Although Amiste is a shrewd woman who does not suffer any disadvantages, she still gives others free and easy choices. In the flower pavilion, what Lin En and Yevni talked about the most was work issues.

As the leader of the third team of [Lamp Holder].

Eveni was as optimistic about Lynn as Bill was. Lynn's contribution in assisting the investigation in the previous incident was mainly to clear him of the accusations. Strictly speaking, there was still a bit leftover. The on-site investigation with Bill this time has progressed very quickly, and the perverted murderer has been vaguely identified.

If all goes well, there's no doubt that Lynn has her ticket to that extraordinary door.

Besides, Linn is already half of Sequence 9.

Being promoted to Sequence 9 saves a lot of sex material compared to other ordinary people who have no foundation. After Ye Fenni finished chatting about the problem of a certain pretty widow, she asked Lin En to pay attention to the promotion matter. Regardless of whether the [Lamp Holder] branch is There are many consultants and relevant files.

What an extraordinary promotion.

After learning about the current composition of the third team of [Lamp Holder], Lin En was not surprised that the promotion opportunity was so close to him.

When the leader tells you that he wants to promote you, there are usually two situations. One is that you are reliable and you are indeed going to be promoted. You can celebrate it to celebrate, but don't slack off on the work at hand and don't follow the truth. The other kind is unreliable. The leader is trying to paint a pie for you and treats you like a donkey chasing carrots. This kind of person can touch and run away whenever you can.

Evonne is obviously not an unreliable leader.

Lin En waited for her reminder in the flower pavilion and then said that he would pay attention to this issue after he finished the work at hand. Of course, Ye Fenni was very satisfied with this answer. Subordinates know how to advance and retreat. As a boss, you don't have to worry. That's simply I am extremely happy.

The steward of Youtou Noodles ended the harmonious chat between the two.

The countess is already ready in the study, and Linn can go there. As for the team leader, Yevni, because she needs to review the monthly process, she cannot go to the study room with Lin En. The [Lamp Holder] only comes to collect sex material once a month, so there must be additional benefits. .

The bourgeois bureaucracy is simply not something you are too familiar with.

If you don't give benefits to those on the front line, do you still expect to be able to manipulate them? Then just wait until what you want to do is full of loopholes. Politics is about promises. If your promises are not fulfilled, others will raise prices.

"Don't be rude."

Eveni, who already knew Lin En's work ability, had only this instruction for him.

As long as Linn didn't suddenly go crazy and act obscenely and offend the countess, a little mistake would be fine. At present, the chance of Linn going crazy is almost zero. He is not only smart but also has a very calm temperament.

"Don't worry, I'll see you later."

Lin En looked back at the beautiful and dreamy flower field with some reluctance. The Black Holy Grail in his body became much lower after leaving the garden. Maybe one day he would be able to understand the unique rhythm of sex.

Just not now.



Compared to the beautiful flower field that Lynn was obsessed with, he was not so surprised by the mansion in the countess's manor. It was very similar to the structure in the show "Downton Abbey" that Lynn watched before traveling through time. It can only be said that the shape is very elegant, the style is typical of the Victorian style, and it is the standard feature of the manors of the rich in this era.

The oily-haired and pink-faced steward seemed to be quite critical of Lin En's unofficial clothes.

Along the way, he glanced at Lynn's simple shirt and trousers many times.

She probably wanted to put him in a vest, coat and top hat right away, along with a set of instructions on court etiquette, and then let this young gentleman, who was not very well-dressed, go see the countess.

This was no joke. Linn felt that the steward glanced at him several times and seemed to have the urge to speak. He offered to help him tidy up his appearance, but he endured it with his own willpower.

Linn couldn't help laughing.

At first, when he looked at this guy with oily hair and pink face, he thought he would be the kind of mean and difficult character, but he judged people based on their appearance. It turned out that he was just a steward with some obsessive appearance.

For his unofficial visit, Mr. Lin En could only say sorry in his heart. Next time he had the opportunity to visit him, he would definitely attend in formal attire.

Before the gentleman's willpower failed to overcome his obsessive-compulsive disorder, they finally reached the study room.

Turning around and standing still, the steward was obviously relieved.

He spoke with some pain as he tried not to let his eyes fall on Lin En.

"Your Majesty the Earl is waiting for you in the study. I am here to await your orders."


The cost-free smile investment that Lin En has always pursued did not work this time. After all, smiling cannot be effectively conveyed into the heart when obsessive-compulsive disorder attacks. At this time, Lin En knows that it is best for the manager to disappear from his sight. At least it wouldn't be a bad thing if he couldn't see it anymore.

Pushing open the study door, Linn saw Amiste kneeling on a chair and holding a book backwards. The exaggerated arc that protruded made him exclaim inwardly.

‘What a big bonnet! ’

"Mr. Linn, you're here." Without realizing how lethal her gesture was, the Countess reached out and took down a book from the bookshelf, smiling at Linn and waving.

Amiste always smiles with a charming charm, and there are many hazy waves flowing in her phoenix eyes.

"About [decay] and [registration]..." Lin En was interrupted by the countess just as she started.

"Do you really want to talk to me about business?" Amist looked at Linn with some resentment, as if she was blaming the young man for not understanding the charm.

Lin En's clear green eyes were a little fascinated, but he quickly stabilized his swaying thoughts.

"Your Excellency, when I am working, I am the [Lamp Holder] clerk." The implication is that when I am not working, I am Lynn Moriarty. That is my private time.

"This dedicated young gentleman is really hard to bear to scold."

The charming countess smiled even more intensely, and the sweet body fragrance emanating from her body made Lin En at the desk feel refreshed, as if she could smell the warm fragrance of the flower field again.

"Then, the lucky little gentleman who is not only dedicated but also smart, come forward and ask me. Am I that scary? I won't eat you~~"

Linn's eyelids twitched, feeling that there was something in Amiste's words. He took two steps forward obediently and stood in front of the desk. Looking down, there was already a lot of information on the table. The Countess' preparation seemed to be complete. Linn even saw something similar to an account book. This thing was not something that could be looked at casually.

Is she acting as a test? Or do you really love yourself and don't care?

It’s really unpredictable.

"Don't be shy, come closer and look closer. How can you see clearly from so far away~~?" Lazy, half-lying on the table, she spread out a book. The countess placed her center forward, seeming to invite Lin ambiguously. Enmin got closer and saw it more clearly.

What a great evil!

Lin En looked solemn, this evil is worth fighting!

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