"A different answer~~ It depends on whether the young gentleman standing in front of me can please me. After all, only a humorous gentleman can win the heart of a lady, right?"

The charming countess smiled particularly happily. From the moment they met until now, Linn finally found out her weakness.

As long as a person has desires, there is weakness.

How could Linn still not understand that Lord Amiste's competitive spirit was aroused by her at this time? This was still her territory, her private manor. In this environment as the master, she naturally wanted to do something. End with victory.

From an emotional point of view, Linn wanted to overwhelm her again and let the countess stop looking down on her.


"I surrender."

Raising his hands without hesitation, Linn suppressed his male competitiveness and instead made a French military salute.

"Oh?" The countess narrowed her eyes in displeasure. This was not the victory she wanted. If Linn didn't give him a good explanation, she would be angry.

It is a very terrible thing for the Earl to become angry. No one is willing to bear the anger of this [Steam City] Rose.

"As a true gentleman, you should respect the authority of the master of this place and the heart of respecting the lady, instead of being like a slave in the Colosseum until the last drop of blood is shed. We are all born in civilization, aren't we? Amiste Your Excellency." Lin En answered seriously, her bright green eyes gazing at the charming owner of the manor.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the study became warm and pleasant, as if the most intoxicating spring had arrived.

Amiste's somewhat displeased expression was immediately smoothed away by the spring breeze. She stared at the handsome and radiant Lin En, her plump lips forming a smile of appreciation and joy.

"You really make me hate you. Why can't I do anything to you?"

"My pleasure."

Lin En looked down and smiled shyly, feeling somewhat flattered. The well-behaved and well-educated boy was indeed liked by his elder sisters. At the same time, he couldn't help complaining about the rich woman who was eyeing him.

‘It’s a bullshit honor. I’m still a minor. If in a society governed by the rule of law, you won’t be able to reap the benefits, call the police and send you away happily. ’

Complaints are complaints, but Lin En was still very satisfied and happy to be loved by such a beauty. This was his insignificant vanity.

"My little gentleman, let me ask you a question. Do you know what channels there are to become a Sequence 9?"

The satisfied countess brought the topic back, and Linn finally made her happy.

"I don't know everything." There is nothing to say about this. Lin En already knows that he can earn a promotion from the [Suppression Bureau] by earning merit.

"The military, the royal family, the church, various extraordinary organizations, and your unit are also among them. In addition to these, if you are talented enough, or delve into extraordinary techniques, or even just lucky, you can become a Sequence 9. Platform Although there are many, the most indispensable thing if you want to truly achieve extraordinary things is the magic potion, and the formula of the potion is the most important.”

The countess listed many channels at once, making Linn understand clearly.

So what if he was lucky enough to get his sex status? Without professional potions, he could only touch the door, but he couldn't really push it open and reap the scenery behind it. There is no magic potion formula. If you want to find a career that suits your personality from many materials, this difficulty is completely comparable to that of scholars in the Shuojin era starting from scratch.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, it will turn into a living terror.

"You have the potion recipe."

Lin En thought of the Countess' financial resources and affirmed clearly in her heart.

"Who knows~~" Amiste did not answer directly, but her charming face clearly said yes.

Recipes are more important than materials and can even measure the heritage of an organization. The countess's ability to obtain the magic potion formula is not only due to her strong financial resources, but also to her generous investment. The [Suppression Bureau] can be said to be her natural umbrella. Who knows what interests she has tied up with other forces.

Linn's heart was moved in every way.

The pounding of his heart had a tendency to speed up, and the Countess' appreciation and intimate attitude made him really unable to help himself.

With a trace of crimson on her fair face, Linn took a deep breath and prepared to speak.

"Okay, the deal is over, don't forget Qiugari's agreement, I hope my little gentleman can be more careful in this regard."

Unexpectedly, Amiste raised her hand to interrupt Linn at this time. The feeling of being about to come out but having to hold it back made Linn's expression management system lose its response.

on purpose! She definitely did it on purpose! !

Linn roared in his heart. At this moment, he really wanted to rush over, grab Amiste's neck and push her to the floor. Then he took out the whip and whipped her until she cried and begged for mercy, and she obediently took the potion. Tell the recipe. But Lin En couldn't. Putting everything aside, his reason and emotions were telling him that she studied extraordinary people. Even though she was not an extraordinary person, it didn't mean that she didn't have a trick or two.

If he really did that, he would be seeking his own death.

"I will, ma'am."

In the end, the anger turned into depression, and Linn said goodbye politely. He turned around and left the study with a helpless figure. This shrewd and beautiful mature woman finally really won him for once.

After Lin En moved away, the itchy, charming and joyful laughter came from the study.

The countess laughs much more today than ever before.

Amiste stood behind the study window and looked at Linn's leaving figure. Her green onion-like fingers were between her lips. The scattered sunlight fell on her face and decorated her bright face. She just stood there and watched. Linn's back continued until he completely disappeared from sight.

"Well, what should I do?"

Like a little girl falling in love for the first time, the Countess asked an emotional question.



"How is the result?"

Having already received the materials for the [Lamp Holder] this month, Ye Feni saw Lin En being led over by the steward, and her tall and tall figure turned towards him.

"Let's talk on the way."

Lin En had already sorted out his mood, and he happened to have some things to ask Yevni on the way.

"We can't talk about it on the road. I just received Bill's copper bird." Yevni shook her head and pointed to a carriage that was ready next to her. "His letter said that he has found the pervert's real place of work. I have to go there. You can take the information you got back to the branch for sorting and consultation."

"Is the workplace dangerous?" Lin En was a little reluctant. He knew that he might not be able to continue participating in the investigation after returning to the branch.

It's just that I don't want to get stuck in half the process.

"No one knows where the danger will come from. You are just a clerk now. If there is any accident, we may not be able to take care of you, Linn."

Eveni patted Lin En's shoulder solemnly, and her heroic face softened a little.

"The pen you are currently using in the office can write victory for us."

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