relatively obvious. Therefore, people are more willing to curry favor with the civil servants who have been handling national affairs for a long time than the politicians in the upper and lower houses.

During the period when the Laurel Party was in power, a continental war was fought.

Logically speaking, a war of this unprecedented scale would bring unprecedented new order and new benefits afterwards. However, this war was so badly fought that the cabinet would definitely have to step down and be reorganized.

The Laurel Party, a group headed by the old aristocrats, naturally has an advantage over the Labor Party in looking at the nouveau riche. Now that the Labor Party has come to power to take over the stall, the Laurel Party feels a sense of frustration and frustration when the cake they have worked so hard to make for a long time is suddenly handed over to someone they look down on, even though the cake they made is pretty bad.

So it's predictable.

In the coming period, with the Laurel Party officially handing over power and handing over many fat jobs to the Labor Party, the moment of testing will come. Whether the Labor Party can hold on to these rights, instead of disbanding and stepping down amid various scandals, some people who are extremely dissatisfied with the damage to their own interests are ready to give the Labor people a bit of color and let them know that even if they are Even though he has stepped down, he still cannot be underestimated.

Leonardo should just be an unlucky guy.

After all, this life...

To be honest, it's quite rough. Compared with all the old foxes in this camp, they can be regarded as playing cards. But just because it was rough and direct, it was effective. On the contrary, Leonardo, who was caught in the trick, needed to re-examine it.

He is one of the faces of the Labor Party.

From a poor boy to a powerful person, this is a living golden sign. As long as this sign stands there, the Labor Party will be able to harvest the power spontaneously provided by countless people in the middle and lower classes. If this sign is smashed, it will still be troublesome, and people will lose confidence in it. It is almost like a promise that has gone bankrupt invisibly.

After all, since its establishment, the Labor Party has always claimed that it is different from the Laurel Party and that it is the aristocracy of the new era. You, the noble face of the new era, have been exposed for playing the same tricks as the old nobles. Why don't you slap yourself in the face?

Cynthia didn't analyze these with Lin En, and she didn't seem to be a player in this area. These were all Lin En thought about little by little afterwards, and roughly guessed that they were based on the tacit understanding between the two parties. This matter should not continue to cause turmoil. The purpose of throwing dirty water has been achieved. If it continues, it will be endless. There cannot be such an extremely fierce partisan struggle at this time. After all, everyone has to eat first.

The female barbarian emphatically mentioned the security information to Lin En.

When the incident happened last night, she felt something, a very vague and slight flicker on the body. After thinking about it with that brain that has more muscles than brains, I looked like I was thinking that this matter was fraudulent. The person who set Leonardo up must have used something extraordinary and related.

As the front figure of the Labor Party's autumn hunt, Leonardo cannot be sociable and huddled in a tent like a nerd. His walking around and being drunk give others opportunities to take advantage of him.

Linn understood Cynthia's hint immediately.

If it was an ordinary murder case, Linn would just watch the fun at most. However, if the murder case involves the infringement of extraordinary power, Lin En, who is the official member of the [Suppression Bureau], has reason to reasonably intervene. Although he is the law enforcer of [Steam City], regulations are dead and people are alive, there is always a way to get around them.

Besides, there is no need for Linn to restrain his hands in this matter.

Taking pleasure in this was too unworthy of the nobility, and there was a chain of contempt among the nobility. Madam Cynthia was a little disgusted by this underhanded method. Many people also felt that they had been treated as fools by the person who was responsible for the situation, and they felt unhappy. Of course, Linn was quite suspicious. What she really disliked was the strategy. If two people threw their white gloves at each other like knights to duel, this guy might hold up the barbecue and wine and shout loudly: Beat, beat the motherfucker!

After finishing her nonsense, the female troll happily threatened the head maid. Ten seasoning packets can be used for a long time, enough for her to hold a barbecue party every night.

Lin organized his thoughts, thought for a moment, and walked towards a bearded man dressed as a sheriff.



Giving full play to the social advantage of his appearance, he was quickly stunned by his somewhat dazzling beauty and long, difficult sentences to the small town Sheriff who was guarding the scene, and gave the initiative of the conversation to him. Mr. Little. Linn also learned the general situation from the mouths of these sheriffs.

"That pretty girl lost her life in that tent. When I and a few people were watching, her clothes were torn so much that you could see her hair, and the food she brought with her fell to the floor."

The language was a bit vulgar, and the order and spelling of the words were so bad that it made people want to pull out his teacher and beat him up. The Sheriff wore his helmet sideways. His appalling image, in addition to appearing incompetent and incompetent, made Lin En, who was deeply influenced by anti-Japanese dramas, always think of the Japanese Japs.

After being coaxed by Lin En as the spokesperson of the Russell family, these two devils showed their habit of trying to please these powerful people from the city.

That weird sense of déjà vu always made Lin En feel like a Japanese soldier interrogating the second Japanese soldier where the Eighth Route Army was.

"It's such a pity for that girl. She has those kind of marks under her clothes, you know the marks."

The other sheriff shook his head and sighed, showing a wasted attitude.

"The knife, it was the knife that killed her. There was really a lot of blood."

"The gentleman was still helping her stop the bleeding. Maybe he didn't expect it. He was also very panicked and asked us to ask for help. But let me tell you, this woman is also ignorant. She was lucky enough to be chosen. How could she be stupid. "

The two police officers who were responsible for keeping an eye on this area were talking to each other, and soon the topic got twisted. They didn't think Leonardo had done anything wrong, but he did something stupid to the village girl Aya. Feel puzzled.

Not much useful information has been released yet.

A figure behind Linn suddenly stuck his head out, and continued to explain what the sheriffs were saying with the posture of a close old friend.

"It seems that the scene has been severely damaged. Of course, I don't have any expectations for the security forces here to protect the scene. In addition, I just went to investigate the girl Aya. Her family situation seems to be There happened to be an extra amount of money recently, which can help tide over the difficulties." Sherlock took out his work ID and badge and waved it in front of the sheriff.

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. I am a detective and would be happy to assist you."

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