The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 477 Eye-catching

While looking at the history of the Elf Empire in the library, Linn was curious about how the Elf people relied on to sprint into the era of the magical universe. The answer is that each of them has enough time to communicate with the will of nature and build a spirit model. Over time, the number of extraordinary people is extremely terrifying.

Especially when there are no serious war losses, it can be regarded as three high-tech troops holding back high-level arms at home.

Even watching the elves being killed one by one during the Elf Civil War, Linn's heart felt like it was bleeding. One is that every elf looks good. When the two armies are facing each other, you might even think that the handsome ones are fighting in flying boats. Another is that because of longevity and low fertility, almost every elf is proficient in at least two to three skills. This does not include the construction of the spirit child model. In other words, if there is an elf of that era as a teacher, With his ability and patience, he can be said to be the best teacher.

But it's a pity that the elf is dead.

Those who are not dead are all going to the star world to play big sailing. The remaining demigod in Avalon, Lin En thought, should not be so bold as to be able to invite people to come over and be his teacher. Even the Extraordinary system is not exactly the same, so it may not be possible to trade with the Black Holy Grail.


The demigod seemed to be on the verge of losing control, and the cold collapse she was talking about might have something to do with losing control.

However, Linn thought about it again. Judging from the performance of the demigod, it didn't look like he was crazy, but rather like he was mechanized, executing the procedures step by step without a hitch. Lin En interrupted and changed her topic in another direction, which did not make her situation more serious.

People and machines are different.

When encountering an unsolvable problem, people will give up or simply stop thinking, but machines cannot. It is set to think. The logic program will directly get stuck and repeat the process, causing the machine to do something wrong. Something terrible happened.

For example, if a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice and asks the housekeeping robot to cook without giving her the ingredients, and repeatedly inputs this command to let it find a way to solve the problem, the housekeeping robot may finally choose to chop people into pieces and use them as raw materials to make dishes.

In retrospect, a gust of cool wind happened to blow by, and Lin En suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He seemed to have died.

If the elf demigod really has a problem with his thinking and throws her logic out of an infinite loop, any fluctuation can melt him.

Sitting on the hanging net and dangling, Lin unconsciously twisted her buttocks to make her whole body sway with the occasional autumn wind. Holding his head, he quickly stretched and lay down on his side. From this shaky field of vision, the young gentleman happened to be able to see the Autumn Hunting Camp below from a high position.

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, which is extremely bright and beautiful. Even compared to the magical scenes in the astral world, the faint beauty is not far behind. The lights in the camp were extinguished a little, and it looked very dark at first glance. With Lin's sharp vision like an eagle, even from such a distance, he could clearly identify the details of a person's clothing under the moonlight.

It’s like having a pair of fair and aged buttocks…

I happened to see an old man having fun with a woman. The heavy scene made Linn couldn't help but look like the old man on the subway with his cell phone. Sometimes, it's not a good thing to have too sharp eyes.

In order to avoid Mrs. Cynthia and sneak out to hang up a hanging net, Lin En noticed something interesting about himself.

It seems that in a quiet place, my perception will be stronger.

Probably two points stronger than usual.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the ability of the ears to capture sounds has really improved a lot. On a high slope some distance away, he can still vaguely recognize the meaning of the sounds in the camp. If he had this ability in normal times, his head would probably explode. The self-adjustment of a perfect body is really amazing.

"You can't touch it anymore. You have to do some work. Otherwise, if I don't notice anything, Sherlock will definitely laugh at me..."

As if he thought of something unacceptable, Lin En, who had just stretched and was about to take a nap for a while, got up again. While thinking about the legacy of the elven civilization, he clasped his hands naturally in front of him, and soon Wisps of spirituality followed Lin En's meditative state and began to spread from his body, towards the hunting ground.

Lynn's senses couldn't reach that far.

He is just a sequence 8.

But as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more methods than difficulties. These days in the camp, Linn is also studying this land that is friendly to him while having fun with Amiste.

[Lake Fairy]'s perception of vegetation can actually be vaguely felt in this hunting ground. It's just that unlike human beings' intuitive emotions, the emotions here are too chaotic and complicated, and they are also very weak. A more vivid metaphor is that Linn was probably having a conversation with dozens of mentally retarded people at the same time.

For example: they may not pay attention to the emotions you convey at all, or if you try to understand which direction to convey what, you will be knocked down by the rapid changes in emotions.

That feeling is really dizzying.

So often during sage time, Lin En would carefully study the emotions of these vegetation clusters, and by the way, test the emotions of these guys when faced with different sexual phases.

Although the release of simple emotions such as grass and trees is very strange and changes extremely quickly at the same time, they are still very sensitive to changes in the living environment, including the emergence of other sexual phases.

In the face of the [blazing] phase, an appropriate amount of [blazing] phase can make the collective emotions exude a happy vitality, but if it is aggravated to a certain extent, it will produce feelings of resistance to the [blazing] phase. If it is as heavy as the sun If exposed to the sun, it will give the illusion of being burned to death.

Lin En has used his own spiritual radiation to practice with this large area of ​​vegetation in the past few days. It is a bit like how humans tame animals, giving benefits and using spiritual mobilization. Then these flowers, plants and trees, which are simpler than the thinking of animals, almost directly become his. Being a slave, mobilizing instinct is very simple and easy.

If the plastic demon wants to attack something in the camp, then the moment it attacks, the vegetation everywhere will have a violent stress response to the sudden surge of sexual appearance and spirituality.

Just like a spider's web, when prey hits it, a vibration is transmitted to the spider's sensory system. The spirituality of the plants and trees that Lin En now has a pervasive influence on is like the main road of the spider web that spreads out, and the simple emotions released by the groups of plants and trees in different directions can be contained.

Only then did he fight like the [Lake Fairy].

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